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UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal.

09-10-2018 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by e_holle
So my perfect category fit finished behind songs that didn't fit? No way to run a walrus, man. :headshake:

This is actually a fair complaint, but there are slight category misfits and then there are huge ones.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-10-2018 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
It was really bad and rather than explain how bad it was, I decided to use a funny gif. I don’t actually hate you (even though now you might hate me ).
why you hate on spiderbait

sick bars self
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-10-2018 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I am not really sure I have heard it before.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more am I convinced that I did not hear it. I think I would have remember it for sure if I had.

Also, you would not believe how much famous stuff I have never heard.
damn you're missing out then, this is up there with the greats imo, I only didn't sub it cause I thought it would be too obvious haha

speaking of Africa covers... have you heard Weezer's cover of it?
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
In 11th place, earning 4 points,

Despite Whip It being their big hit, this song was the epitome of the group's sound and self-description of "The Devolution of Music". Such a contrast to the wandering guitar rock of the 70s. Such rigid and mechanical dissonance that's just beautiful. Having a Bats*** crazy video helped too.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
In 8th place, earning 7 points,


The vocals are way too high for my liking, but mercifully, the music drowns them enough not to give me a headache. I still did not enjoy this.

The music was nothing special, either.

It's way, way better than the original (that one DID give me a headache) so props for the category fit, I guess.
kinda like slade's version. But yes this was a big one. That guy is such a dick tho (the lead singer)
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite

In 3rd place, earning 12 points,


This is funny bc I submitted an Africa cover to your walrus and you said that when you listen to a cover, you almost always would rather listen to the original.

While I am tempted to just copy-past your comment and use it as my write-up, I have to recognize that these guys are very good. Alas, the original is still better (so I have to penalize this) but I did not regret listening to it one bit.
Fastastic home version! Solid! Not better tho as it loses a lot without the drums and percussion. Def misses the keys too.

The strumming parts just kinda ruin it. THeir singing is solid!
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
In 5th place, earning 10 points,

I'm sorry to inform you that these people sound like they ARE going to take it. The "I just woke up and I did not have coffee yet" feeling is strong with this one.

It's a pity because they do not sound like awful singers, and the music is quite pleasant.

Also, in spite of the singer's nightmarish face, I liked the original better.
No where near as good as the original. UD selling out and going back on his word of what this category is as well as throwing two bits to awful narren whispery altrock.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
all good plenty of mountains nearby Munich

sup you?
Stuck in Denmark with a baby, house and a new car...

Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
In 4th place, earning 11 points,


Shows real promise, but lose some of its harmony at the 0:32 mark and never fully recovers. Likewise, the singer starts well enough but starts disappointing pretty soon. These high notes are not for him. I liked the piano. Overall, the song does not realize its potential but it's still ok. Decent, even.

And yes, decent gets you fourth here.
Close to podium.
Hmm, singer is one of the best in Denmark - but that show was when he became know.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Also, here's the usual reminder about the possibility of swapping one song (if you haven't done that already).
I considered switching to this one, for one of the categories - but that would just be trolling...

UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by CrimsonFox
No where near as good as the original. UD selling out and going back on his word of what this category is as well as throwing two bits to awful narren whispery altrock.
Everything else was even worse.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:00 PM
7. A song that features exclusively non-English lyrics.

The reveal will start in 5 minutes.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:04 PM
I love my sub and if you don't I might actually give up.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:05 PM
In 14th place, scoring 1 point,



So I see you decided to give the "submit a really famous song and hope UD has not heard of it" roulette another spin. I regret to inform you that you lost.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I like this song. But still last you are.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:06 PM
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
I love my sub and if you don't I might actually give up.
Given that you have already submitted songs for all the remaining categories, that wouldn’t be a problem.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:08 PM
Warning: slightly NSFW video.

In 13th place, scoring 2 points,


If you say that technically, this is not rap, I will not even argue with you. It's rap enough for placement purposes. It feels a bit awkard to **** so much on your song the second time in a row, but I hated this.

I did not really "get" the lyrics either, but I am not going to penalize the song for that.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:10 PM
In 12th place, scoring 3 points,


Extremely ****ty electronic music. My second-hand embarrassment for the woman that tries to sound sensual by whispering is very, very high.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:12 PM
In 11th place, scoring 4 points,

Walrein with 18, 19 by Tricot


That singer is awful in a strange way.

She is not particularly annoying.
I can't point to a particular timestap and say "boy, did she make a howler here".

But she sounds ever so slightly off-tune for most of the song. If someone put me under for 4 hours, this is how music would sound to me after waking up.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:19 PM
In 10th place, scoring 5 points,

e_holle with Sadeness by Enigma


Take one part liturgic music. Add one part generic whispering that does not gain anything from being sung in French. Add one part liturgic music.

Result: ****ty electronic track that is also way too long.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:21 PM
In 9th place, scoring 6 points,


Quite an energetic pop song. Unfortunately, it's all empty calories. Somewhat pleasant to listen to, but it will take me 10 minutes at most to forget the melody.

PS It took me a lot of effort not to dock points for the twerking fat guy, but I managed to resist the temptation.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:23 PM
In 8th place, scoring 7 points,



Here's another entry to the "song that do not leave any impression" category. Sorry, but I am running out of things to say about these kind of songs. If you find silence to be unbearable, there are worse ways to fill, er... 4 minutes and 40 seconds?

Yep, this is definitely too long. See, I found something to say! Hurray!

PS What does "Put your K before honesty" mean? Is google translate failing me?
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:23 PM
I actually kinda liked this one for some reason haha.

I didn't watch the video tho.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:25 PM
In 7th place, scoring 8 points,


When I saw the title of this song (it means "The selfie army") I feared the worst. But it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Unfortunately, the lyrics (which, as the title suggest, is a critique of "Generation Z") is almost as boring as said generation tends to be (nothing personal, guys. I'm just "old and cranky. Are you yawning yet? See? Rants about how the present times suck tend to get boring. Or maybe I just suck at writing).

The music tried very hard to worm into my ear, but I think it failed to do so. The vocals are listenable. But I definitely won't listen to this one again.

I'd reward the risk for submitting a song in Italian, but let's face it: the probability I was willingly going to listen to a song with that title was quite low.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
09-11-2018 , 06:27 PM
In 6th place, scoring 9 points,

Adam33 with yet by Clammbon


I don't have a great relationship with J-pop (and by that I mostly listen to it because it gets submitted to my walruses and I usually don't end up liking the submissions too much).

But this is alright. I wish the singer had a less "childish" voice, but it's not horrible, and while the music is a bit over the place in certain parts of the songs, it's great in others.

PS The singer missed a note horribly at about the 3:50 mark.
UD's walrus, v3 -the reveal. Quote
