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WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread

02-09-2010 , 07:45 AM
Yea i shanked IFTN.. my bad

And sooted is voting me.. wauw?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman

I have nothing to explain. I killed essedarius. Or well, at the very least, that is what I sent in that I wanted to do.
Hm ok that's possible
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:47 AM
writeups are most flavor imo.

i believe thingy killed esse. why would he lie as any role?
chris likely killed iftn.
abruzzi/t-bag killed luckay.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Yea i shanked IFTN.. my bad

And sooted is voting me.. wauw?
Chris you've said yesterday that if you misshank someone we could lynch you, thoughts on that today?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:50 AM
chris please explain iftn shankage. i'd like to hear some sort of valid reasoning before i hold it against you.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Chris you've said yesterday that if you misshank someone we could lynch you, thoughts on that today?
Lynch me if you need too, but i dont see why villagers would want to lynch an outed special really, so it would just be terribad to even focus on me today!

Wolfs only had one kill and they chose KR yesterday, they will probably kill me tonight thats really all there is and should be on this matter!
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
chris please explain iftn shankage. i'd like to hear some sort of valid reasoning before i hold it against you.
Well he was my top wolf suspect all day yesterday therein lies my arguments, should'nt really be a surprise that i picked him.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
the thing is, that nk in no way clears me unless KR is the seer, and you know i wouldnt/wont pretend for a heartbeat it does. thus, it does not incriminate me either.

honestly the only way that kill is made if i am a wolf is if i had no say in the deicision.
hmm 7.2
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:57 AM
I will step out, possibly until some time tonight, but will see if i can get online from work. Just focus on finding some wolves please i dont want to see anymore riddiculousness(?!)
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Yea i shanked IFTN.. my bad

And sooted is voting me.. wauw?
Originally Posted by derwipok
Chris you've said yesterday that if you misshank someone we could lynch you, thoughts on that today?
chrisjdk Going to go back and see what you had to say about him, but I think most people had him much much clearer than most.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Yea i shanked IFTN.. my bad

And sooted is voting me.. wauw?
at what point does it become acceptable to vote you
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by aao
The prison officers were furious with the prisoners. They took KeanuReaver aside and made an example out of him.

KeanuReaver has been killed.
i don't know if this has been clarified already, and it should be pretty obvious for those who watch the show, but villagers = prisoners, wolves = officers. neutrals is also prob certain special prisoners such as abruzzi (don't even really remember him from the show though) or t-bag (he could easily be villa vig though too)

almost want to watch season 1 again but won't.

sarah tancradi prob angel.
michael - seer?
lincoln - vig?

who else is in season 1?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:13 AM
Housenuts if Lincoln was a vig, he would probably have killed someone yesterday. To me it seems more likely that one of Abruzzi and T-Bag is a vig and the other one is either a 2nd vig or neutral.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
i don't know if this has been clarified already, and it should be pretty obvious for those who watch the show, but villagers = prisoners, wolves = officers. neutrals is also prob certain special prisoners such as abruzzi (don't even really remember him from the show though) or t-bag (he could easily be villa vig though too)

almost want to watch season 1 again but won't.

sarah tancradi prob angel.
michael - seer?
lincoln - vig?

who else is in season 1?
agree with sarah/michael
i dont think linc would be a vig, i have other thoughts on his role but dont want to post them yet
abruzzi/tbag seem likely vigs
sucre prob has a role
db cooper?

warden/bellick are prob power wolves

meh this is idle speculation anyway
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:20 AM

im the seer

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:20 AM
i agree, but it's quite possible there's a neutral vig and a villa vig, and one of them was rb'd last night, their target was angeled, or they killed someone who was already shanked or otherwise killed.

it def seems like the luckay kill was by abruzzi or t-bag and both those guys strike me moreso as neutral possibilities than most other inmates would.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by J.D.
chrisjdk Going to go back and see what you had to say about him, but I think most people had him much much clearer than most.
OK to be fair he did attack IFTN quite a bit yesterday, and re-reading his posts in a vacuum, they seem pretty villagery.

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:24 AM
So I really didn't like this post at eod yesterday and asked you to explain it:

Originally Posted by Grayson
shank chris/rollwave ok
which you did here so we know it wasn't a joke:

Originally Posted by Grayson
i'm c&ping, k

rollwave [lean wolf "moved down for post #232 "hard work and analysis"]

chrisrdjk post #222
but then when it looked like you might get lynched you unloaded a lot of reads. In particular these neutral/wolf leans:

Originally Posted by Grayson
rollwave [lean wolf "moved down for #232 "hard work and analysis"]
tc, imo [lean villa, moved down for #495 "while jd might be a wolf, there is no reason to lynch him today" #52 #67, #208 "good post by maruchan"
esse [lean wolf] #138, #241
well named [lean wolf] #269
Originally Posted by Grayson
darthrob #164 #176 "i don't feel comfortable saying maruchan is a villager" makes no judgment on bsball/maruchan's posts, however intention of post was disproving early villa reads
keanureaver #144 "we got a lot of villas in the thread" "we'll find a wolf or two tomorrow", #513 "cross-checked #142 wahoo posts hi, #144 keanu makes opening post, however he 'finds a wolf on my post', appends "heh heh" to post, #523 "he defend himself just awfully"
chrisrdjk #222

notice both jumped on my wagon as well
Why would you suggest shanking one of your neutral reads when you have other wolf leans?

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:27 AM
Also, I am interested in what well named has to say about the event last night. He headed home after what looks like a "talk". Pretty good timing IMO.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
oh lol that's who you are...
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
that actually explains the thingyman thing too
I just remembered thingy hard defending you when I was going after you for that pot of gold
If chris was in wolf chat with luckay he would know who he was
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Do you plan on catching up?
maybe tarheels = villa for this but idk

easy question to w/w with as well
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:56 AM
I'm bouncing back and forth on my read of Chris - but regardless, I will defend his shank of iflat. Lots of people had him villagery, but I was gonna come out today voting for iflat.

His tone seemed off during the day yesterday, he had a few wierd comments, and his end of game, unvoting multiple times, reeked of "i'm a wolf and there are v/v/v/v wagons so i don't need to vote and by not voting for a villa that gets lynched that might get me points later".

And thingy - please explain how you went from reading bsball as wolfy, to saying your will shank bsball, to shanking essederias. In post 922, right near end of day, bsball is one of the key players trying to push the esse cfd. They are unlikely w/w.

You say that you killed esse since there was a small consensus that wanted him dead...but those small consensus are players that you think are wolves? so, what am i missing?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Originally Posted by biggerboat
LOL, I just realized I have no clue who the bad guys are.
this response to bigger doesn't seem like w/w
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:58 AM
has anyone played with Grayson before. He may be a wolf.

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 08:59 AM
and in before "you said he was villa for his posts near EOD".

I found something that I really dont like about yesterday. I changed my mind.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
