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Ask me anything about living in Thailand as a SexPat for the last 12 years Ask me anything about living in Thailand as a SexPat for the last 12 years

08-09-2011 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by David Alaba
Sorry if this has been asked but when did you lose your virginity and how many chicks did you have sex with before moving you Thailand?
16 in England and did about 15ish before moving to thailand.
08-09-2011 , 08:44 AM
Hi OP and I have some questions about sexuality

When I'm with a girl, I prefer to have an emotional connection and when I'm ****ing it's more the make love kind of thing in general and I have no desire to properly manhandle them and **** their throat until they puke etc

When fantasizing I imagine all kinds of ****ed up **** and I'll watch any type of porn excluding things like scat and drinking vomit

So I mean I don't fully understand this
I have this sort of beast in me when solo but with girls I barely even want to **** their ass
So to the questions,
How did your sexuality evolve to the more extreme? Were you always willing to push things further? How did you feel about it ie when you realized you wanted to do something very taboo, was there any feeling of guilt or self doubt?
How do you feel after some proper "abuse"?
Are you at all worried you will keep pushing things to the point where you won't be able to have "regular" sex again or even get turned on in the typical way without something extra? I realize that might be irrelevant depending on your values/life purpose
08-09-2011 , 09:40 AM
OP are you still in Thailand?
08-09-2011 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by fanapathy
Hi OP and I have some questions about sexuality

When I'm with a girl, I prefer to have an emotional connection and when I'm ****ing it's more the make love kind of thing in general and I have no desire to properly manhandle them and **** their throat until they puke etc

When fantasizing I imagine all kinds of ****ed up **** and I'll watch any type of porn excluding things like scat and drinking vomit

So I mean I don't fully understand this
I have this sort of beast in me when solo but with girls I barely even want to **** their ass
So to the questions,
How did your sexuality evolve to the more extreme? Were you always willing to push things further? How did you feel about it ie when you realized you wanted to do something very taboo, was there any feeling of guilt or self doubt?
How do you feel after some proper "abuse"?
Are you at all worried you will keep pushing things to the point where you won't be able to have "regular" sex again or even get turned on in the typical way without something extra? I realize that might be irrelevant depending on your values/life purpose
So you are finding your sexual partners via the route of establishing the relationship first. Now is this because this is the only way you can get them into bed?

Lets say you see a girl you would like to sex, now in your world, I am guessing, that you must approach her, be charming get to know her etc this is to make her like you and want to sex you in return, and this is how you have developed your trap.

I will admit, once you know and like someone on a personal level first it is harder and less comfortable to get into the more extreme realms of sex.

Lets assume you are in a bar and a hot chick walks right up to you and talks filth in your ear about what she wants you to do to her right then and there, I am sure that you would be able to take her up on it and really abuse her (if thats what she wanted ofc)

Now once you are both in this, pure sex mode, it is easier to be completely open about what you want from it, and with time this gets easier.

The thing with pushing limits and taboos is this; If you can ONLY be turned on by these weird things thats when you have a problem. I don't do the piss thing every time, I can and still do enjoy regular normal sex, its at times where i wanna get filthy or a certain type of chick will make me want to do a certain type of thing.

Another thing with Thai/Asian hookers, its nothing like the west where they lay there doing nothing saying hurry up and finish, lots of these chicks are filth mongers in their own right. Like that one in the story above, if she didn't instigate the ass ****ing in the bathroom it prolly wouldn't of happened.

So I would say that becasue you are friends with these girls first, it makes you inhibit your inner beast as you say.
08-09-2011 , 09:43 AM
Yes still here I live here full time and have for almost 13 years now.
08-09-2011 , 09:46 AM
I am seriously considering an extended trip to Thailand in 2012. I have about 8k saved up right now. Would be awesome to go there and grind for a living.
08-09-2011 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
An interesting reply
That is intriguing and you are right in some of your assumptions there.

