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POG PUB DECEMBER 2015 (LC; NSFW) Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and a Festivus for the rest of us POG PUB DECEMBER 2015 (LC; NSFW) Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and a Festivus for the rest of us

12-06-2015 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Shallow Hal, now that's a bad movie
Top 5 fat suit movies gogogo.
12-06-2015 , 08:04 AM
cable guy! great movie, not sure if you could call it a jack black movie though
12-06-2015 , 08:20 AM
Mrs. Doubtfire!
Raging Bull
Every Gérard Depardieu movie ever made
12-06-2015 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
No Starbucks... and no Quakers either!!
Just had a vision of people picketing your bog shouting "No Starbucks no peace!"
12-06-2015 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
You guys are bad at this.

It's completely facile and specious, as usual. It also tries to elide the simple fact that domer is himself a horrendous poster and active troll who lives to incite problems in POG while simultaneously demanding moderator action to quell the problems he strenuously endeavors to create. I like the guy but his posting on forum management is an abomination and an embarrassment, and extremely dishonest.

To be blunt and state the obvious, the reason these forums universally LOL POG is the same obvious reason that POG cannot abide a BAD POSTERS thread while virtually everyone else can: POG is a drama-rich oversensitive cohort compared to literally every single other sub-forum on 2+2. As both domer and dkgo know (very well), the chief problem with POG has always been that hilarious, amusing things such as discussed here don't work there, because the collection of very sensitive posters there respond in ways to the ideas in here that no one responds on any other part of the forum.

Thus, for example, I said this:

POG, for all its merits, is exactly the opposite of this. In POG, all disputes escalate forever until quelled by moderators (usually by closing a thread so the conversation simply cannot continue, since numerous POG regulars literally are incapable of not getting themselves infracted or banned whenever they choose to express their ANGUISH about their feelings). The I'm Very Upset POG Vortex Effect™ is the leading reason that I stopped moderating and barely post there anymore, despite deep affection both for the forum and the users. In particular, the differences include (1) complete lack of consensus about what bad posting is in POG; (2) complete uselessness as a moderator tool; (3) the threads MAXIMIZE disputes and moderator obligation in POG, rather than increase efficiency; (4) POG cannot community police because the entire community basically hates itself while simultaneously wanting to preserve virtually all users; and (5) posters like domer and numerous others actively work to increase the volume and rancor of disputes. There is no good will in POG disputes. Only faux anguish - I always use this term because I coined it and it's exactly right - and an unacceptable time suck for moderators.

Another obvious difference is that unlike in SE, where the BAD POSTERS thread is a valuable tool, in POG the BAD POSTERS and GRIEVANCES threads themselves required literally hours of moderation, per day. This has a tangible impact not only on the quality of moderation but on the day to day lives of the moderators, who literally have to actively read every thread and keep up with every dispute in order to even provide a SEMBLANCE of fair and reasonable moderation.

Put differently, the lifecycle of disputes in POG is exactly the opposite of that of virtually every other subforum, making "my" - which is wrong, it was a joint decision in all cases - closure of BAD POSTERS and GRIEVANCES exactly the right decision in POG due to the uniqueness of POG.

An additional problem is that moderation tools are themselves blunted in POG, since bans often - usually - interfere with ongoing games, which then ITSELF causes moderators to receive multitudes of PMs and Skype messages insulting them and DEMANDING ADDITIONAL ACTION. At the same time, trolls such as domer are highly effective in whining about the UNFAIRNESS of mods infracting users, because they know that their audience in POG will itself escalate the problem yet further.

Moderating POG is truly miserable even if rewarding. The BAD POSTERS and GRIEVANCES threads in POG were terrible ideas that had terrible externalities that are not even relevant anywhere else on 2+2. That's a fact.

Being that both of you fully embrace the LOL POG ethos, I do wonder why you'd bother trying to come at me about argumentative consistency in applying bad posters threads to other forums. After all, both of you ALSO embrace the awesomeness of such threads in SE, where I also moderate, and seem to agree with my point writ large. For that matter, the famous and supermegaelite BAD POSTERS DRAFT in SE was also my creation, as was the BAD WORLD CUP POSTING DRAFT was my creation. It's almost as if, if you peer hard enough, you can perceive different moderation strategies in different communities.

Then again, with regard to domer, I of course know this engagement is not actually in good faith but is a poor sophist exercising very poor sophistry in his usual manner, so perhaps I just wasted too many words on a dumb point.

