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Ask me anything about living in Thailand as a SexPat for the last 12 years Ask me anything about living in Thailand as a SexPat for the last 12 years

05-13-2011 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by ville
pooter spreads herpes

"And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this ****ty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night."
05-13-2011 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by mikekelley13
"And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this ****ty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night."

Last edited by marknfw; 05-13-2011 at 02:49 AM. Reason: removed dumb stuff
05-13-2011 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by marknfw
shouldn't you be in church or leaving pahmplets in a truck stop bathroom or something? something besides polluting our sexy thailand thread with your silly talk of sin?
it's from a movie douche
05-13-2011 , 02:49 AM
yeah, i just realized that and was going to edit/delete my post just now, but you already got me......damn
05-13-2011 , 03:15 AM
^obv havent read this thread.
08-06-2011 , 08:46 PM
08-07-2011 , 02:51 AM
I wish I found asian chicks hot.

oh yeah MOAR
08-07-2011 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
- STDs? Have got herpes, have had gonorrhea and chlamydia, had pubic lice once, get checked for HIV every 3 months all clear on the last test.
surprised you didnt lie about herpes.

who would publicly admit to that? once you have it, you have it forever. pretty disgusting. --and then you keep passing it on to others, what's up with that???

you're gross and a pervert.

step into a time machine, find a nice thai woman with good morals, marry her, have a couple kids, raise them with nice morals and values, live your life then die a happy old man with grandchildren.
08-07-2011 , 02:07 PM
Do you really not speak Thai? How is that possible being there for so long?
08-07-2011 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by sockyII
That comp sucks at Connect 4.
08-07-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by CarlVectorForce1
surprised you didnt lie about herpes.

who would publicly admit to that? once you have it, you have it forever. pretty disgusting. --and then you keep passing it on to others, what's up with that???

you're gross and a pervert.

step into a time machine, find a nice thai woman with good morals, marry her, have a couple kids, raise them with nice morals and values, live your life then die a happy old man with grandchildren.
You really think your idea of happiness is everyone's idea of happiness, don't you?

also, lol hypocriteaments and wandering into a BBV4L thread about sexpats and then calling someone else a pervert.
08-07-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by CarlVectorForce1
surprised you didnt lie about herpes.

who would publicly admit to that? once you have it, you have it forever. pretty disgusting. --and then you keep passing it on to others, what's up with that???

you're gross and a pervert.

step into a time machine, find a nice thai woman with good morals, marry her, have a couple kids, raise them with nice morals and values, live your life then die a happy old man with grandchildren.
he isnt telling you that you should be peeing on people so why do you feel the need to tell him what to do. If you like your life decisions so much why do you need to talk **** to others?

08-07-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by kingcod
he isnt telling you that you should be peeing on people so why do you feel the need to tell him what to do. If you like your life decisions so much why do you need to talk **** to others?

because everyone has an opinion and i have mine and i'm going to spout it off.

the guy is completely gross..... he openly tells us he wants a stranger who has had sex with thousands of different men to lick his ahole..... he probably also has anal warts but failed to mention those.

the thing i don't like is that he's spreading or doesnt seem to mind spreading his diseases among others.

he's morally bankrupt and that's my opinion. what's yours?

oh, and i'm a freaking nutcase!!!

Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
You really think your idea of happiness is everyone's idea of happiness, don't you?

also, lol hypocriteaments and wandering into a BBV4L thread about sexpats and then calling someone else a pervert.
that was partially tongue in cheek but not entirely.
08-08-2011 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by CarlVectorForce1
because everyone has an opinion and i have mine and i'm going to spout it off.

the guy is completely gross..... he openly tells us he wants a stranger who has had sex with thousands of different men to lick his ahole..... he probably also has anal warts but failed to mention those.

the thing i don't like is that he's spreading or doesnt seem to mind spreading his diseases among others.

he's morally bankrupt and that's my opinion. what's yours?

oh, and i'm a freaking nutcase!!!
you are missing the point, your opinion isnt needed or wanted here. no one here gives a **** what your opinion is. so unless you have something useful or entertaining just go elsewhere with your close minded whining.
08-08-2011 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by CarlVectorForce1
step into a time machine, find a nice thai woman with good morals, marry her, have a couple kids, raise them with nice morals and values, live your life then die a happy old man with grandchildren.
I am writing to let you know that I, and surely many others in this world, are completely grossed out by such ideas about life and feel sick awful even contemplating to imagine such scenarios.
08-08-2011 , 10:24 AM
Can you PM me google map directions to the time machine shop please.
08-08-2011 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
Do you really not speak Thai? How is that possible being there for so long?

I speak a bit enough to bumble by in most situations, speak almost fluent when it comes to food and money can understand a lot of what i hear and get the jist of what they are saying.

