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USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? USA VS REST OF World. Who would win?

11-06-2009 , 11:45 AM

They would sell us all the guns
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by tbhouston

For Pennies on the dollar, They would mass produce all of the guns that we would buy from WalMart
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by buddyholly
I haven't read most of the thread, but lol at thinking there would be a 'winner'.

The futurist article someone linked to is pretty funny. I don't argue about China being a decent way behind, but to say Europe has achieved two at most is ridiculous. Europe is comparable or ahead in economy size (#1), immigration (#5), and aid (#9), and has a huge influence on global brands (#2), technological advancement (#6), culture (#7), and has a number of top universities (#4), although admittedly not as many as the US. And that's not even getting into military power, 'greatest human achievements' and living up to the 'double standard' of superpowerdom, which are all ridiculous to try and compare, nor any of the measures that weren't included - in some of which Europe blows the US out of the water.

Trying to compare places like that, as if there's some set of criteria that define what's better, is ****ing ridiculous, but even funnier when the criteria one side tries to use are stupid and don't even hold up their argument.
You're not backing up your own argument here either, though. You're simply gainsaying another argument. That's no argument in itself. So I'm not sure what we're supposed to take from your post. If you have an argument, go ahead and make it.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by JustCuz
If you took part in and remember back to similar forum discussions at and before the time when the U.S. invaded Iraq, you may recall Europeans talking about how millions of U.S. soldiers would die in a matter of days; how Hussein would never be captured; how U.S. forces would never cross the Euphrates; and how the Iraq war would be the downfall of the U.S. because its military would be decimated. It was the widespread belief among Europeans (and Asians) during that time that the Iraqi military, which had been so difficult for the former Soviet Union to battle, would be a difficult foe for the U.S. military to defeat. After all, the USSR and the U.S. had similar military powers, right? No...not right at all.

People from around the world don't understand just how militarily superior the U.S. armed forces are to those of other states. It's not that these people lack the information they need to realize it; it's that they don't want to believe it because it would scare the hell out of them if they allowed themselves to understand.
Originally Posted by JabrielP
Although i don't necesarrily disagree, your post is a moot point, not relevant to this argument.
It's perfectly and quite clearly on point; however, I think he's getting Iraq mixed up with Afghanistan when he says that the Soviet Union had so much trouble fighting Iraq.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
It's perfectly and quite clearly on point; however, I think he's getting Iraq mixed up with Afghanistan when he says that the Soviet Union had so much trouble fighting Iraq.
You are correct, sir. My bad.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by buddyholly
I haven't read most of the thread, but lol at thinking there would be a 'winner'.

The futurist article someone linked to is pretty funny. I don't argue about China being a decent way behind, but to say Europe has achieved two at most is ridiculous. Europe is comparable or ahead in economy size (#1), immigration (#5), and aid (#9), and has a huge influence on global brands (#2), technological advancement (#6), culture (#7), and has a number of top universities (#4), although admittedly not as many as the US. And that's not even getting into military power, 'greatest human achievements' and living up to the 'double standard' of superpowerdom, which are all ridiculous to try and compare, nor any of the measures that weren't included - in some of which Europe blows the US out of the water.

Trying to compare places like that, as if there's some set of criteria that define what's better, is ****ing ridiculous, but even funnier when the criteria one side tries to use are stupid and don't even hold up their argument.
IMO, it's ridiculous to compare a nation-state (the U.S.) with a political/economic union (the EU) in the first place. A central, unified government makes a huge difference when we're talking about how "powerful" a country is. While the EU treaties and colorful maps and impressive group-statistics give the appearance of unity, the reality is that the EU member states are far from united in many very important ways. Aside from the obvious lack of a common language and nationalism among member-states, just look at the past and ongoing disagreements between EU states regarding the nature and enforcement of their union ties.

As these types of comparisons between the EU and the US get more and more common, we have to remember that EU member-states are still individual members of the international community. They are a team only so far as the benefits of that union bring net gains to each member individually. In the realm of international relations -- and remember that the EU is, by definition, an embodiment of international relations -- the only motivator for action is the acquisition of power by individual states. Each EU member state has the potential of gaining power from its other co-members, and it's not unlikely that this will happen in a substantial enough manner as to cause serious rifts within the EU. This cannot happen to the U.S. That's a big, big difference.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by JustCuz
If you took part in and remember back to similar forum discussions at and before the time when the U.S. invaded Iraq, you may recall Europeans talking about how millions of U.S. soldiers would die in a matter of days; how Hussein would never be captured; how U.S. forces would never cross the Euphrates; and how the Iraq war would be the downfall of the U.S. because its military would be decimated. It was the widespread belief among Europeans (and Asians) during that time that the Iraqi military, which had been so difficult for the former Soviet Union to battle, would be a difficult foe for the U.S. military to defeat. After all, the USSR and the U.S. had similar military powers, right? No...not right at all.