In that case, there's a bad posters thread directly below this thread in which domer should feel free to nominate me if he so desires.
Originally Posted by Puzzles
I enjoy modding POG. I enjoy contributing to the players, creating/modding games, helping turbo players by making sure the Turbo Bot is always online, things that make the place more enjoyable/playable.

It has been pretty damn smooth and calm since you stopped modding.
So probably best you moved on.

I would have kept this private but you made it a public by posting in public space.

You are doing the exact same thing that you are complaining about, making an unprovoked attack at the nature of the people posting there which has been a non issue for months. So what? domer pissed you off outside of POG and now you make a TL;DR about past POG flaws? Ok...

Once again, POG has been running basically 'drama' free since you left, are you mad about that? The grass isn't greener in SE since you abandoned POG?

Weird. I remember when you were a POG mod, how many games did you run? How did you contribute to the progression of the forum? You really didn't. The best thing you ever did was recommend me as a POG mod.

Stir up some more unnecessary BS.

Things in POG are swimmingly fine.
12-06-2015 , 08:57 AM
oh btw, I'm going to open the grievance thread (newly renamed) because I welcome the suggestions/criticism to make POG a more enjoyable place to participate in.

Make sure to read the OP before you post.

I'll be sure to F5 every second so I can be sure to mod it properly.

Last edited by Puzzles; 12-06-2015 at 09:57 AM.
12-06-2015 , 09:02 AM
domer dropping truth bombs as always. Lol Hoya, he's always thought he was too cool for pog. Amazed he'll actually say that now that he has his SE sinecure. Still can't believe y'all modded his sorry ass in here. Good riddance.
12-06-2015 , 09:19 AM
I've given up on all kinds of forum drama, life's too short to read that crap.
12-06-2015 , 09:25 AM
just dont take it seriously. right now everyone in 1 vs 100 triva thread is laughing at me. dont bother me none. aint nobody got time to be bothered by a bunch of losers on the internet

when i get a chance imma post a video about it
12-06-2015 , 09:33 AM
zomg drama
12-06-2015 , 12:20 PM
Hey Pub friends! If you're feeling saucy today, consider entering my Express Sheep. It's fun for the whole family. Reveal at 8 tonight!
12-06-2015 , 01:31 PM
I still miss Hoya

but my aim has improved dramatically
12-06-2015 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
Hey Pub friends! If you're feeling saucy today, consider entering my Express Sheep. It's fun for the whole family. Reveal at 8 tonight!
Can I enter even if I do not feel saucy?
12-06-2015 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I've given up on all kinds of forum drama, life's too short to read that crap.
This is gto.
12-06-2015 , 02:01 PM
I have a really amazing text screen shot from yesterday that is 100% real but I'm mildly worried that the person who I had this exchange with might be reading my posts so I don't want to post it ITT even with the name blacked out.

Feel free to request it via PM though.
12-06-2015 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Can I enter even if I do not feel saucy?

I'll allow it.
12-06-2015 , 03:50 PM
What's the drama?
12-06-2015 , 06:50 PM
im going to LA tomorrow. im gonna have serious jet lag
12-06-2015 , 07:04 PM
what do you think jet lag means?
12-06-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
what do you think jet lag means?
That's when your flight is so short that the airline doesn't see it fit to equip the plane with in-flight wifi, so all of your messages/apps/facebook updates have a 45-minute delay (aka LAG), right?
12-06-2015 , 07:12 PM
oh lol
12-06-2015 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
what do you think jet lag means?
its a joke cuz i been going to sleep around 9am. but now i'll be with other people and have to somewhat normalize my sleep schedule. so i wont be changing time zones, but will be changing sleep schedule.

did you stay at the bike? rooms are like 280 a night. is it cheaper if u get a player's card?
12-06-2015 , 07:15 PM
When jets fly over your house causing you to lag when playing video games. For example "How am I meant to 360 quickscope these noobs with this jet lag?!!"
12-06-2015 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
its a joke cuz i been going to sleep around 9am. but now i'll be with other people and have to somewhat normalize my sleep schedule. so i wont be changing time zones, but will be changing sleep schedule.

did you stay at the bike? rooms are like 280 a night. is it cheaper if u get a player's card?
they literally just built their hotel
12-06-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
they literally just built their hotel
did u stay at commerce? was it cheaper if u got a player's card?
