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10-09-2013 , 01:07 PM
I feel like it's weird that i'm not in any kind of high regard as a player here, yet i'm hold to a pretty crazy standard with regards to a little slanking, but I can take it, even from you *sniffles*
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:09 PM
Votes from post 1924 to post 2376
Night in 6:51:20

3 Charry well named (17), tmleafs1967 (50), Telcontar (9)
2 insanity31 LeonardoDicaprio (57), CalledDownLight (13)
2 ReddBoiler TheNothing (56), chrisrjdk (13)
2 TheNothing Perdition (5), Willi (12)
2 chrisrjdk TimeLady (8), Luckbox Inc (46)
1 tylertwo Krayz (32)
1 LeonardoDicaprio ihcjay (29)
1 unvote ReddBoiler (59)
8 not voting vixticator (0), tylertwo (9), tappokone (12), Steve Yzerman fan (0), Quarrrr (13), kioshk (1), insanity31 (0), Charry (0)
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:09 PM
I'm basically agreeing with everything wn is saying which is what happens when he is villaging
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
going "sort of wolfy" is no different to going "wolfy" "villagery"

It's still hedging, which is fine
And if I knew for sure, I'd be the first to tell everyone. I'm not sure how everyone can be so sure all the time. I've only played five games, but I've been tricked in everyone of them.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I need to do a more comprehensive investigation into leo's posts, but I think he's probably more likely to be a villager at this point. This is based on a few big picture factors

- his level of WIM
- his arguments about how he would not play as a wolf re: gambit. they seem genuine and if he believes it it's probably true
- I can't make sense of his play towards me and charry as a wolf. It seems more likely that he would react in the way he has as a villager

None of that is very specific. Part of the problem is that I'm not sure how i should read leo in terms of poking at individual posts. I also haven't re-read all his posts in detail yet in any case. I made a case yesterday and I think it's reasonable but his reactions to it and his effort level make me think it's more likely I'm wrong.
Alright, I only ask because you had him as a wolf yesterday (and I liked your posts on him, and they are still in part of why I'm voting him) so I wondered what he had done to make him fall off your wolf list.

Originally Posted by tmleafs1967
why not charry?

do you think hoya spewed you shc? or u think it was quarrrr?
Charry is also a good vote, ain't nothing wrong with him. chris needs pressure though.

Idk, I mean I know I'm not a wolf so it makes sense for him to be killed for that, and I think with these PRs in the game that wolves can't take a chance on not hitting a PR and just SPKing. I think the post re: me is more clear than the one on quarrrr by a long shot. But it's not super clear either way.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Well as a new player, Quarr should have simply had several posts that just clashed a big fat VILLAGER statement right in your face, but there has been no such posts. The posts today seem odd and somewhat premeditated
can you give an example of something in a quarrrr post today that you thought was premeditated?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
And if I knew for sure, I'd be the first to tell everyone. I'm not sure how everyone can be so sure all the time. I've only played five games, but I've been tricked in everyone of them.
meh, most people get tricked by at least one person in every game

have you ever wolfed?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
tappo? what
this post seems wolfy
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
meh, most people get tricked by at least one person in every game

have you ever wolfed?
No, I've always been a villager. I told people in one of my last games that I was glad I hadn't been chosen, because it would be too complicated for a beginner. Everyone freaked out and attacked me, saying those are random assignments. (I thought roles given to specific people to increase the game excitement, lol.) Hey, there is a lot to learn...

Actually, I worry more about being the seer, because in two of my games the seer was the same newb and got hammered by everyone for not playing correctly. He tried to change his game up the second time and really got attacked for his play again.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
I feel like it's weird that i'm not in any kind of high regard as a player here, yet i'm hold to a pretty crazy standard with regards to a little slanking, but I can take it, even from you *sniffles*
let's backtrack here chris.....what put you in high regard to begin with? I would assume above average villa play and above average wolf talents?

I mean, I can respect that all on it's own...