People from around the world don't understand just how militarily superior the U.S. armed forces are to those of other states. It's not that these people lack the information they need to realize it; it's that they don't want to believe it because it would scare the hell out of them if they allowed themselves to understand.
Originally Posted by Blarg
It's perfectly and quite clearly on point; however, I think he's getting Iraq mixed up with Afghanistan when he says that the Soviet Union had so much trouble fighting Iraq.
I didn't say his point was unclear, I didn't say I disagreed with it (although I do, in parts), I said it was irrelevant to this discussion.

A minority of apparently 'erroneous' and unsubstantiated European comments on the US invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan has no baring on a discussion regarding the USA vs ROW (as laid out in the thread title), nor does the past failures of the Soviets. The situations are completely different. There is no valid comparison in history that can be made, so attempting to make them in favour of any one argument is pointless. If his comments are not meant to have a baring on this argument, then why make them in the first place? Other than for propaganda, or nationalistic rhetoric, of course.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by JabrielP
A minority of apparently 'erroneous' and unsubstantiated European comments on the US invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan has no baring on a discussion regarding the USA vs ROW (as laid out in the thread title), nor does the past failures of the Soviets.
My introduction of past comments from Europeans and the comparison of U.S. to Soviet military power was not intended to show evidence of who would win a world -vs- U.S. scenario, but to show evidence that others' opinions expressed in doing so underestimate U.S. military power. This is a discussion, not a series of replies to the OP's query.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by JustCuz
IMO, it's ridiculous to compare a nation-state (the U.S.) with a political/economic union (the EU) in the first place. A central, unified government makes a huge difference when we're talking about how "powerful" a country is. While the EU treaties and colorful maps and impressive group-statistics give the appearance of unity, the reality is that the EU member states are far from united in many very important ways. Aside from the obvious lack of a common language and nationalism among member-states, just look at the past and ongoing disagreements between EU states regarding the nature and enforcement of their union ties.

As these types of comparisons between the EU and the US get more and more common, we have to remember that EU member-states are still individual members of the international community. They are a team only so far as the benefits of that union bring net gains to each member individually. In the realm of international relations -- and remember that the EU is, by definition, an embodiment of international relations -- the only motivator for action is the acquisition of power by individual states. Each EU member state has the potential of gaining power from its other co-members, and it's not unlikely that this will happen in a substantial enough manner as to cause serious rifts within the EU. This cannot happen to the U.S. That's a big, big difference.
I agree entirely, a good post imo.

So, given the differences between and consequences of centralised power (USA) and that possessed by a union (ROW), how do you feel this would impact a global war, USA vs ROW, as the OP originally asked..
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:23 PM
I think the thing people fail to see that in current wars and battles we are fighting them in a manner to minimize casualties on both sides. If our backs were to the wall there would no longer be any compunction or concern about blowing entire countries off the map and destroying everyone. I think people mistake or cautiousness for weakness.

Make no mistake about it. If and when it were necessary we would Eff somebody up and then some.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by TMLMS13
First off it would be a Canada + US + Mexico war, there is no way Canada or Mexico would even try to fight against the US, they would be gone in about a month or less.

Unless, there was suitable time for EU/Jap/Chn forces to arrive and enter Can/Mex and defend borders. And that would be VERY interesting.

As I originally said a NA vs World, the world would win easily. This wouldnt be a ground battle it would be a who can drop more nukes.

Without nukes, the world still wins, has more space and different access points to mainland NA, Northern Russia (alaska, not Npole), and both Oceans.

US zones overseas would be lost fast, the middle east enemies have the capability to destroy them just as quickly should ww3 happen, In all vs all. numbers>training

I am Canadian btw.

PS the last and only international war on the continental US was won by Canada. Germany never got ground forces into the US, but their subs got to east coast naval ports.

I do find it funny that US history seems to go American revolution --> US Civil war --> WWs
we talk about the war of 1812. and theres is no wai u can claim Canada won that as Canada wasnt even a free nation. Ironicly we were fighting over the Ohio valley nao US states and the Part of Canada that wants to leave Canada.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:37 PM
The lack of cohesion of the EU is definitely well worth pointing out. FWIW I England would probably throw its lot in with us than EU if it came to war. For that matter, so would almost everyone else.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
FWIW I England would probably throw its lot in with us than EU if it came to war.
You are probably right on that. The "symbiotic relationship" considered.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:55 PM
Its a scame, Baby.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
You're not backing up your own argument here either, though. You're simply gainsaying another argument. That's no argument in itself. So I'm not sure what we're supposed to take from your post. If you have an argument, go ahead and make it.
I wasn't making an argument one way or the other, I was saying that to try and compare two countries (or continents, or cities, or anything) by some finite set of criteria and hope to decide that one is generally 'better' is ridiculous - there is no objective definition of a superpower, nor an objective, meaningful way to compare countries overall, and if there were it certainly wouldn't be the ten criteria in that article. There's so many potential points of comparison, to which different people will proscribe completely different levels of importance, and within which people will interpret and rank each country's performance differently, that to think you're going to be able to prove overall superiority by choosing just a few criteria like that is stupid.

