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FeBREWary NC Thread! FeBREWary NC Thread!

02-03-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Will you two stop flirting? Tnx
lol if they ever meet shes going to slap him, he'll slap her back...then they'll just starting making out or something. Anger and lust go hand in hand itt.
02-03-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
lol if they ever meet shes going to slap him, he'll slap her back...then they'll just starting making out or something. Anger and lust go hand in hand itt.
Um...I already met him IRL, none of ^^^ happened.

You guys watch wayyyyyyyyy too many chick flicks. It has clearly warped your thinking.

OK, new subject...Fish, what'cha doing?
02-03-2010 , 01:48 PM
You guys watch wayyyyyyyyy too much porn. It has clearly warped your thinking.
there you go....
02-03-2010 , 01:53 PM
So you're saying that pornos and chick flicks have the same plots...

Don't tell katy purple...
02-03-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
Um...I already met him IRL, none of ^^^ happened.

You guys watch wayyyyyyyyy too many chick flicks. It has clearly warped your thinking.

OK, new subject...Fish, what'cha doing?
Basking in the glow of a man who had a little Sexytime last night. So, I am a very happy man today and it would take a lot to ruin that.

I love you Hobby, Please don't be mad at me.

Originally Posted by diebitter
Just turn your PC into a media server if you've got a PS3 or XBox wired to the internet imo. It's fairly easy.
Would this work with a Wii? And, how do you make a PC a Media server? Is this what the TVersity does?
02-03-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
So you're saying that pornos and chick flicks have the same plots...

Don't tell katy purple...
Romance is just women's porno. They're both equally unrealistic and objectifying; each just takes care of the fantasies of a different sex.

I couldn't let a good fight die down early
02-03-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
that being said...
Dom has old man balls.
Hey at least he can dump and cool off at the same time. Don't knock it. That's about the best life gets for an old man on a hot summer's day.
02-03-2010 , 02:12 PM
It's not as simple on a Wii as they didn't not go for the media center out of the box. The two options I've seen is Orb, which is a free server you run off your computer and then can access it anywhere from the internet, so you use the Wii's browser to stream the video. The other option is PlayOn, I haven't looked much into it as it costs money. Another option is to crack the Wii and install the Homebrew channel and then you can do lots of thing like actually use it as a DVD player.
02-03-2010 , 02:13 PM
once all you young bastards get to be my age you'll wish you looked as good as I do!

And my balls are quite compact and lovely, than you.
02-03-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by M8Ludi
I have found your avatar interesting and since I know absolutely nothing about Lady Gaga, (except for a lady friend whose son dances with the troupe) I took a look at the Bad Romance video.
It brought to mind a recent Michael Jackson thread where there seems to be a demarcation line between those who think these folks have talent and those who do not and argue that if you take away the visuals; there is no music. There is no there, there.
The video is certainly compelling the first couple times even if I didn't hear much of what I would classify as music. Admittedly, my tastes are never mainstream.
Her tattoos also repulsed me. My tattoo mantra is; A very frivolous and uninteresting person gets a tattoo in order to become a more interesting person. The result is, a very uninteresting person with a tattoo that won't come off.
As I said, I am never mainstream. I would find that too embarrassing.
Nice avatar though.
I wish you woud've posted this into the Lady Gaga thread. However, you fail to note that many musicians had a gimmick and lasted a long time. Elvis was very provocative in his day. Jimi Hendrix, Kiss, David Bowie, Ozzy Ozbourne, etc, etc. etc.

I also dissect how she has more talent than other artists (especially Kanye West) in the other thread. With all this said, if you would like to continue this conversation, keep it in the other thread.

Originally Posted by HobbyHorse

It's pretty cringe-inducing and tiresome that you constantly feel the need to talk about when you're having sex/sexxy time with your wife. Do you not keep anything private?
Maybe if you read his stuff, you would know how to keep a man pleased and not be single.
02-03-2010 , 02:26 PM
hey daveT - how is YOUR girlfriend doing?
02-03-2010 , 02:27 PM
Oh what a morning!
02-03-2010 , 02:31 PM
02-03-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
So you're saying that pornos and chick flicks have the same plots...

Don't tell katy purple...
Well one's love stories for men, and one's love stories for women.
02-03-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
hey daveT - how is YOUR girlfriend doing?
I don't know, actually. I swear she was on plenty of fish, but apparently that doesn't include my fishing pole. Care to meet up in LA and test each other out?
02-03-2010 , 02:34 PM
I appreciate you trying to get Hobby out of my ass crack, Dave.
02-03-2010 , 02:40 PM
It's funny every time.

Blarg & diebitter,
Agreed, it's just a different target audience.
02-03-2010 , 03:03 PM
i dont know if its that homebrew thing but my buddy has a wii with an external hardrive attached with every game wii's put out as well as the majority of gamecube, 64, snes and nes games.

I was in awe.
02-03-2010 , 03:12 PM
Yeah, you can do that with Homebrew as well. It's the same concept as jailbreaking your iphone.
02-03-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore

The exact shot is at 1:39.

Admit it Dominic--you guys made a pilgrimage there to see the place where this epic struggle was filmed, a sort of second honeymoon.
This site is actually closer to Dom's old stomping grounds in LA. Lots of stuff has been shot there over the years.

Vasquez Rocks

Moviesites entry
02-03-2010 , 05:09 PM
If not for the message boards and her habit of randomly calling on people in class, I might really like my business law professor. Today she used the phrases "hell to the naw" and "butt nasty" in class, and then improvised a song about pulling fire alarms.
02-03-2010 , 05:09 PM
Well, my day got off to a great start today. As a background, I found a new bug in Little ****er's (same guy I ranted about) code again this past Friday. Nothing new there, but at least the bug was new kind of bug and not repeated failure at fixing the same sort of thing. I sent him the input files I was using so that he could replicate the error. He let me know he'd fixed it on Monday afternoon. I get the updates and start the calculations. Today, I come in, see that there have been crashes. You know what inputs caused the crashes? The exact same ****ing set of inputs that caused the last crash. Little ****er told me he had fixed his code without even having the decency to test his code on the same inputs to verify that he'd actually fixed anything. My adviser heard the obscenities from down the hall and came down to my lab from his office to ask me what had gone wrong.
02-03-2010 , 05:19 PM
Do you have the source? I would start doing some diffs to see how much work he's actually putting into this each time he throws it back over the wall. This has gotten beyond silly and to the point where someone really needs to step in. Did your adviser say anything after you explained the situation?
02-03-2010 , 06:06 PM
Yeah, he's calling him in for a meeting on Monday.
02-03-2010 , 06:19 PM
Wookie - is this the side project you're working on or your actual thesis?

If this is just the side project, why can't you just say "fcuk it" and plead that you need time to work on your own thesis to your advisor...couldn't this be an effective end to your headaches because it doesn't seem like the situation is improving at all?
