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would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 would you rather get shot 9 times or 8
View Poll Results: Would You Rather life entire life as...
A 13 year old
46 49.46%
A 63 year old
21 22.58%
A bastard
26 27.96%

11-29-2009 , 05:50 PM
lol nice, I like the ninja behind the skirt
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by mi$ter ILL
samurai's have an ill level of honor and commitment and all that to live up to. disgrace yourself and you have to kill yourself.

ninja's just roll around all invisible stealing and assassinating. ninja ldo.

Drop the mspaint and get back on topic guys!

Ninjas can have all the womanz they want, invisible rapist over-before-you-know-it superfast ninja style.

obv better than having some biatz feed you raw fish.
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 06:22 PM
ninjas assassinate fools, steal some gold.....have gold = have girls ldo.

peace my ninja
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 06:48 PM
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 06:51 PM
and of course...
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 07:10 PM
Well i cant see your second pick jackdaniel so if this is it meh double dip FTW

would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 07:10 PM
samurai ... bc i have a samurai sword
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 07:11 PM
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 08:03 PM

Plot thickens Ninjas up 2-0 on the Sammys
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 08:12 PM
sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
the mental blade cut through flesh and bone
though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
missing the inner heat, life gets colder
oh yes, I have to find my path
no less, walk on earth, water, and fire
the elements compose a magnum opus
my modus is operandi is amalgam
steel packed tight in microchip
on my arm a sign of all-pro
the ultimate reward is honor, not awards
at odds with the times in wars with no lords

a freelancer,
a battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a klan
only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

look, just the air around him
an aura surrounding the heir apparent
he might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
he to the people and land, loyalty
we witness above all to hear this,
sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
set sail to the sun set no second guessing

far east style with the spirit of wild west
the "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
time for the chosen ones to find the best of
noble minds that ever graced the face of
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over

the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by ruffneckTX

Plot thickens Ninjas up 2-0 on the Sammys
that ninja star thing has been in the air now for a while. First samurai has neo super matrix powers and is making it float in mid air?
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 11:31 PM

or samurai

would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-29-2009 , 11:32 PM
ninja for me. not close
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Bagonirix
sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
the mental blade cut through flesh and bone
though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
missing the inner heat, life gets colder
oh yes, I have to find my path
no less, walk on earth, water, and fire
the elements compose a magnum opus
my modus is operandi is amalgam
steel packed tight in microchip
on my arm a sign of all-pro
the ultimate reward is honor, not awards
at odds with the times in wars with no lords

a freelancer,
a battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a klan
only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

look, just the air around him
an aura surrounding the heir apparent
he might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
he to the people and land, loyalty
we witness above all to hear this,
sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
set sail to the sun set no second guessing

far east style with the spirit of wild west
the "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
time for the chosen ones to find the best of
noble minds that ever graced the face of
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over

the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry
do you actually expect someone to read this?
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 12:48 AM
woo i voted with the overwhelming majority
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 01:25 AM
the overwhelming majority of the world are a bunch of tools fyi. majority doesn't mean much.
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 02:47 AM
yea most humans are ****tard neanderthals that deserve to die or be slaves. the minority is where it's at, yo
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 03:51 AM

And the Ninja's win see I told ya ninjas are the bomb
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 04:06 AM
lol @ ninja on cloud + ninja under dress
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by ludacris
the overwhelming majority of the world are a bunch of tools fyi. majority doesn't mean much.
i didnt feel good about it trust me. i thought it would be the other way round.
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 08:32 AM
k shipping the monies but can you put our faces on there and make the samurais win?

oh and some japanese flowers and a little salmon on that sushi plate would be solid

shipitfma,rsxpunk,john beans....john is the ninja
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 09:03 AM
dude... samurai ftw.

Shichinin no Samurai (Seven Samurai) was an awesome film Being a ronin would be awesome. Being a kickass samurai and living by your own rules.
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by JokersAttack
i am a samurai, fwiw

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11-30-2009 , 01:25 PM
samurai and its not close ****ers
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
11-30-2009 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by rsxpunk
k shipping the monies but can you put our faces on there and make the samurais win?

oh and some japanese flowers and a little salmon on that sushi plate would be solid

shipitfma,rsxpunk,john beans....john is the ninja
would you rather get shot 9 times or 8 Quote
