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11-30-2014 , 06:25 PM
think of it as an example of me caring about determining your alignment
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i pointed out what i believe to be an inconsistency and you bring it back to your meta, time and again you talk about your previous villa and wolf games, do you remember when i told you they don't mean anything?

they don't mean anything

your previous games don't mean anything

try to stop mentioning them every time i try to talk to you about something that's actually happening in this game
it's bull**** if you actually believe that it's irrelevant that I can show you proof that a person can express both those feelings

because that immediately renders your suspicions or whatever null

plus, I didn't just refer to "my meta" - I did explain how those feelings are possible in this specific game

so rather than harping on the meta thing, you can either take the rest of the post into account or you can tell me what the reply is lacking in terms of explaining my feelings
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
think of it as an example of me caring about determining your alignment
You don't care at all! I'm glad we got that one covered.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
it's bull**** if you actually believe that it's irrelevant that I can show you proof that a person can express both those feelings

because that immediately renders your suspicions or whatever null

plus, I didn't just refer to "my meta" - I did explain how those feelings are possible in this specific game

so rather than harping on the meta thing, you can either take the rest of the post into account or you can tell me what the reply is lacking in terms of explaining my feelings
what's bull**** is that you feel the need to write this:

'if you really want to pursue this line of thinking I can show you both that 1) I've already expressed both these feelings in this game and 2) that I've similarly expressed similar seemingly contradicting feelings in past villa games.'

before responding to what i'm saying

i was pointing out that i thought you were being inconsistent, how is it that this ends up with you telling me about your previous games and then asking me to explain your feelings?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by merk_sa
You don't care at all! I'm glad we got that one covered.
the easiest and quickest way for me to determine your aligment is by lynching you tonight, my vote proves i care
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:33 PM
In other news, skimming through a couple days ago: I wonder why TTT didn't try to get well named lynched. His claim was setup to make him look townie after well named flips Isolator.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
the easiest and quickest way for me to determine your aligment is by lynching you tonight, my vote proves i care
If I end up getting mislynched because you're too prideful to accept that personal jab at me was needless and downright rude, then, hey, you got it, buddy.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
what's bull**** is that you feel the need to write this:

'if you really want to pursue this line of thinking I can show you both that 1) I've already expressed both these feelings in this game and 2) that I've similarly expressed similar seemingly contradicting feelings in past villa games.'

before responding to what i'm saying

i was pointing out that i thought you were being inconsistent, how is it that this ends up with you telling me about your previous games and then asking me to explain your feelings?
didn't do this...

And it's not an inconsistency. But call it what you want.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:36 PM
Actually, maybe he was hoping that the Cop had a full peek on well named and would have claimed to save TTT.
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11-30-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by merk_sa
If I end up getting mislynched because you're too prideful to accept that personal jab at me was needless and downright rude, then, hey, you got it, buddy.
what are you talking about?

i'm not being prideful that's the whole point, i just jab and poke at other people's pride and see how they react, you refusing to link your case because i called you stupid is you being prideful, don't try and turn it around on me chief
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by merk_sa
If I end up getting mislynched because you're too prideful to accept that personal jab at me was needless and downright rude, then, hey, you got it, buddy.
I'm surprised that you're capable of being offended by something like that :P
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
what are you talking about?

i'm not being prideful that's the whole point, i just jab and poke at other people's pride and see how they react, you refusing to link your case because i called you stupid is you being prideful, don't try and turn it around on me chief
It looks like you found cory's horse.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:41 PM

I agree with whoever said arcbell is unlikely to be the game-ending wolf. Either he has a buddy or he's a villager, neither of which is all that good.

I haven't really reread WN too in depthly yet other than skimming through the various days. It was pretty obvious that Arcbell would be lynched so I figure I would do the reread together. My thoughts haven't really changed.

I can't shake the feeling that Thingy is the wolf and I don't really agree that anything clears him more than other players in the game. At this point there are things that kinda clear every single one of us besides Arcbell.

Tappo on tone and content seems like he has played villagery from d3 on wards. Mechanically, due to who has been a wolf, wagons, and just the way the game has gone, it seems possible he could be a wolf.

