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A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04 A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04

04-06-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
I could go over posts later I just want to see how his wagon goes with minimal amount of pressure.

I tried this new form of note-taking where if I see something notable I just write the player name and the page number and that's it. No village, no wolf, no reason, the idea being I will hopefully remember my reads but the notes will be there just in case.

My notes go dean page 4 (only person mentioned on page 4) dean page 5 dean again dean page 6.
I mean you guys really think I just come up with this out of my ass as a wolf. This is where I thought I cleared myself.

And the post where I was saying I stopped reading during the night cuz I already had reached the point where I couldn't bear the thought of being nk'd. HINT THAT IS HOW CONFIDENT I AM THAT I SOLVED THIS ISH
A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04 Quote
04-06-2011 , 05:52 PM
dean and monik
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04-06-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
I look into the eyes of Perdition, looking for any sign of evil within them.

"OK," I whisper softly, "you carry on the story if I fall." I smile to myself. "Hopefully that won't be for a long, long time."
I could feel his hand resting atop my shoulder as he spoke. The weight of his words seemed to move through his arm and surge through me. I was speechless. The responsibility I hoped never to have to inherit filled me both with pride and with fear. Flickers of doubt began to spread through the inner fire that had lead me since the beginning.
However, my trepidation evaporated as quickly as it had appeared. For my newly-found mentor, upon seeing it, laughed heartily, this laugh purified my spirit of all thoughts wicked and left me a new being. It was then I knew that together we could expunge the cursed Lycan from our lands and purge their unholy blight from our farms forever!
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04-06-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by KeanuReaver
you said dean was a wolf, i have him as my most clear villa right now
what makes him a wolf?
further, explain why dean-wolf would try to cfd moni-wolf in place of ibav-villa?
I will explain it. It is 4 different posts per my notes. I thought I wouldn't really have to make too much of a case since there had to have been at least 6 different people that called Dean a wolf in the first 6 pages. They just never really banded together or made a persuasive argument on him.
A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04 Quote
04-06-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
haven't read yet but I don't like how he seemed really intent on voting to clear up yesterday and said "can't just vote someone just cuz he seems wolfy" or something and then votes someone that is hard to read
I didn't vote yesterday.

Why did you break seer cover with me as a villa peek so quickly?
A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04 Quote
04-06-2011 , 05:54 PM
Telcontar is a really good vote today
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04-06-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I didn't vote yesterday.

Why did you break seer cover with me as a villa peek so quickly?
I forgot.
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04-06-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
I will explain it. It is 4 different posts per my notes. I thought I wouldn't really have to make too much of a case since there had to have been at least 6 different people that called Dean a wolf in the first 6 pages. They just never really banded together or made a persuasive argument on him.
i actually had him as a wolf in the beginning but i felt that after the first few pages he was posting exceptionally well, and the actions eod d1 i think should pretty much clear him

i really need you to explain how he can be a wolf given his attempted cfd of moni
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04-06-2011 , 05:57 PM
btw "I didn't vote yesterday" indicates to me that you don't understand what I wrote. I'll bring up those posts after dean case.
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04-06-2011 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
i think filthy is unlikely to be a wolf. His very last post on day 1 should be enough reason to almost clear him. It also goes a little bit towards why i think rebonk might be a wolf.
This post really rubbed me the wrong way. Its so soft, weak and seems like hes just tryin a little to hard here.
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04-06-2011 , 05:57 PM
so... sooted ...

I have opened the vodka-caramel

U claim thedean is a wolf, but you thought that need not much explaining, right?

Okay, here we are, pray tell your tale about Dean.

