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WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread

02-09-2010 , 04:35 AM

heh heh
gl villa

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:36 AM
***Mod Announcement***

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do the wolves have a list of role names through which they can claim from?
I can't say.

However, an anti-role claiming mechanism is in place to stop anyone with a role name becomming cleared through claiming though.

As said before, claim at your own risk.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:38 AM
wahoo is very likely to be villa if wolves nk'd keanu thinking he was seer.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:54 AM

WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:57 AM
Now, on a downer, that was a really bad CFD and I was part of it.

My instinct is Derwi has to go, but I have no vote today.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 04:58 AM
lulz at KR kill
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 05:17 AM
Also KR I love that play, high five.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 05:18 AM
off to bed. thread is lame, as these games always are at this time.

i'll also be gone most of tomorrow. everyone who has posted so far today is villa.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Also KR I love that play, high five.
ya it is a good play in a mishmash
just lol at it working
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 06:17 AM
rereading eod atm

housenuts is a villager
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 06:44 AM
Wohoo live another day <3
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 06:56 AM
derwipok what are your current reads?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:08 AM
** dead **

wat, already?

** dead **
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:15 AM
so who else thinks that makes wahoo a wolf
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:18 AM
chris jr
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
so who else thinks that makes wahoo a wolf
the thing is, that nk in no way clears me unless KR is the seer, and you know i wouldnt/wont pretend for a heartbeat it does. thus, it does not incriminate me either.

honestly the only way that kill is made if i am a wolf is if i had no say in the deicision.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:22 AM
oh and it is 6:22 so i am going to go to sleep
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:27 AM
hey guys... My shank kill was the essedarius one. I didn't really feel good about it. I reread him like 30 times, and the first half of his posts were wolfy, while his second half was somewhat villagery... but he was one of the top suspects in the thread and I didn't feel like I could take my other suspects, seeing as people would've been angry with me if those had turned out to be villagers.

I guess this means that chrisrjdk took out IFlatTheNuts. That is a much worse kill imo :P
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by darthrob64
derwipok what are your current reads?
villagers: darthrob, rollwave, thread cat
at least one of cphoya/forsythio might very well still be a wolf
I still think something is up with Grayson
I also don't believe chris claim fwiw
This is just otoh and not much, but I'll work on more
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:37 AM
Event Recap

OnThInIcE911	not talk	couldn’t confirm
LuckayLuck	not talk	no vote d2

KeanuReaver	missed event	5 posts d2
well named	-		-

biggerboat	not talk	no vote d2 (says shoe)
CPHoya	 	not talk	no vote d2 (says shoe)

DiggertheDog	not talk	5 posts d2
chrisrjdk	talked		n1 kill

Thingyman	talked		n1 kill
legend42	not talk	5 posts d2

This is based on everyone telling the truth about their talk/no talk reward/punishment

Looks like there were 3 scenarios:

Neither talk - both go to the shoe and get no d2 vote
One talk/one not talk - n1 kill/5 posts d2
Both talk - don't know what happens here

Therefore based on keanureavers claim it would appear that well named got a n1 kill. So Chris/Thingy/well named got n1 kills. Of the overnight kills only IFTN was specifically shanked in the writeup. Based on his posts yesterday I suspect that this was by Chris. So what happened to Thingy and well nameds?

Esse/Luckay are the other two night kills that possibly might be from shanks:

- I don't think Luckay's was a shank because the writeup points to Abruzzi specifically. I would guess this is a role that could be part of a neutral faction of prisoners and is a likely character to have a vig ability.
- Esse's writeup describes a shank scenario, although doesn't use the word 'shank' specifically.

Even if Esse was shanked then that still leaves one more unaccounted for. Either one of well named/thingy was role blocked last night or the shank is not a 100% kill anyway(?)

Chris/Thingy/well named do you have any information you'd like to share?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
hey guys... My shank kill was the essedarius one. I didn't really feel good about it. I reread him like 30 times, and the first half of his posts were wolfy, while his second half was somewhat villagery... but he was one of the top suspects in the thread and I didn't feel like I could take my other suspects, seeing as people would've been angry with me if those had turned out to be villagers.

I guess this means that chrisrjdk took out IFlatTheNuts. That is a much worse kill imo :P
I've actually read what the mod wrote and I don't believe this. See here why:

Originally Posted by aao
Friend: I call it the gutter. Jam it up there in the stomach. These bits right here hook onto the intestines and pull back, poor suckers guts are hanging right out of his stomach. And he’ll get a good look at them, because the wounds not fatal… at least not until the infection sets in.

(He hands it to T-Bag, who places it into his bible.)

T-Bag: (Whispering into his ear) You’re one sick puppy, you know that? (He pats him on the shoulder)

Friend: Thank you.
T-Bag gets something that pulls out guts.

Originally Posted by aao
essedarius did not wake up from his sleep. He lay dead in his cell… his guts decorated the walls.

essedarius has been killed.
Esse's guts are pulled out. To me this reads like T-Bag is able to kill people.

And for comparison here is the writeup of a shank kill:

Originally Posted by aao
IFlatTheNuts has been shanked to death.
Explain yourself thingy
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:38 AM
ok cross post with Thingy so looks like we've cleared up esse's death and Thingy's shank
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:40 AM
And a question I have to those who recently watched the show:

Originally Posted by aao
On their way out to the yard, someone grabbed LuckayLuck and pulled him into a quiet room. With a distinct Italian accent, he muttered the words “No one disrespects me here. Now, you shall pay!”

LuckayLuck has been killed.
Who could be the guy that kills people and has an Italian accent?
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
And a question I have to those who recently watched the show:

Who could be the guy that kills people and has an Italian accent?
see my post above
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I've actually read what the mod wrote and I don't believe this. See here why:

T-Bag gets something that pulls out guts.

Esse's guts are pulled out. To me this reads like T-Bag is able to kill people.

And for comparison here is the writeup of a shank kill:

Explain yourself thingy

I have nothing to explain. I killed essedarius. Or well, at the very least, that is what I sent in that I wanted to do.
WW - Prison Break: Season 1 Game Thread Quote
