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SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

04-03-2024 , 01:24 AM
When I was in high school, around 1988, a friend of mine scored all access passes to the Miami Open, including entry to the players' tent for lunch. We got to see John McEnroe (M7) as well as Jimmy Connors and Steffi Graf play.

The highlight was in the tent, when Martina Navratilova (N11) sat next to us.

The other N5 is Novak (Djokovic).

Tennis Racket
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 01:26 AM
It was tennis player

J/k…just tennis

Navratilova was my first thought then Nadal

McEnroe should be gotten but Nadal is a lot more contemporary so was a little safer

Pretty cool that you got to meet some of the greats
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
It was tennis player

J/k…just tennis

Navratilova was my first thought then Nadal

McEnroe should be gotten but Nadal is a lot more contemporary so was a little safer

Pretty cool that you got to meet some of the greats
I didn't get to meet any of them. But sitting a couple feet away from Martina was crazy.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 11:07 AM
Round 16:

Cards used: 23
Guessers: zeus/nich

The Board:
C | S | M

The target word:
someone pick a random number 1-440, go to the spreadsheet and find the word in that row in column A and pm it to ibedrummin, d1iabol1cal, amazingervin, bolt2112. Double check that it's not already in column H as a word used before.

link to sheet:

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 12:21 PM
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 12:53 PM
I'm pretty sure we already used this word in a prior round.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 01:08 PM
you can search this thread to quickly find out, or the spreadsheet
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
I'm pretty sure we already used this word in a prior round.
You’re right, my bad. And I missed it on the spreadsheet list. I’ll Rand another and send it
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 01:20 PM
New target sent
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 02:21 PM
We shoukd have kept "bottle."

I have a c6/s7 combo that I believe Nich will figure out with his Sherlock Holmes savant like skills.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 05:07 PM
Woof, I'm drawing a blank currently
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 05:35 PM
I don't expect anyone on the team to get the c6 I have. It's related to a c8 that isn't necessarily obvious either. The s7 is more direct. I'm asking for some trust that this combo gets us there.

If anyone has other ideas I'm all for it.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 05:41 PM
I’m fine with whatever you want, bolt. I’ve got nothing. But someone other than you better know this S7, because they’ll have to clue it.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 05:47 PM
Yea I'm all good with the trust, we just need someone to know one of the words to complete the dynamic duo
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 06:10 PM
Normally I'd give the s7 first, followed by c6 or c8 to clarify it and steer them in the right direction.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 06:51 PM
D1 will prolly have a great 1-shot clue
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 07:38 PM
Yeah, this is hard.

I have a pretty good m6 > s4 combo that should work, but don't see any conceivable way we get this in 1. Also another m8 into s8 that is similar.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 10:13 PM
I think I know the m8/s8 and we can make it work. there's also a possibility that my s7 is a shadowfax clue.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-03-2024 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
I think I know the m8/s8 and we can make it work. there's also a possibility that my s7 is a shadowfax clue.
Is the m8 you're thinking of similar to s4? If so, let's go for it.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Is the m8 you're thinking of similar to s4? If so, let's go for it.
I'm not sure about s4. The m8 I'm thinking of is similar to c11. If you think I have it you can give me the thumbs up.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
I'm not sure about s4. The m8 I'm thinking of is similar to c11. If you think I have it you can give me the thumbs up.
Hmm, must be different then.

If you think about the word and then think of something that it's similar to but also never hits, then you should get there (s4 that is).
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 04:30 AM
Can s4 be s5? And with a different s5 sorta hit?
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by AmazingErvin
Can s4 be s5? And with a different s5 sorta hit?
The first part, yeah sorta. But that second part...I don't think so? Your s4 is mayyybe the same as the s8 I was thinking of, but damn this is really hard to talk about lol.

Gah, I really think somebody should be able to get the s4.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 07:52 AM
If it's not too hard then I should know s4? I dunno the M but imagine you can start with that and hopefully bolt is on the same wavelength or me w the s4, maybe another hint or 2 for us lol
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
04-04-2024 , 09:09 AM
I think if I clue the M8 that I suspected D1 had (but probably didn't) then the team will know what s4/s5 word to clue next to get us there.
SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread Quote