For example, the article says that to 'match' the US, China will have to fulfill all 10 of its criteria. So say it surpasses the US on five of them, by the writers judgement the US will still be 'ahead' and thus the only superpower. Any idiot can see, though, that in that scenario the US also falls behind in 5 categories, and thus by the writers judgement is also not the better superpower - so neither the US nor China is as good as the other, as neither has all 10.

Not only that, but there are a multitude of other criteria that the article ignores, including those which America is ahead of and those in which it is behind, that many people would consider far more important than some of those that are listed.

So my point was a) it's completely asinine to think that you can come up with a small set of criteria like that and think they'll prove definitively that one place is 'better' and b) that it's funny to me that when someone tries to do it anyway, and chooses criteria that they aren't necessarily so dominant in but say that they are to prove their dominance, that people believe it enough without thinking about it to reference it.

(and for the record, I wasn't necessarily arguing that Europe is comparable to the US, I was responding to the article's comparison)
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 07:47 PM
is it agreed that when countries go to war it is really just the governments going to war?
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by JabrielP
I agree entirely, a good post imo.

So, given the differences between and consequences of centralised power (USA) and that possessed by a union (ROW), how do you feel this would impact a global war, USA vs ROW, as the OP originally asked..

Originally Posted by Blarg
The lack of cohesion of the EU is definitely well worth pointing out. FWIW I England would probably throw its lot in with us than EU if it came to war. For that matter, so would almost everyone else.
This. It certainly isn't far-fetched to believe that EU Countries could be on the opposites sides of a World War.

But, to answer your question, assuming the EU member-states decided to stick together in this hypothetical battle between the entire world and the U.S., the EU's current collaboration could be beneficial to their side as they would be more prepared to work together militarily. I also think it would be beneficial for the EU as a "team" on the side opposite the U.S. to have a sort of group nationalism for the purposes of gaining the support of citizens.

All that said, the U.S. would military would probably still stand a pretty good chance of out-fighting the rest of the world. Our weapons are just unparalleled.

Of course, none of this could happen within our lifetimes. China would never stand for it. If the U.S. were annihilated, China would be left with very little income from exports, and practically no capital (since much of their wealth is held in the form of U.S. Treasury Bonds).
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by GotThatWood
is it agreed that when countries go to war it is really just the governments going to war?
In a sense, but not entirely. I mean, you don't see members of Congress on the battlefield (although many would like to), and one very important aspect of a country's war-making ability is the morale of its troops, which is reflective of public support. Oh, and citizens also end up getting bombed and shot, so there's that to think about, too. So, I think it's best to say that when governments decide to go to war, people end up involved whether they want to be or not.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
The lack of cohesion of the EU is definitely well worth pointing out. FWIW I England would probably throw its lot in with us than EU if it came to war. For that matter, so would almost everyone else.
I'm sure Britain and Ireland would prefer to ally to the US rather than Germany and France. We have way more in common with America than the rest of Europe.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-06-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I'm sure Britain and Ireland would prefer to ally to the US rather than Germany and France. We have way more in common with America than the rest of Europe.
Amen brother. Culturally, it's not even close. There is a obvious reason for that, besides language, and the fact that we are bred to hate our European counterparts (especially the French) after essentially a 1000 years of sustained warfare.

Diplomacy with our Channel neighbours has never been our strongpoint. It still echoes today, just look at the rampant Euroskepticism.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-07-2009 , 01:16 AM
I suggest blowing up the tunnel now as the french are lazy so you would destroy them with the tunnel gone.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
11-07-2009 , 01:28 AM
lol @ discussing the prospect of a war between europowers and the USA.

it's all about capping the A-Rabs.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
07-05-2011 , 02:43 AM
Now hasnt the USA gone to **** since this was made
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
07-05-2011 , 02:45 AM
Pretty sure in this scenario like 95% of the world's population ends up dead.
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
07-05-2011 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
Now hasnt the USA gone to **** since this was made
listen mick dundee - we still have a **** ton of nukes and can kill everybody
USA VS REST OF World. Who would win? Quote