DWetzel has sounded more villagery recently and looking back he has some posts which might be hard to fake as a wolf. But I think he does make some sense and wouldn't be shocked if it went this way.

lenc makes some sense too but I get the feeling he has legitimately been trying to solve the game.

merk has had some wolfy moments and been a constant suspect from day 1 but I can understand the analysis he is making and I get how he thinks. Because of this it makes it hard for me to call him wolfy for these things.

Moocher has probably played too too large a part in lynching wolves to be a wolf himself but if we get desperate I guess we have to look here.

Crunkus has been spewed and semi-cleared alot and I don't really think the wolf team would allow both him and Arcbell to play the way they have if they were on the same team. If Arc flips village then I guess this doesn't mater.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:42 PM
Once we know arcs role, I will try solidify my thoughts and post some real analysis. Not much point before he flips imo.

After that it's open season though and we could all get very paranoid about each other
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11-30-2014 , 06:43 PM

Why the low participation?
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11-30-2014 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
So, anyway, I'm not sure if I'm going to be around closer to EOD, because I'm really tired, and I'd rather just let this be for a while, but screw it. I almost, ALMOST, feel dirty for this*.

Arcbell's an outed wolf IMO:


First of all, "I forget how my vanilla villager role is phrased" is remarkably LOL in itself, for hopefully self-evident reasons.

Second, I would suggest reading the various reveals posted in this link. Especially the ones for jcohen, Phelanpt, and Athexx. Because those seem relevant.

except for the part where I was insisting he was a wolf since like d2 until the yamato vote threw me off the scent (but, note that other yamato interactions, notably defending traz against the #alliance, show that he wasn't averse to bussing)
You realize I didn't need to check my role to know what it was right? It's a pretty straightforward role.


Vanilla Town

Vanilla Villager

Town Vanilla

Village Vanilla

Vanilla Village

Village sided Vanilla

Vanilla sided with the Town

Town sided Vanilla

Vanilla sided with the Village



it's all quite the same to me (except on our site "vanilla" exclusively refers to vanilla mafia, sometimes abbriviated to "nilla" so I like to avoid the "vanilla" affix if I can)

lol if I'm lynched for this.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Once we know arcs role, I will try solidify my thoughts and post some real analysis. Not much point before he flips imo.

After that it's open season though and we could all get very paranoid about each other
Why is this?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:50 PM
Dwetzel do you really think I, as town would bother to go look up the wording of my role before I claimed it? Would I as mafia bother to look up how the villager role is phrased on this site?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:55 PM
Arcbell, who is scum and why?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Arcbell
I just reread everything from Moocher. Sad to say I stand by my read 100%. Even if LenC isn't mafia the amount of sideways posting from Moocher can only be interpreted one way.

I'd like to ask, if I may, one last time for people to go back and reread him. Look at how he is pushing on me subtley while claiming to townread me concurrently, and when he switches over. Notice that there isn't a consistant read on me throughout our entire interaction.

Please note the types of questions he's asking me all along, and the way he takes little bits of what I say and forces a completely wrong interpretation on them. Notice how much of the game he spends trying to discredit me.
Is this still where you are?
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 06:56 PM
I'm here to lynch someone. Anyone.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:01 PM
Votes from post 9737 to post 10046
Night in 1:59:57

6 Arcbell Thingyman (25), DWetzel (11), merk_sa (46), saberwolf13 (1), Crunkus (1), traz (2)
4 merk_sa tappokone (47), Arcbell (48), lenC (47), The Moocher (64)
1 not voting dbmurph22 (6)
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:02 PM
Arc+DWetz doesn't make that much sense anymore. Unless it's a total hail mary and DWetz suddenly turned very bussy and Arc went full derp, have to check how that has progressed during the game(I already remember the list I called you out on, DWetz, and I still believe I made good points but whatevs).

If Arc is a wolf then I'd be more tempted to clear out this tappo/merk rivarly, if one of them isn't going tonight.

Only way we might be legit ****ed is if arc+dwetz+tappo+merk are all villagers.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:03 PM
If Arc flips town, I'm going to do a deep dive. If Arc flips scum and the game is not over, I guess I have to do the same.

I don't know where we go from here.
Ultimate Game of Mafia Champions - GAME THREAD Quote
11-30-2014 , 07:04 PM
Arc, do you have any response to the allegations that you're playing in the exact same manner that you played in your qualifier, where you were a wolf?
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