I could get a woman into bed in many ways probably, but the way I am comfortable with is talking to them first for an extended period of time. And I have ****ed working girls, mostly feel the same about them. I never thought of what I'm doing as a trap, and I always let them know my intentions etc.

Baffling response actually. Yeah I can't just manhandle them after getting to know them as a person. You are probably right about the nutted girl just shipping dirty words left and right, I might oblige if she was into it/I'm not sure.

And yeh exactly, when you can only get off on double fisting with latex bodysuits and the distant smell of blood and vomit, then there's a problem.

On occasion wouldn't matter.
08-09-2011 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
I get asked this question a lot, even by friends that also live here. After all theses years i still never tier of Thai/Asaian chicks. I never miss anglo girls. A lot of my friends are dying to **** white chicks and always trying their luck if they come into contact with some.

If i had the choice of ****ing a 10/10 super fit white girl for free, or paying to **** a 10/10 super fit Asian, i would choose to pay the Asian all day long.

I am not sure why i like them so much, when i was young, 14-15, i use to buy the Asian babe porno mag and fap like hell til next months addition.
BarryG ITT?
08-12-2011 , 05:30 PM
Have you ever fallen in love with a bargirl? Have you ever become friends with a bargirl? Have you ever had a bargirl willing to spend time with you but unwilling to have sex?

Where do you see youself in 20 years?
08-12-2011 , 10:23 PM
Did you have a good childhood?parents divorce?mother abandonment issues?
08-13-2011 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Pokamastah
Have you ever fallen in love with a bargirl? Have you ever become friends with a bargirl? Have you ever had a bargirl willing to spend time with you but unwilling to have sex?

Where do you see youself in 20 years?
Yes lots

Doing the same thing with more money and in more places.
08-13-2011 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by ugh
Did you have a good childhood?parents divorce?mother abandonment issues?
Yeah pretty good, parents divorced and both remarried we all get on well. They do all go on about wanting me to have kids though.
08-13-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Riina
For instance, i used to snort cocaine on a regular yet recreational basis for a handsome period, but have laid off it once i got some insight (with a few documentaries and some reading material)
you gave up after watching doccos?.... I watched doccos and it made me want to take it up more.

coke/pills = not bad for you

only illegal (and thus has a violence/crime element) because government doesn't make money off it and wont legalize it because of the bad public image, even-though more people die from prescription drugs than illegal ones.
08-13-2011 , 01:28 PM
What's your cut-off for sexing vs not sexing?

A pic illustrating
1) Would not hit
2) Might hit
3) Am hitting

would be gewd imo
08-13-2011 , 11:58 PM
post a picture of yourself.
08-14-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Ksight3
What's your cut-off for sexing vs not sexing?

A pic illustrating
1) Would not hit
2) Might hit
3) Am hitting

would be gewd imo
I don't understand the question.
08-14-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
I don't understand the question.
he means to post a pic of a chick for each scenario
08-14-2011 , 01:37 AM
ah ok sorry, no i cant be ****ed to do that.
08-14-2011 , 01:45 AM

Pretty please?
08-14-2011 , 01:48 AM
ok when i get back from the gym in a few hours.
08-14-2011 , 03:06 AM
epic thread, i couldn't live like you but no judging and your nasty TR was fantastic to read.

i apologise if this has been asked but i'm curious as to what you do when you're not ****ing hookers lol. just generally what your life consists of outside your job and sex. how often do you sleep with girls that aren't hookers, and when was the last time you had a gf?

also, you say you'll be doing this in 20 years time, but in more places. do you think your actual lifestyle will have changed much? do you ever worry about turning into the 50 year old sexpat that you described before (the one with the lame life)?
08-14-2011 , 03:25 AM
When i am not working or sexing i go to the gym, play a bit of badminton and the usual other restaurant, cinema see friends general life stuff really.