But mostly my poor Thai comes from living most of my time in Pattaya and being lazy. All my BKK pals speak tons more than me.
08-08-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by CarlVectorForce1
because everyone has an opinion and i have mine and i'm going to spout it off.

the guy is completely gross..... he openly tells us he wants a stranger who has had sex with thousands of different men to lick his ahole..... he probably also has anal warts but failed to mention those.

This is not correct, I pay to lick their aholes but i don't mind if they choose to lick mine too.

No anal warts and trust me if i had em I'd share that info.
08-08-2011 , 10:33 AM
wierdest feddish someone wanted you to expeiment with?
08-08-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
wierdest feddish someone wanted you to expeiment with?
Don't know really, i am normally the one asking for weird things.

I had a regular chick who was a real SM freak and wanted me to hit her and things like that, she made me slap her arse until it bled once she had one of those paddle things, i mean it wasn't bad just little beeds of blood appeared and it was red raw, she was a proper nymph, she ****ed me to death lol.
08-08-2011 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
TL;DR and all that!!

Ok So Im having a beer with my mate and we are going through our phone books calling up whores and giving em the terry tibbs, anyway he tells me about one girl hes got. He says she's a real dirty one and likes it if you to spit in her mouth. So I give her a call and make out I met her last week and does she wanna meet come see me in my hotel, shes like yeah sure, where?.

So she comes round and im quite happy she isn't a 10/10 but nice 22 yo, pretty and nice long, straight hair, she comes into the room and asks where she met me and she cant remember etc. We negotiate 1200B for a short time, but I told her I was horny and need to cum twice she just shrugs and says yeah no problem (man ya gotta love em)

She gets right down to it, she climbs on top and starts kissing me, I flip her over and start to take her top off, she stops me and I think oh she wants to go shower or something which is the norm.

I say “You wanna shower?” she shakes her head as if to say no then says something in thai, I don't understand and say what? She says, “Be strong with me” now just those words send a bolt of blood into my ****.

I start kissing her again and putting my hands up her top, she is trying to stop me, so I get a bit strong with her and grip her round both wrists with one had and pin them down on the bed above her head, I pull her top up over her face and pull her bra right down and tuk into her tits, she is wriggling around trying to make out she doesn't want it, but really she does.

I slowly strip her naked and start giving her a good licking, she shifts around after my **** and we end up 69ing, with her on top, she starts forcing her head down and doing proper deep throat and gagging on it, she then says to me, “You want **** my face?” I'm like “hell yeah!” she lays on her back and I climb on top and literally **** her face, as hard as I can, she takes the lot right down to my nuts, and i'm pounding her face like its a pussy and she is gagging and growling as I do it.

She stops me and says “Condom?” I get one on and she climbs on top, now she is riding me and im grabbing her tits, she take my hand and puts it round her neck, “hello” I think and I start squeezing her neck hard and she loves it, I then get her hair twist it round to form like a rope and wrap it round her neck and throttle her with it, she is growling and screaming hard, it was awesome!

So after we finish up we are laying on the bed, I have taken the condom off but haven't cleaned my ****, after 10 mins or so I try to get her to suck me off again, she says “no smells condom go shower”, so I go into the shower and clean up she comes into the shower with me and we are messing about and she keeps trying to put her finger in my arse, I keep stopping her and she keeps at it, I then grab her arse and try to stick my finger in it, I expect her to try and stop me but she doesn't, she just lets me force my finger into her arse and we start kissing.

I then turn her to face the wall, and (like an idiot) try to stick my **** in her arse, and she says “No condom” I run into the bedroom to get one, when i come back she is standing in front of the mirror, so I start to ease it into her arse and it is proper tight and she is growling and screaming again as it goes in, I finally get it all in and start banging her, I then wrap her hair round my wrist, and yank her head right back and we kiss again, now at this point I remember my mate saying she likes spitting into her mouth, so as we are kising, I start slobbering into her mouth, and she loved it, I then progress into full on spiting in her mouth and she growls and screams, it was superb, now I had done a Viagra, and had already blown, so I was was banging her hard, and for a long time, plus pulling as hard as could on her hair, and spiting in her mouth and face, it was proper abuse. As I blow, she is screaming so loud I was scared the hotel staff were gonna come, as I blow my load I look into her face and tears are pouring out of her eyes, what a ****!!

After we are done and we get ready to leave, she says to me.

“You small guy, but **** big”

lol make of that what you will.

08-08-2011 , 04:41 PM
08-08-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
My guess is...Working,drinking,doing drugs and pissing on hookers. AMIRITE?
08-08-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by kingcod
My guess is...Working,drinking,doing drugs and getting pissed by hookers . AMIRITE?
FYP. I missed this thread.
08-09-2011 , 07:30 AM
Sorry if this has been asked but when did you lose your virginity and how many chicks did you have sex with before moving you Thailand?