I just want to know when you stop living off "percieved* meta and start doing what you think respect earned you.

make sense? Most ot the players are relativly new, so your going to need to work and make reads in this game to survive and "earn" the respect of newer players.

WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:26 PM
didnt know kioshk was a uaw gimmick
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
No, I've always been a villager. I told people in one of my last games that I was glad I hadn't been chosen, because it would be too complicated for a beginner. Everyone freaked out and attacked me, saying those are random assignments. (I thought roles given to specific people to increase the game excitement, lol.) Hey, there is a lot to learn...

Actually, I worry more about being the seer, because in two of my games the seer was the same newb and got hammered by everyone for not playing correctly. He tried to change his game up the second time and really got attacked for his play again.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by tmleafs1967
I still feel bad for him, because I could see myself making some of those same mistakes. (Well, maybe not that second day, where his peek was completely undetectable.)

An with that happy note, if I'm the seer, I peeked WN as villa.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:39 PM
So many wolves avoiding the thread

WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
didnt know kioshk was a uaw gimmick
unsure why he isn't posting, i been in a game recently where he posted like a champ, someone else said he posted elsewhere already, unsure why he has yet to post here.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by well named
can you give an example of something in a quarrrr post today that you thought was premeditated?
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
If i take Tylers posts apart of votings are totally village imo. But it seems hes been up my a#s for 2 days only cause i didn't give out information about my earlier games.
CDL said all the reasons why I am face up playing right now and im role villager, TYler goes to study it and comes and votes me. Yet never gave another reason besides me hiding my previous experience. Ugh i think i don't wanna lynch him either.

About Thenothing...

D1 she's top wagon and tries real hard not to jump on either kruze or gambit. Well she had to...
D2 Announces she likes WN reading me as a wolf, when(like i earlier said) i saw her having troubles making it look like she thinks im a wolf. Votes Kruze.

I can't seem to find a good lynch on Kruzes wagon, whaaat.
Looking back quickly, he actually doesn't sounds that wolfy aside from this tbh. I've never been too great at reading brand new players, i give them villager credit way too easily, maybe i'm overcorrecting a bit. It's just with both these paragraphs, it seems like it should look like he's thinking on his feet, realizing things while writing, which seems clear to me isn't really the case

Originally Posted by tmleafs1967
let's backtrack here chris.....what put you in high regard to begin with? I would assume above average villa play and above average wolf talents?

I mean, I can respect that all on it's own...

I just want to know when you stop living off "percieved* meta and start doing what you think respect earned you.

make sense? Most ot the players are relativly new, so your going to need to work and make reads in this game to survive and "earn" the respect of newer players.

Huh? I wrote NOT in high regard in any way.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:47 PM
When i have a little more time at a computer and am able to(hopefully) coherently express and outline it + reevaluating my thinking, i'll address why TL is almost certainly a wolf at this point.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by tmleafs1967
unsure why he isn't posting, i been in a game recently where he posted like a champ, someone else said he posted elsewhere already, unsure why he has yet to post here.
I'm looking forward to his posting as well. I have never played WW with him, but we've talked plenty in ATF and OOT.

leafs and leo, you must be getting close in post count, be careful.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:47 PM
sup mofos?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:49 PM
leave redbolier alone
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:52 PM
seems like leo is willing to lynch pretty much anyone
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Looking back quickly, he actually doesn't sounds that wolfy aside from this tbh. I've never been too great at reading brand new players, i give them villager credit way too easily, maybe i'm overcorrecting a bit. It's just with both these paragraphs, it seems like it should look like he's thinking on his feet, realizing things while writing, which seems clear to me isn't really the case

Huh? I wrote NOT in high regard in any way.
i'll take my second misread mulligan for the day and probably slink away for the stupidity.

carry on....
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:54 PM
who thinks that he or she has done lot of work and has solid reads atm?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:55 PM
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:56 PM
I'll be home in an hour or so
WW: Speed Quote
