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10-09-2013 , 03:41 PM
from what I've read so far (not a lot of d2 really because I know what happened there, more this morning) I think I wanna lynch Leo, like, a lot
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
Lets just kill Leo since I disarmed him last night.
Or maybe I'm doing it tonight...
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
I can try to answer that. quarrrr started off a little slow and certainly seemed suspicious at first. Then he would post a bit and his voice really did seem villa. But, before I could get a real read on him he would sort of get sketchy and disappear and my wolf radar (as limited as it is), would go off.

TN complained that I wasn't taking a stance on him, but the best take on him was exactly like that. He is a wolf, he's not a wolf, he is a wolf, he's not a wolf etc. He was my best vote last night.

And by the way, welcome!
Did Kruze become more villagery yesterday, or was it that Kruze stayed equally wolfy and Quarrr just howled with his posts? And, either way, can you point to which posts you think made you think that?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:42 PM
It may have been Charry I disarmed last night. I forget.
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10-09-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
Lets just kill Leo since I disarmed him last night.
Originally Posted by DWetzel
from what I've read so far (not a lot of d2 really because I know what happened there, more this morning) I think I wanna lynch Leo, like, a lot
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I have a sneaking suspicion we had v/v wagons last night
Originally Posted by TimeLady
meh, I'm less concerned about people who voted kruze yesterday than people who voted kruze d1
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Originally Posted by Willi
can you give your leans on quarr, tn, leo, tyler, uaw, tappo and insanity?
villager, villager, wolf, villager (barely), non poster so lord knows, villager, idk

Originally Posted by Willi
tl, what you think about chris last day? you seem to have some experience with him
chris posted like 5 times yesterday which is much more in keeping with his wolf game than village game (now that post stats are public I can't keep my super secret tell on him - he has a major post count disparity between the roles)

It might just be irl stuff though since I thought he was quite villagery d1, so I wanna see what he does today

Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Leo is a wolf. Discuss.
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
I don't think Leo is best to lynch today.
I find clear:
vix, jay, perdi, cdl.
Originally Posted by TimeLady
why not?
Originally Posted by TimeLady
WN, what do you think of leo?
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Alright, I only ask because you had him as a wolf yesterday (and I liked your posts on him, and they are still in part of why I'm voting him) so I wondered what he had done to make him fall off your wolf list.

Charry is also a good vote, ain't nothing wrong with him. chris needs pressure though.

Idk, I mean I know I'm not a wolf so it makes sense for him to be killed for that, and I think with these PRs in the game that wolves can't take a chance on not hitting a PR and just SPKing. I think the post re: me is more clear than the one on quarrrr by a long shot. But it's not super clear either way.
Originally Posted by TimeLady
meh, most people get tricked by at least one person in every game

have you ever wolfed?
Another day, another set of timelady posts that don't actually contain any villagery thought processes.

"I think we had v/v wagons" and "I'm concerned about d1 kruze voters" are super banal observations. Voting leo based on a sponge. Voting chris. ho-hum.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:43 PM
I kind of like my lock avatar now
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10-09-2013 , 03:44 PM
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:45 PM
By the way, while I've read over the role set I haven't thought deeply about implications (I know CDL made some long post d1 about mechanical stuff); at this point I think unless for some reason we have a claimed PR that we know is going to do something I'm just going to lynch wolfy people and not worry about it -- so someone's going to have to tell me if that's bad and you're probably going to have to use small words.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
pretty sure thenothing is the seer guys
lol, sick title change leo

so today i'll have cdl repping a fake-peek of me (which he's done since d1) and leo pushing me because he "peeked me wolf". sounds like fun

and this is wolfy for leo for obvious reasons. unfortunately, terrible villager is also well within his range
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
lol, sick title change leo

so today i'll have cdl repping a fake-peek of me (which he's done since d1) and leo pushing me because he "peeked me wolf". sounds like fun

and this is wolfy for leo for obvious reasons. unfortunately, terrible villager is also well within his range
7:15 should be exciting, huh?
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:52 PM
now that's interesting

would you call out a title peek as a wolf?
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10-09-2013 , 03:53 PM
I was going to be on the news for work and I was going to slip in lock clear but they came late and I have to go now
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10-09-2013 , 03:54 PM
Heh I saw the title peek too but didn't want to say anything.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:54 PM
Didn't even see the title peek. That is def in Leo's book of wolf tricks
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Did Kruze become more villagery yesterday, or was it that Kruze stayed equally wolfy and Quarrr just howled with his posts? And, either way, can you point to which posts you think made you think that?
I missed EOD yesterday, when I thought that I would be there, because I forgot that we were given an extra hour the day before. (the forum was down) I'm don't think it would have changed my vote, but if it had, I probably would have voted KruZe as my second choice.

