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Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team)

07-14-2010 , 10:30 AM
Its Night
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Andynan
Battle Report, Day Phase

Bobman-san marched on to Tosa Province with his 0/1/0/ army that remained from the huge Awaji battle.

They found Tosa undefended and were able to claim it uncontested. This new conquest furthers Tokugawa's reputation slightly (+1)

Tokugawa Honour and Reputation 84

Tosa now lies in your hands, you may loot and pillage it or take it over in a peaceful as possible fashion.
no more looting
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 10:53 AM
Night 7

Lord Tokugawa,

Your Humble Advisor brings you the following report from last season:


No construction was done last season

Troop Upkeep

Upkeep Ammount Cost

Ashigaru 75 4 300
Infantry 100 17 1700
Archers 100 0 0
Cavalry 150 7 1050

Totals 3050

Troop Recruitment

No new troops were recruited last season.

Total: 3050 Koku

Total Costs: 3050 Koku

Harvest Income

The harvest has been rather poor this season supreme lord, we were able to gather just eight/tenths of the expected total : 12*800 = 9600*80% 7680 Koku

New Treasury

The faction Treasury now stands at 655 + 7680 - 3050 = 5285 Koku

Corrections let me know, thanks

It is still Night
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 10:54 AM
Tokugawa GeneralsLocation  AshigaruInfantryArchersCavalry
Sun (Daimyo)Wakasa  0000
Filthy Vermin (Heir, 2 star)Awaji  0102
Leonid (2 star)Kaga  0701
Bobman (2 star)Tosa  0103
TitanHigo  0000
Hitaro Matsui (Neutral Gen.)Dewa  0000
UnassignedOshiga  4000
UnassignedHigo  0000
UnassignedWakasa  0801
Total   41707

Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
no more looting
Tosa is taken peacefully, this kind gesture is well received by the population (+1)

Tokugawa Honour and Reputation 81

Last edited by Andynan; 07-14-2010 at 11:02 AM.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 10:59 AM
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 11:21 AM
The Autumn Season finally came to an end.

The bloodiest battle of the Sengoku Jidai era had just taken place in Awaji, with over 2000 casualties on each side, and saw Tokugawa forces come away victorious. Sanada Yukimura, soon to be legendary samurai had been one of the innumerable casualties.

Oda Nobutada perished protecting his father's escape and Forsythio-sama was captured after the battle. The Oda faction was all but destroyed with the lonely Nobunaga now confined within Setsu province.

Meanwhile in the north, Takeda watched events unfold. Tokugawa had taken most of Oda's dominions, but had suffered many losses in the process. The Takeda armies, on the other hand, were at the ready and rested.

The first snows would soon whiten the land.

Its Winter Season, 1468

Subterfuge characters, you will receive information on your movement and actions during the next hours.

Day Phase will last until Thursday at 4 am EST, to the tune of 43 hours from this post.

It is Day
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 11:55 AM
It appears systolic is banned (?), I cannot debrief him at this point. If anyone knows what happened to him and how long is he banned for I might look into subbing him out or something.

Many thanks

Edit: He is currently in Awaji province, I will allow Sun Tzu to move him around for the time being, and given that Systolic had the "Network Master" ability and he could post and read the clan thread even when infiltrated I can post whatever systolic-san learns in this thread directly.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 12:12 PM
I really, really hope Takeda honors our deal, though it seems suicidal for them to do so.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 12:15 PM
I have infiltrated Tosa, just in time to watch Bobman-san's army march in.

I will be going to scout Setsu tomorrow and then moving into the Takeda occupied lands.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 03:49 PM
Night Phase Action Report

The nights were getting significantly colder, Awaji was snowed and Tokugawa Hidetada had grown fond of the beautiful landscape by now. He was now overseeing the supply lines to Tosa and was rather idle most of the time. Oda was all but destroyed, and Takeda remained friendly for now.

His forces were a modest 0/1/0/2 but the province was mostly pacific and at ease under the Tokugawa banners. The favourable reputation made pacifying provinces a breeze, it wasn't uncommon for the peasants to go out of their way to bow at his feet and the feet of his officers.

Given the circumstances it's easy to understand how security at his encampment grew lighter overtime.

One evening, two fishermen came in with a present for the Tokugawa officers, it was fresh fish from Kasumigaura lake. The fishermen were deeply grateful for having been released from the opressing Oda forces. They were invited to stay for the nightly meal as was customary when someone offered food as a gift and they happily accepted.

Dinner went uneventfully and the fish was a welcome change of pace by Hidetada and his officers, they ate fish and drank sake generously and all were merry.

Afterwards, the fishermen were invited to stay for the night in a guest house inside the encampment and Hidetada retired to his personal quarters.

The following morning, Hidetada was late for morning tea, which was uncharacteristic of him. His assistant went to wake him up, when he moved the running door he saw abundant blood on the white carpet. Hidetada lied dead with his own wakizashi deeply buried in his chest.

The two fishermen had left before dawn, and the clothes they wore the previous day were found hidden in some bushes next to the road leading out from the encampment.

Hidetada Tokugawa (filthy vermin) has been killed, he may rejoin the game the next Day Phase as a newly appointed general, or rookie Ninja or Shinobi.

Filthy vermin may post and read the Tokugawa thread this turn as a personal advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu, without any special abilities

Last edited by Andynan; 07-14-2010 at 03:59 PM.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I have infiltrated Tosa, just in time to watch Bobman-san's army march in.

I will be going to scout Setsu tomorrow and then moving into the Takeda occupied lands.
I think sticking around as a bodyguard is a better idea for now.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:14 PM
okey dokey, which province are you in?
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:18 PM
i didnt understand fully maybe, but did thingysteam just assassinate filthy??
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:19 PM
We're actually not in as bad a position as I thought.

Takeda should have roughly 50% more troops than us but we have 12 provinces to his 7 and the ability to train a lot of units quickly.

We just need to avoid getting in any battles for a couple turns.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Leonid007
i didnt understand fully maybe, but did cdls team just assassinate filthy??
We don't know which clan it was.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 04:23 PM
Sun, I'm thinking Leonid and I should move to Awaji to consolidate our forces? Are those infantry in Wakasa heading west?
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Sun, I'm thinking Leonid and I should move to Awaji to consolidate our forces? Are those infantry in Wakasa heading west?
Why don't we consolidate everything in Totomi or somewhere like that?
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 07:00 PM
Don't we want to protect the troop buildings in Awaji? Obviously we can't handle their whole army, but it's better than nothing.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 07:31 PM
The only thing we need to protect is our troops and characters. We have enough troop production buildings that we can't afford to use all of them anyway.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 07:47 PM
have Hitaro move to Mushashi
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 07:59 PM
move to Tosa
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 08:07 PM
where should i go/
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-14-2010 , 08:11 PM
2 ninjas?
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
07-15-2010 , 12:59 AM
*Mod note: The death of Hidetada has been kept as secret as possible for now, no one needs to know that Tokugawa suffered such a loss, with the adverse effects on morale, and the increased risk of attempts on Ieyasu.

If you want to make it mainstream knowledge, ie: give him a glorious funeral I will, but for now, only the assasin/s and Tokugawa officers know.
Tokugawa Clan Thread - Rival Kingdoms - (Bobman Team) Quote
