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If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward

10-27-2009 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by MuyTheRat
I understand where you are going with that point, and I can go both ways. If criminals were getting their hands on rocket launchers, yes I would absolutly support doing everything we could to limit their access to that weapon. The libertarian in me can also say, hell yes if I own enough land to safely use a rocket launcher for fun, then I should be allowed to also come out, but I understand their has to be limits to protect society from those who would use them for evil. The problem, is we cannot easily limit access to small arms for criminals, and therefore taking them away from non-criminals will not help.

BTW, nukes did seem to be a good deterant in the whole cold war thing.
Australia have done a decent job at limiting access, so have the UK, if the US Government actually wanted to do this, I'm sure they would have enough power to make it happen
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by bicolor_le_bond
In Aus if you suspect someone is trying to rob you, you have a baseball bat ready. In America it is everyone has a gun so I should have a gun. What if criminals all of a sudden started getting their hands on rocket launchers - would you make rocket launchers legal as some sort of deterrent against the criminals? No, you would limit the number of available of rocket launchers. If countries started making nuclear warheads, would you want everyone to have warheads of their own? What difference will it make if one country decides to bomb another? There becomes a point where the weapon used simply cannot be defended against.
You can own machine guns in some places in the US and yet they aren't used to commit crimes so why would rocket launchers
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by bicolor_le_bond
Australia have done a decent job at limiting access, so have the UK, if the US Government actually wanted to do this, I'm sure they would have enough power to make it happen
Limiting access hasn't reduced crime in those countries and it wont in the US
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:13 PM

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:14 PM

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:16 PM

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:18 PM

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:21 PM
baby youre so good just DONT STOP

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:31 PM

Last edited by novahunterpa; 10-27-2009 at 08:33 PM. Reason: scred up
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:36 PM

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
And its the only good thing that came out of Port Arthur was that we had the massive buy back program and a strong tighting of our gun laws.
No, these are the only good things to come out of Port Arthur.

Ok, WSOP time! Will return to finish reading thread.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by bicolor_le_bond
Australia have done a decent job at limiting access, so have the UK, if the US Government actually wanted to do this, I'm sure they would have enough power to make it happen
Aus and the U.S are vastly different countries in terms of current availibility, and possible import. I understand Aus is a huge landmass, however it is relativly isolated. For the U.S to limit access, it would require sweeping measures that many of its citizens (including myself) would view as trampling on our rights. I am not willing to put my trust that my government can effectively protect me at all times from criminals who will still find a way to arm themselves.

We have put the "power" of the U.S government into the war on drugs with no avail, and our war on terror has yet to get us Bin Ladin. And even then, what happens if one of the other posters in this thread at 6'4 250 decides to come into my house and beat me to death. I'm in good shape, and I'm capable of defending myself, but if one of the many guys that size decided to come into my home and cause me harm, without a weapon I don't stand a chance.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 09:10 PM
why do people feel a need to argue with people that would never agree with them in a million years
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 10:02 PM
freedom of speech is more dangerous than owning a fire weapon thing imo
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-27-2009 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ruffneckTX
Well let this be a lesson to ya dont watch the news!!!!! The majority of peeps in this country are the exact oppisit of what you said above.

As for little johnny, my boy is educated on what a gun will do and the dangers of said firearm. He has seen what damage it can do and fired it, if you take the mystery away children could care less about your firearm. He knows its daddys pow pow and not to touch unless i say so.

So stop being a douche and learn, not bash peeps cause you got a new child now and dont like firearms.
While OP is an idiot, pls leave someone else to defending your position. There is spell check for a reason.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by balla4life
How does that makes me a coward and the animal helpless?
Didn't say either of those bro. Just saying if you don't go looking for bears and shooting them, you'll be less likely to have them almost kill you. That's all. Keep on killing unintelligent animals brother, doesn't bother me.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 12:47 AM
KB wins <3333
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:55 AM
When many common citizens own guns it prevents the government from becoming too powerful. Im no historian but this is one of the main principals America was founded upon. I think this was completely necc when America was founded, it may not anymore but still I do feel better that Im allowed to own a gun and that they are regulated to keep most dangerous people from owning one legaly.

I dont think gun control will solve our violent crime problems in america, I think we need a societal/governmental change in which we take care of people more in other ways so that the poverty level isnt so low. This way people will feel like they have more choices other than to become criminals.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 04:12 AM
So when multiple robbers raid your house with guns and rape your wife and daughters while your sons lay dead on the ground what are you gonna do? Use a bat or like you said, your fists?

Let me know how that works out when SHTF and chaos erupts in the very near future.

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 04:16 AM
Dont have any sons so its ok. Plus i never heard of that being a reg thing her in aust. As said not many ppl own guns here
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
Dont have any sons so its ok. Plus i never heard of that being a reg thing her in aust. As said not many ppl own guns here
Yeah, when the economy collapses real soon you'll think differently, Guaranteed. Just because you're way in Australia doesn't mean it can't happen. People are still people.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 04:41 AM
you sir, are obv an idiot. to these men look like cowards to you!?

If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by showspecial21
Yeah, when the economy collapses real soon you'll think differently, Guaranteed. Just because you're way in Australia doesn't mean it can't happen. People are still people.
our economy is stronger then ever, thanks for asking
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
our economy is stronger then ever, thanks for asking
This makes no sense. You come to twoplustwo of all places to call people who own guns that aren't farmers cowards? I smell a troll.

And someone has already mentioned that you need guns to prevent a tyrannical government from taking over. History has proven this time and time again. If you're saying it can't happen in Australia, good luck with that sir.
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
10-28-2009 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
We wore giving fist for a reason.
In before Tartufo
If you own a gun and not a farmer youre a coward Quote