My list at post #1363 explains it a little bit. KruZe was going up at that point toward my feeling that he was more villa (and he was up and down sketchy to me as well, just like quarrrr), where quarrrr felt more wolfy to me. That's the best my reads could do.

And as an aside, my reads on day one were honestly, that the only two people that I could trust were myself and soah, lol.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by well named
now that's interesting

would you call out a title peek as a wolf?
If he was planning on bussing he would
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
why is your perspective different from the perspective of a villager like me or hoya or chips?

blow me up if you want to lol

everyone's perspective on the game is always different

that's why we all don't have the exact same reads

also, saw your post quoting hoya's posts about me yesterday, and you conveniently left off his last one where he said he was doubting me being a wolf:

Originally Posted by CPHoya
for example if he was someone I can actually take seriously re: mechanics / reads I'd just shove at you all day but this response is me TEMPERING my response specifically because it's him and even though he has no incentive to start openly lying he might think it's good for some CDLian reason

and when i say conveniently, i'm not calling you a wolf, just a tunneling moran

i kinda wish lkj was in this game to give me pointers on how to handle you
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
like this

this is AIDS.gif pretty sure
I'm probably gonna get laughed for this, and maybe rightly so, but I don't think insanity is making a post like this that's going to make him look like complete AIDS either five minutes after he makes it or a couple days later.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by well named
now that's interesting

would you call out a title peek as a wolf?
why would anyone do it as a villa?

Originally Posted by Krayz
Heh I saw the title peek too but didn't want to say anything.

Originally Posted by ihcjay
Didn't even see the title peek. That is def in Leo's book of wolf tricks
how is it a trick? Its just trolling and he is either gonna explode as the bomb or hasn't been disarmed yet and he wants to be lynched.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named
now that's interesting

would you call out a title peek as a wolf?
i dunno, probably
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:58 PM
mid day comments

timelady is outed(not a peek)

seems like dwetzel knew he wanted to come to the conclusion that he wants to vote me before he actually said so with the "kruze d1 voters that didnt' vote him d2" comment. lets just say i'm less than impressed with his posting so far but will give him a fair shake if he ever decides to get villagery. what exactly did you not like about my posts this morning dwetzel?

not sure what to think about wn. he seems off and some of the reads he is making are wtf but also agree with some of the stuff he is saying. dunno if he and TL can be w/w ever

lolinsanity, found the title peek awfully quickly for someone who just got back to the thread bro

kioshk is outed, if he doesn't explode at :15 we cfd hiim so he can't explode tomorrow

notes on the suicide bomber:

no one that was voting gambit day1 can be the suicide bomber
none of the people that are giving a lot of effort this morning can be the suicide bomber(this one is a little thin)
dwetzel cannot be the suicide bomber, he would have been used yesterday

that narrows the field considerably

i guess TL could be, tho i'm sorta buying into her being the godfather with that last NK

not really sure what to make of redd flipping on me and TN, and i'm surprised it hasn't been a topic of discussion so far. will evaluate later i guess
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:59 PM
insanity my guess is that your best bet for today is to proceed normally and make some reads

kruze is dead and it's time to reassess. Let me be your hounddog defender for the next few hours, if you're a villager do some good work.
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:00 PM
Votes from post 1924 to post 2498
Night in 4:00:52

3 Charry well named (36), tmleafs1967 (56), Telcontar (9)
2 insanity31 LeonardoDicaprio (58), CalledDownLight (21)
2 ReddBoiler TheNothing (56), chrisrjdk (21)
2 chrisrjdk TimeLady (10), Luckbox Inc (48)
1 kioshk Willi (28)
1 Willi Krayz (46)
1 TimeLady ihcjay (41)
1 TheNothing Perdition (6)
1 unvote ReddBoiler (59)
8 not voting vixticator (0), tylertwo (16), tappokone (16), Steve Yzerman fan (0), kioshk (1), insanity31 (8), DWetzel (10), Charry (0)
WW: Speed Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:02 PM
charry in the lead! I just popped a boner
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