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TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal

08-27-2009 , 06:48 PM
ok, one of you is IMing me on the side with somethign so stupid. I cant continue until this is settled.

NHLnut is currently in 1st place
Nich is in 2nd place
There is a 5 way tie for 3rd place with 44.

PEople with 45 are therefor tied for 8th. One of them is saying they are in 4th, and has the audacity to call ME stupid! Can someoen explain to this person that they shoudl re-take 7th grade math they wont listen to me
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Is that all it takes? Why didn't you tell me that months ago?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
i was thinking everyone owuld go calculon
****. Unless you are saying that because you then didn't, in which case cool.

I shoulda gone with the psycho stabbing one.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:51 PM
i hate you.

if eight people are tied for first place, then should the person in second place say they're in ninth place?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
i hate you.

if eight people are tied for first place, then should the person in second place say they're in ninth place?
How many people are ahead of them?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:52 PM
Question11: Since Futurama was so good, any robot from Futurama who was in 2 episode or more
(10)Bender - hitch, gus, amplify, outkicked, mute, fcbl, wyman, kokiri, tom1975, wrane
(4)The Chrushinator - daer, nhlnut, pwnsall, nich
(3)Calculon - dwetzel, fleeborg, truenorth
(3)Robot Santa - jamee, cardsman, alice16
(2)The Robot Mafia - mexi, chyme
(1)Hedonismbot - timelady
(1)Boxy - coordi
(1)Preacherbot - drold
(1)Robot Devil - syberduh
(1)'All My Circuits' Cast - akson

Incorrects - 15
Never watched it - legend
Carlos Beltron - mjw

Unused Answers - Many

Some convtroversy here i decided Calculon and Boxy were indepdendant enough not to be grouped in as an all my circuits robot, send your complaints to my ass
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
i hate you.

if eight people are tied for first place, then should the person in NINTH place say they're in ninth place?

I edited your post to remove the stupidty and make it answer its own quesiton.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:55 PM
I never thought I'd see Bobo outsmart others.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
i hate you.

if eight people are tied for first place, then should the person in second place say they're in ninth place?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:58 PM
this is bull****.

so you wouldn't say, in sheep, like we ALWAYS DO, you are "tied for second place" ??
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:58 PM
Bobo should run the big annual trivia night around these parts. Last year their computer told us we were in second place after the first question behind about 20 other teams.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:58 PM
I seriously can't believe you think that someone with 8 people in front of them can be in 2nd place.

Allow me to tell a story.

One time I was stayign at a friend's house. His mom was saying a tournament of some kind that can end in ties. There was a buyin and places paid. Like 10 people buyin for 5 dollars.

1st place - $25
2nd place - $15
3rd place - $10

OK, sounds allright right. If the standings finished like this...

Carla - 7
Diane - 7
Jamie - 6
Gretta - 5
Laura - 5
Paula - 5
Carol - 4
Lisa - 3
Alexa - 3
Michelle - 2

They would say Carla and Diane split 1st place. Jamie got 2nd and Gretta Paula and Laura split 3rd. And actually pay them that way. So Jamie would get $15 and the two people in firts would get $12.50. My friend and i wanted to kill oursdelves after agruign with her for 20 minutes on why this was wrong. She seriously couldnt get it.

Maybe its a woman thing
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
i hate you.

if eight people are tied for first place, then should the person in second place say they're in ninth place?
If there are 8 people ahead of you, even though you have the "second-best score", you are in 9th place.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure BobO just wanted to brag that a girl was IMing him. And I don't blame him.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:00 PM
Not to mention here 9 other woman friends all saw this as correct and had no problem with it
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:01 PM
ok, so the next time i see any of you run a sheep/peehs and write "Tied for _____ Place" followed by a colon with a bunch of names after it...i should just sit tight and wait for the universe to collapse?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
ok, so the next time i see any of you run a sheep/peehs and write "Tied for _____ Place" followed by a colon with a bunch of names after it...i should just sit tight and wait for the universe to collapse?
lol youre misinterpreting that. Soemtimes there are ties yes, like there really are people tied for 3rd right now
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
this is bull****.

so you wouldn't say, in sheep, like we ALWAYS DO, you are "tied for second place" ??
In peehs if nich had 7 points and the next two both had 33 points, then yes they would be tied for second. The guy(s) with 34 points would be in 4th.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
ok, so the next time i see any of you run a sheep/peehs and write "Tied for _____ Place" followed by a colon with a bunch of names after it...i should just sit tight and wait for the universe to collapse?
People can be tied for places, sure. If scores in some game are:


Then the person with 10 is in first alone. The three people with 9 are all tied for second. However, since there are 3 people tied for second, nobody is in 3rd or 4th place. The person with 8 is in fifth. Both people with 7 are tied for sixth.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
I seriously can't believe you think that someone with 8 people in front of them can be in 2nd place.

Allow me to tell a story.

One time I was stayign at a friend's house. His mom was saying a tournament of some kind that can end in ties. There was a buyin and places paid. Like 10 people buyin for 5 dollars.

1st place - $25
2nd place - $15
3rd place - $10

OK, sounds allright right. If the standings finished like this...

Carla - 7
Diane - 7
Jamie - 6
Gretta - 5
Laura - 5
Paula - 5
Carol - 4
Lisa - 3
Alexa - 3
Michelle - 2

They would say Carla and Diane split 1st place. Jamie got 2nd and Gretta Paula and Laura split 3rd. And actually pay them that way. So Jamie would get $15 and the two people in firts would get $12.50. My friend and i wanted to kill oursdelves after agruign with her for 20 minutes on why this was wrong. She seriously couldnt get it.

Maybe its a woman thing
bobo you are 100% right in this situation, please take note of this, I probably will never say it again.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:10 PM
also good one...Carlos Beltron
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:11 PM
Scores After 11:

nhlnut - 41
timelady - 45
chyme - 46
drold - 46
nich - 47
dwetzel - 47
syberduh - 47
alice - 48
daer - 50
cardsman - 50
truenorth - 51
wyman - 54
fcbl - 54
outkicked - 55
pwnsall - 55
flee - 55
coordi - 56
gus - 58
tom - 59
amplify - 60
hitch - 60
legend - 63
jamee - 63
akson - 63
mexi - 66
kokiri - 71
mute - 78
wrane - 83
mjw - 91
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
also good one...Carlos Beltron
I was pretty sure he was going for that, I changed the 'a' to an 'o' myself, pretty sure that was his joke haha i laughed
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:21 PM
Question12: One of the 4 characters from "Seinfeld"
(12)Seinfeld - dwetzel, hitch, gus, outkicked, chyme, jamee, syberduh, fleeborg, kokiri, alice16, wrane, mjw
(8)George - amplify, timelady, drold, daer, pwnsall, fcbl, wyman, tom1975
(7)Elaine - akson, coordi, nhlnut, mute, cardsman, truenorth, legend
(2)Kramer - mexi, nich
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:22 PM
Final Scores:

Congrats Winner! - nhlnut - 48
LOL PWNED! - nich - 49
Bronze - timelady - 53

drold - 54
cardsman - 57
chyme - 58
daer - 58
truenorth - 58
dwetzel - 59
syberduh - 59
alice - 60
wyman - 62
fcbl - 62
pwnsall - 63
coordi - 63
outkicked - 67
flee - 67
tom - 67
amplify - 68
mexi - 68
gus - 70
legend - 70
akson - 70
hitch - 72
jamee - 75
kokiri - 83
mute - 85
wrane - 95
mjw - 103
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:23 PM
Congrats to Alice16 for finishing in 8th or 11th place
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
