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Slow Vanilla Game Thread Slow Vanilla Game Thread

02-27-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by soah
You're quoting me responding to things that you posted about yourself which weren't true, not the things that I posted as my case against you.

And CDL is playing like his villager game, and being villagery, and also posting nothing at all like his wolf game. You don't have those things going for you.

You're continuing to be disingenuous.
Originally Posted by soah
oh yeah, you're right, you confused me by quoting the posts out of order

you quoted and highlighted the part about how in your villager games you develop wolf suspects naturally and interact with them, which doesn't at all describe what you did in the wolf game that you're quoting and also doesn't describe what you did here

Yesterday you conceded that I made good points against you and you said that you'd reread your posts and could see why they'd be seen as wolfy. Now today you're claiming the exact opposite... while calling me a liar. LOL.
Originally Posted by well named
soah: I will admit I probably ahven't read everything in as much detail as I should with you and ihcjay, but my impression is that his wolf game is not nearly this obstinate in asserting his own righteousness

To me, just the volume and intensity and indignation in his posts makes it pretty likely he's a villager, even taking into account past games and getting into fights.

ihcjay: that said, be patient if I've just missed it or forgotten, but can you tell me who your top villagers and wolves are and give me some short synopsis on that?
Originally Posted by soah

I'm pretty sure that reading something a second time is pretty much the opposite of "new evidence"

I don't have many posts left for today and I don't really wish to continue wasting them on you, so I will have to decline your offer to restate all of my case against you, in consideration of the facts that:

a) It's already posted in detail
b) No one has had any problems understanding it
c) You yourself understood it and conceded that it made sense
d) Rewriting all of it and re-citing all of the evidence would take an inordinate amount of time while adding nothing new to the thread, which could instead be spent doing something that's actually productive
e) You will no doubt respond with more of this same bull****, requiring me to waste even more of my posts to point out how you're twisting things
Originally Posted by soah
I had come to that conclusion at the time that I'd backed off of him for some 24 hours. Stop being a dunce. Or actually, I recall that you hadn't been reading my posts carefully enough to have even noticed that I'd stopped attacking him, so maybe that's the source of your confusion.

You're a liar

All these posts I quoted are within 30 mins of you "admitting" you came to the conclusion IHCJay wasnt a likely wolf in your mind.

You were still aggressively pursuing IHCJay until Well Named came in and threw water on the fire and you immediately backed off and said "Oh yeah tahts the conclusion I've drawn too."

The only options you have to explain this are:

1 you are a liar
2 you were wasting posts trollng Jay since you had already "came to the conclusion he was a villager."

Both wolf claims


Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:11 PM
calling someone disingenuous is not exactly the same as calling them a wolf, although I will admit sometimes it's hard to tell with soah whether he's berating someone he thinks is a wolf or not
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by well named
calling someone disingenuous is not exactly the same as calling them a wolf, although I will admit sometimes it's hard to tell with soah whether he's berating someone he thinks is a wolf or not
Haha, this is the first post that probably actually made me laugh this game.

It couldnt be more spot on.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by well named
calling someone disingenuous is not exactly the same as calling them a wolf, although I will admit sometimes it's hard to tell with soah whether he's berating someone he thinks is a wolf or not

I understand that but look at the last post of his. He is telling IHCJay he cant be bothered to restate his case on IHCJay being a wolf.



He is claiming he had already decided 24 hours prior that Jay was a villager yet he kept going after Jay?

He is lying.

Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:16 PM
yea, so I am going to start a CFD if you guys try to lynch soah.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:16 PM
I can actually understand Soah trying to troll me if he thinks I'm a villa and he is one IF that is the type of person he is.

I did it to mets in the game he was masons with wellnamed.

I don't know if thats the type of player soah is or not though since I've only played one game with him and he died d1, but I don't get the sense that he would be.

It kind of feels like he's been doing this tbh

Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
When a probable villager plays loose and fast, he ties their laces and trips them up. Is that lynching wolves?
You spend the first half of this game (in terms of time played thus far) talking about how terrible your usual playstyle is and how you're going to change it up and fix it. You've spent the second half playing that terrible style, and doing it terribly. If it weren't already apparent from the rest of your posting, you have great misconceptions about what is wolfy, what is villagery, what is pro-wolf, and what is pro-village. Trying to derail someone that's playing in a pro-wolf style and going after tons of villagers is, obviously, pro-village and villagery.

You are, essentially, metsandfinsfan v2.0

You tunnel at people for thin or imagined reasons, demand that everyone follow you, and then go after anyone who stands in your way. You're not paying attention to what people are actually posting, willfully ignoring evidence that conflicts with your theories, and refusing to engage in useful research in favor of just shouting about how right you obviously are.

