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WW: World War II - The Game Thread WW: World War II - The Game Thread

07-16-2009 , 10:20 AM
If sun is a wolf he's basically playing to make himself look villagery to me and wolfy to everyone else, and that seems a little unlikely. It seems more likely he just looks like a villager to me cause he is a villager and we usually think a lot alike.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:28 AM
jinzerd actually
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by aao
if you're hinting that i might be a wolf then dont forget that day 1 votes hold little value in the running of the game since there is so little information available. also, you voting for OTI on day1 is pretty much the same thing as me voting for g1982... i.e. we both voted for now confirmed villas.

i also said i suspected elliotr as a wolf on d3 that helped with his lynch, but i said in the thread that i gave my vote to mcavoy because he would not out pvn as hitler if he was a wolf... therefore, he's more likely a now confirmed villager. hence i unvoted for elliot and voted for mcavoys choice.
i know. i haven't really compiled a reads list yet but am working on that right now.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:08 AM
(no particular order)
I like beer
Ludovic banhammer (conf)

icon/dustin g


Zelic and wer are not w/w
Aaronk/son are not w/w
If goofy is ww, I think he has some sort of power.

also this (bump for late morning crowd)

Originally Posted by wahoopride
*********Important Mod Note*********

It would be a good idea for the troops to be around today.
Specifically early afternoon eastern time (12-2ish maybe)
It is not a huge deal if you are not around though. Just a suggestion.

WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:10 AM
someone explain the goofyballer thing for me. It's not that I think he's a villager, it just seems like I must be missing something taht clearly implicates him because some people are acting like that's the case but I don't remember anything that does.

All I really remember is his saying "oh noes someone said I'm playing differently!" and that he did that last game as a neutral-evil animal thingy, so I thought it was weird he'd say that again with no reference to the last game.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Vig rocks! Keep it up.

Random thoughts.....

Mac is a spazmonkey.

I guess I'm the only one that is suspicious of ludo. He is around at eod (not yesterday), doesn't vote when there is a tie, and the votebuyer saves elliot.

Nice lolcats elliot.

Is everyone giving jinzerd a free pass?

Grayson needs to take a history class.

So, it looks like the two wagons will be esse and goofy? I don't hate either one. Someone persuade me.
I have some suspicions of Ludovic too.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
I understand why some think im a wolf but i guarantee you if i was i would have been alot more careful.

What are you guys thoughts on mcavoy? I really dont like how much he was pushing for wn (who now i think is village) to keep elliot in. Also something like "get you out so i can hunt wolfs" seems ridiculously wolfy. plus his little pms tantrum was really weird and idk why he would do it as a villager. would be intresting if he kept his word and modkilled himself though i doubt it. we would get to see what he was if he did right?
i was really iffy about whether or not i should put you as a villa or a wolf on my list, but i think this post has made me sway wolf
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by well named
In the old days I would have been trying to lynch swiitch all day yesterday because he really was playing his wolf game but the "new dad" line tricksed me. Truth be told though I probably would have gotten back around to being suspicious of him after a couple more days, the way he was going. What can I say. Well one thing I can say is if I was a wolf with swiitch I would definitely not have tried to draw attention to him in any way, but whatever.

Also, someone asked about smilies. The simple answer is just swiitch and I have a lot of history where we "soul read" each other every game in as few posts as possible, so basically what :P means to swiitch there is "I'm about to go all crazy trying to lynch your ass if you don't post something villagery". Which he did. So I "cleared" him cause that's kind of our thing.
Yeah, in hindsight swiitch looks pretty wolfy and I feel stupid for not noticing.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:20 AM
i dont really mind who is nominated
i just think it should either be: esse/goofy

im neutral on well named now because i don't know how to perceive his association with swiitch

swiitch said "anyone who thinks wn is wolfy is suspicious imo" or something
he could be defending him, but he could also just be trying to clear villas

but then when it comes to his association with pvn, that quick vote on ace makes him look more villa
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Nez477

I may even make a case for him today! I'm voting based on like two posts from d1 but he's on my wolf lean list.

Along with Jizead or whatever his name is and G1. And a tiny wolf lean on Sun.

