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POG PUB JUNE 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- "How did it get so late so soon?”  ― Dr. Seuss POG PUB JUNE 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- "How did it get so late so soon?”  ― Dr. Seuss

06-12-2015 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
06-12-2015 , 04:29 PM
i love the show counterspin every friday they do a weekly critique of bs in mainstream media. they tore apart this piece from the AP. at first i couldn't see anything wrong with what the AP said. it seemed fine to me. so i was eager to see how counterspin ripped it apart. see if you can spot what's wrong with this AP quote...

Incidents involving white law enforcement and black suspects have raised concerns across the U.S., in particular since last August when a white police officer fatally shot a black 18 year old in Ferguson Mo, fueling sometimes violent protests and a nationwide black lives matter movement
can you spot what's wrong with that?

answer in spoiler
they used the word "suspect". freddie gray was not a suspect nor akai gurley. tamir rice and john crawford held toy guns. and ferguson officers suspected michael brown of not walking on the sidewalk. a number of those killed have been "suspected" of being mentally ill and needing help. and the article is mainly about the rampant police killings of innocent black people, but the only thing he describes as "violent" is the protests
06-12-2015 , 04:44 PM
someone who is arrested and being transported in a police car is actually the definition of a suspect

and the ferguson guy robbed a store. lol filthy

Last edited by dkgojackets; 06-12-2015 at 04:51 PM.
06-12-2015 , 04:54 PM
**** the police
06-12-2015 , 04:54 PM
the police obviously suspected them of something, so that technically makes them suspects. yes. but the police were wrong to suspect them. that is the point

"victim" would be a more accurate word here than "suspect"

you could also change the word "incidents" to "murders"
06-12-2015 , 04:55 PM
freddie gray was chased without probable cause, and arrested after the fact. which is why the officers were charged with false imprisonment, among a whole slew of other felonies.
06-12-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
but the police were wrong to suspect them. that is the point
they were wrong for suspecting the guy who robbed a store of robbing a store?
06-12-2015 , 05:03 PM
Love chipotle and love Jim gaffigan
06-12-2015 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
**** the police
kill the masters
06-12-2015 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Ps mets suck

But they are in 1st place
Matz is coming up. I'm expecting great great things from him and picked him up in all available fantasy leagues
06-12-2015 , 05:14 PM
Has anyone watched the new Jurassic world or whatever movie on Imaxx yet?
I'm tempted. I loved Jurassic park
06-12-2015 , 05:18 PM
My guess is that the Jurassic movie involves greedy misguided people underestimating the danger of large dinosaurs.
06-12-2015 , 05:26 PM
PUB game

We have my hometown birthday celebrations during this and next week. Guess how old my hometown is.
06-12-2015 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
they were wrong for suspecting the guy who robbed a store of robbing a store?
i don't know the robbing the store story. but if i try REAL hard, i MIGHT be able to come up with a scenario where the cops made a mistake and shot someone they shouldn't have..... oh, maybe the kids with toy guns?
06-12-2015 , 05:45 PM
Just read the dinosaurs in Jurassic World don't have feathers. What an unrealistic piece of ****.
06-12-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
PUB game

We have my hometown birthday celebrations during this and next week. Guess how old my hometown is.
397 years
06-12-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
Just read the dinosaurs in Jurassic World don't have feathers. What an unrealistic piece of ****.
Hope is the thing with feathers, hope and also the dinosaur.

-Emily Dickinson, paleontologist poet
06-12-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
PUB game

We have my hometown birthday celebrations during this and next week. Guess how old my hometown is.
~ 350

Sheep answer
06-12-2015 , 06:04 PM
1000 years
06-12-2015 , 06:25 PM
Ten million years
06-12-2015 , 06:37 PM
06-12-2015 , 06:39 PM
Hey, she's got Victor Borge playing for her. Without listening, I'll bet it's funny.
06-12-2015 , 06:46 PM
Looks like Daniel Barenboim, conductor extraordinaire. Probably still funny.
06-12-2015 , 06:51 PM
Barenboim is omnipresent. He conducts everything but Amtrak.
06-12-2015 , 06:52 PM
He's da boim.