It's a terrible way to play and generally a miserable experience for the other players.

Sure, it would be great if I could have spent yesterday afternoon solving the game and stuff, but unfortunately I was left in the position of first having to read through all of your AIDS and try to contain it. That's what needed to be done at the time. You're the one who created a playing environment that made such drudgery necessary. If no one were to get in your way, you'd lynch half the village and wolves would win without even having to work for it.

Thanks in part to my efforts, people are coming around on wn being a villager, and are actually starting to think critically about each player in the game and making sure that we've cleared the right people. You had the opportunity to lead this discussion yesterday but instead you just farted all over the thread with a bunch of incoherent "LOCK WOLF" garbling and tried to bulldoze everyone into being sheep.

You have no right to tell me how badly I'm playing when you haven't even managed to control yourself enough to not engage in days worth of behavior that you yourself has acknowledged is bad.

Yeah, I haven't solved the game yet. Neither have you. The difference between us is that I admit it and I'm still working on it. You're never gonna solve it because you're not even trying.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Willi, in case you end up getting lynched today (seeing as how you say you wont be around)...

We would value your thoughts on the remaining players...

Even a small list from v > w would be helpful and it only takes a second.
I was interrogating wn. Not necessarily mean he is my top wolf.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:18 PM
hero value
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:18 PM
saying he's not going to restate a previous case is also not the same as reiterating the case or saying he still thinks jay is a wolf. Basically your making an inference and I can see why you are making the inference but the posts don't actually say what you think they say, there is not really a contradiction there
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
yea, so I am going to start a CFD if you guys try to lynch soah.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:19 PM
well named
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:20 PM
I have been feeling real real hedgey about soah but after that big long post just now to Tom I think i'm comfortable clearing him. And I don't do that lightly at all.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:22 PM
Can we lynch xxsooted so this abomination of a game is one step closer to being over.

Also, I think soah's last post was super reasonable. I wont let him be lynched today either.

Even if he's a woof.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
If iversonian was a villa then wouldn't he be posting like himself on his deathbed rather than in broken english while providing exactly 0 reads other than wn wolf (not even sure if thats a joke or not)? I sure think so.

I am also done discussing things with tom since he can't be bothered to try to understand simple things people post.
Lol deathbed. So am I the guy you guys are planning in wolfchat to push at EOD ?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:24 PM
I think I want to lynch:

perdition (yes I just uncleared perdition)

In that order.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
If iversonian was a villa then wouldn't he be posting like himself on his deathbed rather than in broken english while providing exactly 0 reads other than wn wolf (not even sure if thats a joke or not)? I sure think so.
iversonian got lynched as the seer once after hardclaiming in the middle of the day because people felt like he was being too casual about it and not really doing anything to save himself. wn can explain it better since he was a participant. :P But something along those lines.

So in a word, no.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I think I want to lynch:

perdition (yes I just uncleared perdition)

In that order.
we are arriving at a similar location although for the life of me I don't really really think ivers is a wolf. But I could be wrong. But I was just thinking about perdition :P
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:27 PM
Wait, do you guys really think that this is still ivers playing?

I have long since thought that it was someone else (not just him switching to a gimmick).

His posts dont even sound remotely similar from what I recall?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:27 PM
The ivers seer lynch involved me going full top tier tom at him and him just like trolling us back until we lunched him. I think I was pelvic thrusting my way around the room mick jagger style right up until the reveal. THOSE PEAKS

at which point the most epic life tilt of all time ensued.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by soah
iversonian got lynched as the seer once after hardclaiming in the middle of the day because people felt like he was being too casual about it and not really doing anything to save himself. wn can explain it better since he was a participant. :P But something along those lines.

So in a word, no.
Originally Posted by well named
The ivers seer lynch involved me going full top tier tom at him and him just like trolling us back until we lunched him. I think I was pelvic thrusting my way around the room mick jagger style right up until the reveal. THOSE PEAKS

at which point the most epic life tilt of all time ensued.
so what is the solution then? I mean, there is no world in which I feel comfortable letting him or hero do nothing and live til the end of the game.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:34 PM
Soah with the righteous fury.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:34 PM
I don't know. My current solution probably involves lynching him at some point because of POE but I'm not sure it's actually a solution.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:35 PM
Latvian and perdition both being on the soah wagon doesnt exactly give me the warm and fuzzies either.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 04:38 PM
The wolves are exactly


Player X that is not Latvian Willi

I thought player X might be well naemd by Soah quickly snapped into place about IHCJay like he was afraid Well Named would go after him when WN threw water on the Jay fire Soah was trying to create.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