And I realized last night that Zelic is a villager. Congrats.
Why do you think I might be a tiny wolf?
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
One more random thought, how can Sun have so many posts in this game but I don't remember one thing he said and have no lean one way or the other on him? He's like third on the list of most posts. I'm thinking that probably tilts wolfy if you consider him a good player.
Read all my posts again. Then if you still don't have an opinion, read them again.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:26 AM
actually i wouldn't mind an i_like_beer one either
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
(no particular order)
I like beer
Ludovic banhammer (conf)

icon/dustin g


Zelic and wer are not w/w
Aaronk/son are not w/w
If goofy is ww, I think he has some sort of power.

also this (bump for late morning crowd)


I don't like your lists very much.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Why do you think I might be a tiny wolf?
Because you got emo in-thread (I haven't seen villager sun do that) and because you didn't answer my question about Mcavoy and I think your read of him was unbased.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:27 AM
I kind of think bsball just claimed wolf with that list.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Grayson
i dont really mind who is nominated
i just think it should either be: esse/goofy

im neutral on well named now because i don't know how to perceive his association with swiitch

swiitch said "anyone who thinks wn is wolfy is suspicious imo" or something
he could be defending him, but he could also just be trying to clear villas

but then when it comes to his association with pvn, that quick vote on ace makes him look more villa
I'm not sure if there's anyone you can trust in this game who can vouch for it but basically given our history wolf swiitch was likely to clear me regardless of my role, because whether i'm a wolf or a villager if he goes after me he's going to end up drawing a bunch of attention to himself, and wolf-swiitch tries to avoid attention, as you can tell by his being pretty UTR.

So basically I don't think you can draw any conclusion from the fact that swiitch cleared me. You can try to draw inferences from my posts to him if you want.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:28 AM
Wow, Ludovic is in this game?

WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Nez477
Because you got emo in-thread (I haven't seen villager sun do that) and because you didn't answer my question about Mcavoy and I think your read of him was unbased.
villager sun used to be kind of famous for getting emo in thread unless I'm really losing my mind. I seem to recall Hitch having a rule about going after sun and deciding his role based on the emo-tudinality of his reaction.

(Sun will say this was never a good way to actually read him and I sort of agree but it was fun.)
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:30 AM
Who is Sun on USG?
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:31 AM
It seems like some people don't have an open mind on the possibility of me being a villager. I can't blame you, I've played horrible last 2 days, but I just didn't give a ****.

I've provided some of my thought today, but if I still have to go then so be it.

Anyways before I'm going to re-read pvn & elliot, I'd like to hear cliff'notes on goofy?
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by well named
someone explain the goofyballer thing for me. It's not that I think he's a villager, it just seems like I must be missing something taht clearly implicates him because some people are acting like that's the case but I don't remember anything that does.

All I really remember is his saying "oh noes someone said I'm playing differently!" and that he did that last game as a neutral-evil animal thingy, so I thought it was weird he'd say that again with no reference to the last game.
I don't know what implicates him so heavily or what swiitch dying has to do with anything, but I've been calling him a wolf for a while.

Actually, I don't remember what convinced me he's a wolf but I remember feeling pretty confident about it.

If we're thinking of lynching him now, I guess I should figure it out.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

I don't like your lists very much.
please elaborate?

Originally Posted by Nez477
I kind of think bsball just claimed wolf with that list.
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by well named
someone explain the goofyballer thing for me. It's not that I think he's a villager, it just seems like I must be missing something taht clearly implicates him because some people are acting like that's the case but I don't remember anything that does.

All I really remember is his saying "oh noes someone said I'm playing differently!" and that he did that last game as a neutral-evil animal thingy, so I thought it was weird he'd say that again with no reference to the last game.
you know, frankly, to be honest, i dont have a reason as of yet that i'd like to make open itt as to why i want to lynch the people on my wolf list

lucky said before that this game would be easier to find wolves if you use process of elimination and find villas

also i feel like lynching someone like goofy and knowing their role, whether it be good/bad helps us find more villas, and evidently find more wolves

but it's just through their associations with other players, and especially their posts/suspicions

i mean, its a weak case but m1ke has been going after goofy since day one, and now he's dead; on one hand it could've been seen to setup goofy up, but on the other i think its because they knew m1ke would catch on and was smart enough to figure things out
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
My reads, in order of wolfiness, broken into broad categories.

WinEvryRacex (crazy hyper-analyzation of german "code talking")
Aaronk56's Son (these two interacting w/ each other and nobody else smells)
(it's worth noting that I haven't played with any of these people, so calling these "wolflean" is really stretching it, they're just slightly more wolfy than the pack.)

Coordi (spitevote interacton w/ xxaces is curious)
mcavoy (I'd put mcavoy right at the middle of the spectrum right now)

villalean (none of these are super-strong reads, just sort of generally villa-ish feelings):
most of my basis on my reads has to do with this list, who wrote it, and who is positioned in which region of alignment spectrum
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
please elaborate?

wat? bsball8806
WW: World War II - The Game Thread Quote