I poured another shot of vodka and leaned back.
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04-06-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by KeanuReaver
i actually had him as a wolf in the beginning but i felt that after the first few pages he was posting exceptionally well, and the actions eod d1 i think should pretty much clear him

i really need you to explain how he can be a wolf given his attempted cfd of moni
with lost wolves I am ignoring stuff like that and just tone-reading/logic reading.
A Tale of Horror - WW mishmash 04/04 Quote
04-06-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
with lost wolves I am ignoring stuff like that and just tone-reading/logic reading.
it's been established that scattered wolves almost certainly aren't "lost", its possible though so i'd like to hear the case.
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04-06-2011 , 06:00 PM
Andy gonna light a bowl order some food and get to work

don't let said debauchery influence you negatively towards my case. If you wanna let Pern, Dilbert, or Mistborn influence you that would be acceptable
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04-06-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
btw "I didn't vote yesterday" indicates to me that you don't understand what I wrote. I'll bring up those posts after dean case.
What I said was I can't just vote early and trust that my vote will count.

The difference here is I'm driving this one. I think you're a great lynch. I don't think you forget seer cover randomly if you're a villager.

I said I would vote you if I got support. I got it, so I voted you. That much is clear.

If you're a villager, my bad.
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04-06-2011 , 06:01 PM
Other possible wolves:

Andy- hasnt done anything super-clearing which he usually does
XXsooted- Its just not flowin like it usually is, your also a very good villager and all of your posts seem to act villagery but its not the same as your usually
Donk- Soul-Read for the game
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04-06-2011 , 06:03 PM
cph name one instance I have ever gave good seer cover as a villager
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04-06-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by KeanuReaver
further, explain why dean-wolf would try to cfd moni-wolf in place of ibav-villa?
tried and did are 2 different things. you shouldnt give someone credit for doing something when they failed. theres no good way to quantify whether they were actually hoping to succeed or not.
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04-06-2011 , 06:04 PM
I wish I was Irish.

I looked at Sooted and couldnt help but feel sorry for him. Soon he would breath no more, speak no more, feel no more, be no more.

But had he earned the punishment? It was hard to say. The vodka made me feel at peace, despite clouding my judgment, or perhaps I felt at peace because of it.

I pour a small shot from the bottle, so it stays cold in the small glass.
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04-06-2011 , 06:07 PM
Who would carry on the story if I were to fall at the hands of the village?
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04-06-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by jfdan
sooted cleary lied in like his 3rd post when he said he'd read the first page only and then one minute after that justifies his esse vote with stuff from later in the day.

how's that not a case?
or that he can't be peeked apparently. that doesn't seem like a villa power.

or wagon Perd/OTI for the possible slip.

I think both are much better.
My comp had a virus. I spent all day that I wasn't in class trying to fix this. I didn't get it working until well after EOD. I pm'd the mods and explained why I didn't post. I checked the lynch result. I read to like post 70 and passed out.

no idea what you are talking about with the can't be peeked thing. That is not a power that I have.
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04-06-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
cph name one instance I have ever gave good seer cover as a villager
I'm not sure how to even answer that. Probably most of the turbos you've ever played?

I think you're good. Blowing seer cover is terribad. You know that. I expect that you don't forget about your cover / reads if they're real. So your reads don't seem real.

Doesn't help that it was me you forgot about, when I'm someone I know you pay attention to.

Don't see you thinking "I'll fakepeek Hoya lol" and a day later forgetting you fakepeeked me.
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04-06-2011 , 06:09 PM
cph is a wolf probably. He went from saying that today we should make sure to lynch one of the wagons to voting me a hard-to-read villager. This actually makes me happy bc I felt like I had cleared way too many ppl.
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04-06-2011 , 06:11 PM
cph I don't really think about fake peeking that much. I just give out a bunch of reads and sometiems wolves will interpret something wrongly as a peek so it works better, and you don't have to tie yourself to a single person

I had my reasons for faking differently this game but that's all I'll say for now.
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04-06-2011 , 06:12 PM
I realice I cant hold on for 3 more hours but I need to stay awake if the truth is to be found.

I place a couple pieces of spanish tortilla in my oven, I will need the energy and the sobering effect of food. It's growingly hot in here.

I need to concentrate.
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