What i mean is in another 20 years I'll be a lot wealthier so i can continue this lifestyle but even better a lot more traveling around etc. It wont be like the lame lifes i was talking about because they are broke. Of course i hate to say never, but things may change but i honestly doubt it.
08-14-2011 , 03:43 AM
Am hitting, sorry quality is abit bad **** camera phone, she is ok about avg. but it is free sex and she is pretty good at it.



08-14-2011 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
TL;DR and all that!!

Ok So Im having a beer with my mate and we are going through our phone books calling up whores and giving em the terry tibbs, anyway he tells me about one girl hes got. He says she's a real dirty one and likes it if you to spit in her mouth. So I give her a call and make out I met her last week and does she wanna meet come see me in my hotel, shes like yeah sure, where?.

So she comes round and im quite happy she isn't a 10/10 but nice 22 yo, pretty and nice long, straight hair, she comes into the room and asks where she met me and she cant remember etc. We negotiate 1200B for a short time, but I told her I was horny and need to cum twice she just shrugs and says yeah no problem (man ya gotta love em)

She gets right down to it, she climbs on top and starts kissing me, I flip her over and start to take her top off, she stops me and I think oh she wants to go shower or something which is the norm.

I say “You wanna shower?” she shakes her head as if to say no then says something in thai, I don't understand and say what? She says, “Be strong with me” now just those words send a bolt of blood into my ****.

I start kissing her again and putting my hands up her top, she is trying to stop me, so I get a bit strong with her and grip her round both wrists with one had and pin them down on the bed above her head, I pull her top up over her face and pull her bra right down and tuk into her tits, she is wriggling around trying to make out she doesn't want it, but really she does.

I slowly strip her naked and start giving her a good licking, she shifts around after my **** and we end up 69ing, with her on top, she starts forcing her head down and doing proper deep throat and gagging on it, she then says to me, “You want **** my face?” I'm like “hell yeah!” she lays on her back and I climb on top and literally **** her face, as hard as I can, she takes the lot right down to my nuts, and i'm pounding her face like its a pussy and she is gagging and growling as I do it.

She stops me and says “Condom?” I get one on and she climbs on top, now she is riding me and im grabbing her tits, she take my hand and puts it round her neck, “hello” I think and I start squeezing her neck hard and she loves it, I then get her hair twist it round to form like a rope and wrap it round her neck and throttle her with it, she is growling and screaming hard, it was awesome!

So after we finish up we are laying on the bed, I have taken the condom off but haven't cleaned my ****, after 10 mins or so I try to get her to suck me off again, she says “no smells condom go shower”, so I go into the shower and clean up she comes into the shower with me and we are messing about and she keeps trying to put her finger in my arse, I keep stopping her and she keeps at it, I then grab her arse and try to stick my finger in it, I expect her to try and stop me but she doesn't, she just lets me force my finger into her arse and we start kissing.

I then turn her to face the wall, and (like an idiot) try to stick my **** in her arse, and she says “No condom” I run into the bedroom to get one, when i come back she is standing in front of the mirror, so I start to ease it into her arse and it is proper tight and she is growling and screaming again as it goes in, I finally get it all in and start banging her, I then wrap her hair round my wrist, and yank her head right back and we kiss again, now at this point I remember my mate saying she likes spitting into her mouth, so as we are kising, I start slobbering into her mouth, and she loved it, I then progress into full on spiting in her mouth and she growls and screams, it was superb, now I had done a Viagra, and had already blown, so I was was banging her hard, and for a long time, plus pulling as hard as could on her hair, and spiting in her mouth and face, it was proper abuse. As I blow, she is screaming so loud I was scared the hotel staff were gonna come, as I blow my load I look into her face and tears are pouring out of her eyes, what a ****!!

After we are done and we get ready to leave, she says to me.

“You small guy, but **** big”

lol make of that what you will.
HI, Moar please.

Any stories involving you slapping them across the face? body-slams? suplex? Has teh rough sex ever gotten out of hand?
11-01-2011 , 01:25 AM
Bump because I Pooter, LDO.

Any "normal" nights for you recently??
