Originally Posted by makin maneys
Questiion for OP, Have you spoken to the first girl since you broke up? You didn't give a lot of details about her and the aftermath. It seems like she is the girl that you really want and I'm curious if you have contacted her at all in the months that have passed.
Heartbreak Kid is the one I even still wish things would have really worked out with in terms of lifelong, but you know what, I just have to accept it won't happen. All the support I got from this tread made me realize I deserve some closure, so I actually called her up at her house phone and talked on Saturday. Found out in that phone call she started dating a new guy about three weeks after she left me.
IN fact, she was on the phone with me, said she had another call, switched but didn't switch, and went "Hi Honey..."
"...um...It's still Olly here..."
Yeah my heart dropped out my ass. The higher powers out there have a sick sense of humor with me.
But you know what, I did what I had to do, I told her I hope we can keep in touch, and I'm sure the story isn't over yet. I have somehow managed to keep in contact with all of my longterm exes. I'm still really torn but...oh well I guess. She ****ed up, not me.
Poast-Saving Bartender Pics FTW
NO TRAINWRECKING, NO REPOSTING. If I do individual POST savers, you can't give me ****. I'm going out to see her tonight, at the bar.
*And BTW guys I just got told by my firechief I'm getting promoted to part time-on call status, not just recall status. It means I get to actually sleep at the station and operate more, and I'm one step away from Full Time Firefighter Status. OORAH.*
Moar Epic Poasts to follow in the weeks ahead. You can count on Olly.