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POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂ POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂

05-21-2015 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I was born in 1985. The girl my cousin set me up with last week was born in 1990. I dont think ill make it to 2020.
05-21-2015 , 11:14 PM
i don't think weed is a good idea for you anyways so i'm glad it didn't change your life

and you've got to be able to turn that nervous energy into something positive, get a punching bag imo

tell the truth at your interview, don't say what you think they want to hear
05-21-2015 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
before years end maybe we'll move in together
You would need a catchy theme song first
05-21-2015 , 11:17 PM
My Two Sads
05-21-2015 , 11:20 PM
moocher always good for some #oldmanwisdom
05-21-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i don't think weed is a good idea for you anyways so i'm glad it didn't change your life

and you've got to be able to turn that nervous energy into something positive, get a punching bag imo

tell the truth at your interview, don't say what you think they want to hear
ah, the morgan freeman.
05-21-2015 , 11:26 PM
i thought i was daniel day-lewis?
05-21-2015 , 11:30 PM
That black seems to suit you, Moocher.
05-21-2015 , 11:32 PM
it was ever thus
05-21-2015 , 11:35 PM
Can I trust anarchist with my phone number?
05-21-2015 , 11:38 PM
you can but don't be offended if he doesn't call
05-21-2015 , 11:39 PM
Yeah he's had mine a while and all is fine
05-22-2015 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
There are zillions of purple names, it's nothing. My friends from the Lounge KatySeagull and John Cole have been purple since 2008 or so. I always thought it was vaguely feminine tbh.
Yah totally feminine, he probably uses these lady-colored pens too

05-22-2015 , 12:01 AM
05-22-2015 , 12:10 AM
Kiosk, my grandparents used to play the lefty friezel version
05-22-2015 , 12:16 AM
Lefty was one of the all-time country greats. A little before my time.
05-22-2015 , 02:00 AM
I've been watching psycho pass. Very good anime show so far
05-22-2015 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
14 'celebrities', 'names'
05-22-2015 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
big ass earthquake - 9
cute waitress bringing your perfectly cooked steak - 4
someone raising into you when you have the nuts - 4
cops - 6
$2500 hoodie - 5

I've just been up in the attic tracing the smell of something dead and think i saw a tail moving away as I lifted up the insulation. Rated a 12, girlish scream, and a scurry out the attic and down the ladder at Usain Bolt speed.
05-22-2015 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I've just been up in the attic tracing the smell of something dead
Adventure pig?
05-22-2015 , 07:24 AM
time to call topless ratman
05-22-2015 , 07:33 AM
ratless topman
05-22-2015 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
time to call topless ratman

i suggested that. mrs k says we have to do it ourseklves.

im going back in. wish me luck, send a seasrch party
05-22-2015 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
blog one million:

my life has really sucked a lot lately. all the usual but haven't really been winning at poker either. i've applied for an outpatient psych program and have an interview tuesday. i'm nervous i won't get in. i'm nervous i will get it in and won't like it. i'm nervous about EVERYTHING, like usual. if i do go, it looks like i'll have to cancel my vegas trip, which kinda sucks, but i'm nervous about vegas anyway because that's a thing. i smoked some weed recently and it totally didn't change my life so maybe i just suck at life. i sat in a room for four hours tonight watching videos of the fallout of drunk driving and i STILL want my alcohol so ****ing bad. i mean i've been dry like a month or something, idk.
yeah my uneducated opinion is that poker cannot be good for your condition, because of the highs and lows. you can play it recreationally but you try to play it as a meaning of income and worth and i think it's a bad career choice
05-22-2015 , 08:08 AM
it was a dead mouse, mindblown that it could be so stinky, was pretty much expecting it to be a zombie badger or something.
