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Slow Vanilla Game Thread Slow Vanilla Game Thread

02-27-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Shouldn't be difficult then. Go skim the thread and find me give Soah posts that you think exemplify the traits of a strong villager, with little blurbs after them for what you like about them.

I want you to talk me into believing Soah is a villager. I want to see what you see. If you're correct then that's +EV for the village, right?
here is his most recent post which also happens to be villagery. You can probably read backwards and find some more.

Originally Posted by soah
ReddBoiler just exposed himself as lurking (when he still had ~half his posts available for the day) and then topped it off by being wolfy
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
if willi is not a wolf then why did he switch to a gimmick and give less effort going forward on d1 and then go into anti-spew on d2?
I'm not actually saying he's not a wolf I'm saying if someone in that group isn't one its probably him. And we have to remember its actually ivers not willi as well as who knows why people do what they do.

Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Its not wolfy at all and anyone who says so is either a wofl or AIDS.

Polarized Peters ITT

hundreds of posts to draw off of and pushing me for reading patterns is ridiculous

but that wasnt the reason I'm a wolf I thought anyways. I'm a wolf because I fake peeked you.
Confirmed lurking and not reading?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:31 PM
So I've left my thoughts over and over about the game and possible wolf teams.

I think CDL and SOah are connected in a way. I think Latvian Willi made a weird response in saying "I think IHCJay is the villa here." I think that connects him and Willi.

Something I noticed - Soah kept pushing Jay all day and as soon as Well Named swooped in and caleld him a likely villager Soah immediately droppped it and said "Yeah thats what I'm starting ot figure out" as if he realized its no longer acceptable to push Jay for being wolfy.

Combine that with the AIDS observation Soah just made. Its like he is now trying to buddy up to Jay since pushign him as a wolf is no longer acceptable so he jumps on Jay's posts about me. The guy who supposedly has written multiple lengthy articles on teh strategy of finding wolves is willing to say "Redd is lurking in a wolfy manner" or whatever as the most simplistic observation you can make.

2 + 2 isnt making 4 with Soah.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I've never known you to be the type to hold back on sharing your thoughts. How can the current conversation not interest you? You just named four possible wolves, and three of us are currently interacting and going after each other, and you're just LURKING through that? And you'll have us believe that that's your VILLAGE game?

I haven't gotten around yet to reading your more recent games, so I dunno if maybe you've toned things down compared to what I've seen before. And that's why I've been biting my tongue somewhat on how you haven't had the same presence and attitude that I'm used to seeing, even if there have been some elements to your posting that looked good. But you've been steadily declining as the game has progressed, and this recent passage was just flat-out wolfy.

So, what's up?

I've only played one game with you that I can even remember. What do you mean you've never known me as a type who has never shared my thoughts?

We dont really even know each other at all. Unless you want to claim you've read multiple games of mine which I can accept but thats an odd statement considering I'm not really familiar with you at all other than your condescending posts in this game and the first posts I played with you
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
I'm not actually saying he's not a wolf I'm saying if someone in that group isn't one its probably him. And we have to remember its actually ivers not willi as well as who knows why people do what they do.

Confirmed lurking and not reading?

I'm on the brink of going full Boiler on you. If you are a villager can you do me a favor?

will you please STFU? THank you
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Something I noticed - Soah kept pushing Jay all day and as soon as Well Named swooped in and caleld him a likely villager Soah immediately droppped it and said "Yeah thats what I'm starting ot figure out" as if he realized its no longer acceptable to push Jay for being wolfy.
Here's another person making blatantly false statements about my posting in order to attack me.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:36 PM
I can't take all this negativity! We're here to have fun aghhasrdhpuasdhg
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
here is his most recent post which also happens to be villagery. You can probably read backwards and find some more.
This is a really week response. You just said it would be more difficult to find a wolfy post from Soah than a villagery one. You should have at least 5 in mind that you remember thinking "whoa; this dudes a villager!" since you have such a strong villa lean on Soah.

And the best you can do is quote me his most recent post, which I think looks bad because it's an opportunistic jab and reductionist argument.

Soah is implying that lurking and responding to criticism is inherently wolfy -- while ignoring the fact that Redd stated he wanted to maintain his available post count, something YOU more than anyone cannot argue is wolfy.

So why do you agree with it? Why do you like that post? What's villagery about it? And why can you not find me any more but just tell me to "read the thread" which is a standard wolf go-to response to questioning? (One that Soah has used, btw).
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:38 PM
Soah is a wolf and Jay is a villager

Soah just piggybacked Jay's observation on me to make himself look better in Jay's eyes.

That is exactly waht just happened. I dont know how to prove this but this is what is happening to me
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:39 PM
also, there is literally only one other person in this game that has been agreeing with me at all about jay being wolfy, so a huge LOL at the notion that one post suddenly clued me into the fact that other people have been defending jay for like... the entire game

it would be impossible to stop attacking jay at any point in this game without it coming at some point relatively recently after someone else had posted something to the effect of not having jay as a wolf

oh, I see there is another new post -- funny that you can question how I can be familiar with your typical posting and claim we don't hardly know each other at all, yet just a couple of posts ago you were quite confident that I'm absolutely terrible at werewolf. Wouldn't that imply that you know something about me?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:41 PM
Soah I dont like the way you play. You have a level or arrogance that is unwarranted and your posts reek of condescension - as if everyone is beneath you and not worth your time to answer their questions.

I dont care how many ****ing strategy posts you've made, playing WW with that attitude has to be the most miserable way to play ever and I dont see how someone can get that much enjoyment out of being this negative all the time.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
This is a really week response. You just said it would be more difficult to find a wolfy post from Soah than a villagery one. You should have at least 5 in mind that you remember thinking "whoa; this dudes a villager!" since you have such a strong villa lean on Soah.

