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POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂ POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂

05-24-2015 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Oh man

You're wrong. Sorry
True. Or, gambit might be right. It's one of those things you never object to, but you're never like "oh add mushrooms, don't forget the mushrooms!"

Idk, my babysitter would order a pizza with only mushrooms. Seriously, she thought that's what two kids might like on a pizza. If we caught her in time, she'd add pepperoni, but kind of begrudgingly.
05-24-2015 , 03:00 AM
Mushrooms are an elite vegetable. It's almost like meat, but a vegetable!
05-24-2015 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Oh man

You're wrong. Sorry
I mean, I will eat them if they are on there but if they are not its not like I am "oh man, I wish there were mushrooms on this"
05-24-2015 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Mushrooms are an elite vegetable. It's almost like meat, but a vegetable!

I can understand why people don't like olives but not liking mushrooms is insane
05-24-2015 , 03:04 AM
Pizza toppings, baseball games, ice cream flavors. What are you right on?
05-24-2015 , 03:04 AM
My local bar serves "hippie wings" which are portobello mushrooms fried in whatever wing sauce you like and they are the bombiest of bombs.
05-24-2015 , 03:04 AM
sausage and mushrooms is an elite simple 2-topping pizza
05-24-2015 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Pizza toppings, baseball games, ice cream flavors. What are you right on?
Lol all of the above obv
05-24-2015 , 03:07 AM
gambit also thinks the alapin is a cool answer to the sicilian defense
05-24-2015 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
sausage and mushrooms is an elite simple 2-topping pizza
That's practically indisputable. But are you going to place it above sausage/green peppers?
05-24-2015 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by legend42
That's practically indisputable. But are you going to place it above sausage/green peppers?

mushrooms are my favorite pizza veggie
05-24-2015 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Anarchist is gonna burn y'all at the stake for all this pizza heresy. Or maybe in a wood-fired brick oven.
these days i just don't care about much of anything anymore
05-24-2015 , 03:19 AM
By the way, Led Zeppelin's Down By the Seaside is a great song, but what a terrible bridge! "See how they run, see they run, do you still do the twist, do you find that you remember things that well?"

Wtf. How about I was fine just chilling to the original little country groove? Why you need to take me out of it.
05-24-2015 , 03:26 AM
I'm listening to Moby Dick
05-24-2015 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
gambit also thinks the alapin is a cool answer to the sicilian defense
we can play anytime you want

you should have the advantage since you are a sicilian player
05-24-2015 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Lol all of the above obv
05-24-2015 , 03:30 AM
Well LZ2 is like the perfect album. It just took us a few decades to figure it out.
05-24-2015 , 03:35 AM
What is and what should never be is my favorite song of LZ2 tonight

tomorrow it will probably switch back to Ramble On
05-24-2015 , 03:36 AM
ramble on is probably the best song on that album

I was in the mood for a drum solo so I put on the 15 minute version of moby dick
05-24-2015 , 03:47 AM
05-24-2015 , 04:00 AM
Amp. I just finished Dark Souls 2. There are obv some differences, but I think it's worth a shot if you liked first game.
05-24-2015 , 04:36 AM
I joined a boy band.

05-24-2015 , 05:01 AM
Mens haircuts in Denmark are officially 20 years behind...
05-24-2015 , 05:25 AM
Is your name "Curtains"?
05-24-2015 , 06:00 AM
Mascarpone is the thing that can turn an otherwise mediocre pizza into a great pizza. Good ham/salami, mascarpone and sundried tomatoes is 5*.
