Originally Posted by fredericksburg
Finally broke 40k but it was a fluke. There is clearly a basic part of strategy for this game that I haven't worked out yet.
I think that it's clear that a big score is more about the rolls once you get a certain level of competence. The real skill is in making lemonade out of whatever junk you get, and so things where your score is directly comparable to other people's efforts are the best measure of skill, i think, which is why the daily challenge (which i usually do awfully at) and maybe the timed games (never played) are best.
I think now i luckboxed 50k, and advanced my way to a snakecharmer, i'll probably scale down to playing only the daily challenge. I'd definitely be more keen on other similar forms of multiplayer comparison than just hammering out more games.
At the moment, i think i have a pretty good handle on a relatively flexible start, and how to play when the rolls come out favourably, but when things go square, especially in rolls 4-7 say, i have no clue, and i think that changing horses mid stream is where the real skill is.