And the best you can do is quote me his most recent post, which I think looks bad because it's an opportunistic jab and reductionist argument.

Soah is implying that lurking and responding to criticism is inherently wolfy -- while ignoring the fact that Redd stated he wanted to maintain his available post count, something YOU more than anyone cannot argue is wolfy.

So why do you agree with it? Why do you like that post? What's villagery about it? And why can you not find me any more but just tell me to "read the thread" which is a standard wolf go-to response to questioning? (One that Soah has used, btw).
I dont think lurking is wolfy. I do it all the time as a villager. I never said it was.

I don't have any specific posts in mind, but I have read probably half his posts and thought "that is villagery" and very few and thought "hmmm...he might be a wolf" over the past 3 days.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by soah
also, there is literally only one other person in this game that has been agreeing with me at all about jay being wolfy, so a huge LOL at the notion that one post suddenly clued me into the fact that other people have been defending jay for like... the entire game

it would be impossible to stop attacking jay at any point in this game without it coming at some point relatively recently after someone else had posted something to the effect of not having jay as a wolf

oh, I see there is another new post -- funny that you can question how I can be familiar with your typical posting and claim we don't hardly know each other at all, yet just a couple of posts ago you were quite confident that I'm absolutely terrible at werewolf. Wouldn't that imply that you know something about me?

LOL That doesnt make any sense. I dont need to be familiar with you to tell you your reads are either AIDS or wolf driven.

I'm just going to troll you every time you mention me in a post.

I'm working on a new #WhiteMagic strategy post, leave yoru email in my inbox and I'll be sure and send it to you when I'm finished.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Soah is a wolf and Jay is a villager

Soah just piggybacked Jay's observation on me to make himself look better in Jay's eyes.

That is exactly waht just happened. I dont know how to prove this but this is what is happening to me
I see it too. Hence my comment on the opportunistic jab.

Soah's primary offensive strategy: reduction to defeat a straw man and trying to point out holes in other people's arguments (and asserting that flaw is inherently wolfy) rather than making his own. He's letting people trip on their own laces instead of boxing them out.

Soah's primary defensive strategy: sarcasm, condescension and hypocrisy -- with a smattering of ridiculously black and white "wolves never do that."

Soah is making himself into an obvious wolf. There's so little chance of him just being an obtuse and useless villager that he has to be a wolf. He should be far more interested in seeking out his own solves rather than toying with consensus and spreading paranoia.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:46 PM
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I dont think lurking is wolfy. I do it all the time as a villager. I never said it was.

I don't have any specific posts in mind, but I have read probably half his posts and thought "that is villagery" and very few and thought "hmmm...he might be a wolf" over the past 3 days.


Stop dodging my questions.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:52 PM
CDL since I'm a wolf to you which of these best describe me this game?







Because that must be what you think of my wolf game here.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom


Stop dodging my questions.
lol at me dodging the question. I think that soah explaining his thought concisely and in a manner that seems natural for him as a villager (over like 5 years of playing WW with him) is a villagery trait.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:53 PM
In before CDL is confused.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:53 PM
i dont even know what that post is or what its supposed to mean
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by soah
oh yeah, you're right, you confused me by quoting the posts out of order

you quoted and highlighted the part about how in your villager games you develop wolf suspects naturally and interact with them, which doesn't at all describe what you did in the wolf game that you're quoting and also doesn't describe what you did here

Yesterday you conceded that I made good points against you and you said that you'd reread your posts and could see why they'd be seen as wolfy. Now today you're claiming the exact opposite... while calling me a liar. LOL.
Originally Posted by well named
soah: I will admit I probably ahven't read everything in as much detail as I should with you and ihcjay, but my impression is that his wolf game is not nearly this obstinate in asserting his own righteousness

To me, just the volume and intensity and indignation in his posts makes it pretty likely he's a villager, even taking into account past games and getting into fights.

ihcjay: that said, be patient if I've just missed it or forgotten, but can you tell me who your top villagers and wolves are and give me some short synopsis on that?
Originally Posted by soah
Yes, I had come to that conclusion as well, but I'm left with a dilemma: who the **** are the wolves? This game has a group of people who are being villagery, a group of people who are villagery on tone but wolfy as **** on content, and not many people outside of those groups. It seems like there pretty much has to be two wolves in jay/tom/redd/perdition. If not jay, then it's just three to choose from, and those three are pretty much nowhere on anyone's radar. Right now I'd lynch Hero and Perdition and then pray to God that they are both wolves and that we have enough info at that point to find the last one.

SO well Named comes in and tells Soah that Jay is likely a villager. Soah immediately concedes that Jay is likely a villager and a conclusion he's made too.


So Soah - were you just trolling Jay today or what? All those posts you made with Jay was just you wasting posts because you had already concluded Jay was a villager?
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
In before CDL is confused.
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
i dont even know what that post is or what its supposed to mean
OMG too perfect

It means I must have giant wolf balls to go after you and then Soah and then cast suspicion on Redd in the way I have.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:58 PM
I remember reading that sequence of posts and thinkign it was odd but it never fully dawned on me until what just happened where Soah took the opportunity to jump on a push Jay was making. Its like he is trying to get back in good with Jay after he's been trying to get him lynched and he was shut down.
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 02:59 PM

Soah the Boah
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 03:00 PM
Votes from post 997 to post 1524
Night in 6:00:57

4 soah Top Tier Tom (78), ReddBoiler (60), Latvian Willi (15), Perdition (14)
2 Hero Value ihcjay (79), soah (73)
2 Latvian Willi CalledDownLight (49), bhuber2010 (58)
1 Top Tier Tom well named (46)
1 bhuber2010 XXsooted (30)
1 not voting Hero Value (11)
Slow Vanilla Game Thread Quote
