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Fall LC Thread: Somebody Who's Not Exhausted Think of a Witty Title Fall LC Thread: Somebody Who's Not Exhausted Think of a Witty Title

09-30-2021 , 03:58 PM
It has also been fun watching the Mariners play great baseball and get in a position to possibly make the post season. One more series, at home, against the Angels will tell. Of course other more evil teams (e.g. The Yankees) need to lose for some needed help.
09-30-2021 , 06:48 PM
Yeah. Baseball is big fun. Salvador here in KC
10-01-2021 , 11:05 AM
I don't known if this applies to anyone else, but I have always found it handy to have a beautiful blonde girl who is so protective of you that she will snatch wasps from the air with her bare hands.
10-01-2021 , 04:00 PM
welcome here i think. you will get along great with rebelp.
10-01-2021 , 04:31 PM
Anybody doing sober October this year?
Yeah, me neither Happy Friday!
10-01-2021 , 05:19 PM
Sobriety is for wimps. Indulge this Friday and every day until Armageddon consumes us all.
10-01-2021 , 05:20 PM
Go Mariners! They control their own destiny.
10-01-2021 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Go Mariners! They control their own destiny.
My White Sox will win the World Series this year but am rooting hard for the M's to get in. Screw those east coast teams plus the M's made me a lot of money this year in betting. They were the most consistently underpriced team all season long. Price wasn't quite right tonight but rooting for them anyway.
10-03-2021 , 10:55 AM
Go Red Sox.

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10-03-2021 , 11:53 AM
There's a Wordsworth poem that begins "The world is too much with us," but sometimes the world is too much for us. I believe I can bear almost anything, but I hate to see friends and family suffering, especially when there's so little anyone can do to help.

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10-03-2021 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by John Cole
Go Red Sox.

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Lots of consequential baseball gonna be played today. All of those "it's early" games back in April and May come to roost on the final day. Lots woulda coulda shoulda thoughts going through the minds of all the teams fighting for their lives today.

Go Bears
10-03-2021 , 05:55 PM
Red Sox tied.

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10-03-2021 , 06:39 PM
Red Sox ahead.

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10-03-2021 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by John Cole
Red Sox ahead.

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Congrats! They are in. If they get by the Yankees and the Rays I look forward to beating them in the ALCS
10-04-2021 , 12:15 AM
****. I have two teams in baseball. Toronto and Seattle. ****, I say!
10-05-2021 , 12:41 PM
Having a nice morning so far. Out doing errands, some guy coming out of a store that's being remodeled says, "Hey!".

Didn't recognize him at was somebody who used to live across the street. When they moved out, he was probably late elementary/early middle school age. Now a young man, married, with the first child due in December.

Good to see him again, glad to hear everybody's doing well.

Then, a bit later, a guy was coming out of the bank. Noticed his license plate read 'CARNAL', so I said, 'Nice license plate!'. He told me that's an idiom in Spanish, kind of like 'bro' in USA#n English. That was a nice bit of education.

Super nice here, sunny, pleasant early October day.
10-05-2021 , 10:57 PM
i saw a guy, says hey to me. i say what you gay or something.

saw a license plate says carnival. i say circus. he says what are you a fuggin clown.

normal for a cloudy cool rainy day.
10-05-2021 , 11:27 PM
Red Sox win. All is right with the world for the moment.

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10-06-2021 , 07:12 AM
Circus means circle.
10-06-2021 , 09:46 PM
Hi. Last month I decided to create a new policy in regards to two plus two posting: if I don’t have anything nice to say then I won’t say anything at all. I hope you intellectual gaming theorists enjoy the change in policy.
10-06-2021 , 10:11 PM
if i did that i wouldnt have very many posts.
and zeno would have none.
10-06-2021 , 10:15 PM
I consider "nerd" a term of endearment.

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10-06-2021 , 11:44 PM
so you remember 20 years ago when i called you that. you were taken aback and defended yourself.

time flies, to prove it i threw my watch out the window.
10-07-2021 , 08:29 AM
Just the thing a nerd would remember.

I've just realized that John Cole's undertitle is a reference to Edward Hopper.
10-07-2021 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Just the thing a nerd would remember.

I've just realized that John Cole's undertitle is a reference to Edward Hopper.
It is. And there was a time I was seriously afflicted with insomnia. No longer.
