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TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal

08-27-2009 , 06:04 PM

just when things are going well, step on the wrong level and boom

at least best was a 5

seinfeld one is gonna be fun...biggest sheep of game yet only 4 choices means 1+ choices got very low responses...maybe a lolace?

Last edited by Nicholasp27; 08-27-2009 at 06:28 PM.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:10 PM
Scores After 7:

nhlnut - 22
wyman - 24
nich - 24
cardsman - 26
truenorth - 26
daer - 27
chyme - 27
timelady - 27
gus - 28
fcbl - 28
legend - 29
amplify - 29
dwetzel - 30
pwnsall - 30
outkicked - 30
tom - 30
syberduh - 31
drold - 33
alice - 34
coordi - 38
flee - 39
hitch - 40
jamee - 42
akson - 44
mexi - 45
mute - 52
kokiri - 52
mjw - 55
wrane - 58
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:12 PM
Question8: One of the 6 characters from "Friends"
(7)Ross - mexi, coordi, fcbl, cardsman, nich, truenorth, mjw
(7)Rachel - outkicked, pwnsall, mute, wyman, legend, tom1975, wrane
(6)Phoebe - akson, dwetzel, gus, amplify, timelady, nhlnut
(4)Chandler - daer, jamee, flee, alice16
(3)Joey - Hitch, drold, syberduh
(2)Monica - chyme, kokiri
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:12 PM
And that was the dagger.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
haven't read the rest of the thread, but b4 seeing this i was going to post that yeah, hands down, SVU is more popular than the original. bobo jsut has a hard time coming to terms w/ his terrible taste in entertainment.
Vincent D'Onofrio's detective on L&O:CI used to be one of my favorite characters on TV. I wouldn't even follow the plot, I just watched the show to hear his line readings. /Lounge
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:17 PM
Scores After 8:

nhlnut - 28
chyme - 29
wyman - 31
nich - 31
daer - 31
cardsman - 33
truenorth - 33
timelady - 33
gus - 34
syberduh - 34
fcbl - 35
amplify - 35
legend - 36
dwetzel - 36
drold - 36
pwnsall - 37
outkicked - 37
tom - 37
alice - 38
flee - 43
hitch - 43
coordi - 45
jamee - 46
akson - 50
mexi - 52
kokiri - 54
mute - 59
mjw - 62
wrane - 65
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:18 PM
Question9: A character whose actor's name appeared in the opening credits of "Frasier"
(7)Roz - mexi, amplify, coordi, chyme, daer, mute, truenorth
(6)Dahpne - nhlnut, wyman, nich, legend, alice16, tom1975
(6)Niles - akson, gus, jamee, cardsman, syberduh, dwetzel
(6)Frasier - Hitch, timelady, outkicked, pwnsall, wrane, mjw
(4)Martin - drold, fcbl, fleeborg, kokiri

Unused Answer - Bulldog
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:20 PM
Would Kenny Daly have been good?
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:22 PM
Scores After 9:

nhlnut - 34
chyme - 36
wyman - 37
nich - 37
daer - 38
cardsman - 39
timelady - 39
fcbl - 39
truenorth - 40
gus - 40
syberduh - 40
drold - 40
amplify - 42
legend - 42
dwetzel - 42
pwnsall - 43
outkicked - 43
tom - 43
alice - 44
flee - 47
hitch - 49
coordi - 52
jamee - 52
akson - 56
kokiri - 58
mexi - 59
mute - 66
mjw - 68
wrane - 71
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:23 PM
kenny was never credited at the start i dont think
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:24 PM
Question10: Star Trek Characters credited if there were credits
(8)Chekov - gus, amplify, chyme, daer, pwnsall, jamee, cardsman, truenorth
(6)Dr. Mcoy - akson, wyman, nich, syberduh, legend, tom1975
(5)Scotty - mexi, timelady, drold, fcbl, fleeborg
(3)Uhuru - coordi, nhlnut, kokiri
(2)Captain Kirk - outkicked, mute
(2)Spock - dwetzel, wrane
(1)Sulu - Hitch
(1)Yeoman Rand - alice16

Incorrects - 12
JJ Putz - mjw

Last edited by PyramidScheme; 08-27-2009 at 06:36 PM.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:25 PM
Lucky guess by me that there was a captain Kirk in law & order.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:26 PM
game just went pear-shaped
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by mute
Lucky guess by me that there was a captain Kirk in law & order.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:29 PM
i'm not gonna podium, am i
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Vincent D'Onofrio's detective on L&O:CI used to be one of my favorite characters on TV. I wouldn't even follow the plot, I just watched the show to hear his line readings. /Lounge
you mean, bc they were hilarious, right?

also: holla, yeoman!
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:30 PM
How did everyone in the top half except nhlnut end up on one of the big sheeps? That's crazy.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:30 PM
hopefully i can do well on robot from futurama and it's only such a big sheep b/c of people who only know bender
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:32 PM
Scores After 10:

nhlnut - 37
nich - 43
chyme - 44
wyman - 44
timelady - 44
fcbl - 44
dwetzel - 44
drold - 45
outkicked - 45
alice - 45
daer - 46
syberduh - 46
cardsman - 47
truenorth - 48
gus - 48
legend - 48
tom - 49
amplify - 50
hitch - 50
pwnsall - 51
flee - 52
coordi - 55
jamee - 60
kokiri - 61
akson - 62
mexi - 64
mute - 68
wrane - 73
mjw - 76

Wrane loses his stranglehold on last, nhl tightens his grip on 1st which he has held sicne question 3, trwo to go dum dum dum
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:32 PM
i was thinking everyone owuld go calculon
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:33 PM
I only know bender

read into that what you wish
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:33 PM
quick lunch break
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:35 PM
The Mets are paying my incorrects $70 million this year to sit on the DL.
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:39 PM
I actually thought Bulldog was gonna sheep Frazier...****
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
08-27-2009 , 06:46 PM
TV Character Reverse Sheep Reveal Quote
