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04-03-2010 , 01:34 PM
sticky: a couch is a sofa. a mall is a shopping centre. gas is petrol, but a gas can is a jerry can.
04-03-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
sticky: TL, you gave your peen to that guy at the mall
sticky situation imo
04-03-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by hibiscus
BTW, are you and Sarcastic Rat related?
Not that I know of. Why?
04-03-2010 , 02:48 PM
So TL what do you make of the new doctor and assistant?
04-03-2010 , 02:50 PM
******NO Spoilers pls*********
04-03-2010 , 02:54 PM
Yeah I deliberately didn't say anything more in case people hadn't watched it. Do you mind stuff about just what we think of the characters if it doesn't involve any talk of what happened in the episode though?
04-03-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
******NO Spoilers pls*********
Originally Posted by Willd
Yeah I deliberately didn't say anything more in case people hadn't watched it. Do you mind stuff about just what we think of the characters if it doesn't involve any talk of what happened in the episode though?
I have an idea!

Put spoilers in spoilers!
04-03-2010 , 03:03 PM
actually the more i think of it the less i care.

i was at my parents this afternoon who have sky, and i was watching some tom baker era Dr W. It was kinda good, but kinda dreadful.
04-03-2010 , 03:40 PM
What about this one?

Sticky: Moderated: new hidden mod thread: last by VR on 3/12/10
04-03-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
actually the more i think of it the less i care.

i was at my parents this afternoon who have sky, and i was watching some tom baker era Dr W. It was kinda good, but kinda dreadful.
I watched one of those yesterday. They are fairly good but the effects are laughable by today's standards (and to some extent by the standards back then too).
04-03-2010 , 03:45 PM
yeah, the effects were daft - i knew to expect that but the action was comic -they were clearly going for action scenes - fights and shootouts and stuff, but it was so slow and totally lacking in oomph.
04-03-2010 , 04:00 PM
The one I saw was quite different, more about the Doctor coming up with a way to solve the problem than actually fighting with the aliens. The acting is terrible though.
04-03-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by fredericksburg
Not that I know of. Why?
I should have put a smilie. I just think of Sarcatic Rat when I see your avatar. As if the cartoon version has shifted position and become more real.
04-03-2010 , 04:08 PM
Re: Doctor Who

I like the new version (especially with Christopher Eccleston), so I tried to watch some of the old ones once on Netflix streaming. Soooo bad. I have no idea why it was so popular and stayed on the air so long.
04-03-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by hibiscus
Re: Doctor Who

I like the new version (especially with Christopher Eccleston), so I tried to watch some of the old ones once (a few different Doctors) on Netflix streaming. Yuck! Soooo bad. I have no idea why it was so popular and stayed on the air so long.
It became a cult basically. My mum used to walk 2 miles to a university bar every week to watch it and there were hundreds of others who did the same. I don't really know how it became a cult but that's the reason for it's longevity.
04-03-2010 , 04:12 PM
well it got cancelled by Michael Grade, who famously hated it, then it got resurrected.

i also think that there's a good doctoral thesis in 'themes in postwar history as viewed through Doctor Who'. If someone hasn't already written it.
04-03-2010 , 04:12 PM
man i know we've posted this before, but i just came across it again, and it's still hysterical imo
04-03-2010 , 04:25 PM
so I watched donnie darko this morning and nearly **** my self when I saw seth rogen in it.
04-03-2010 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Youngplayer9
so I watched donnie darko this morning and **** my self.

Sounds like an ordinary day in this life of YP9. Besides watching the movie.
04-03-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son

Sounds like an ordinary day in this life of YP9. Besides watching the movie.
lol ****er.
04-03-2010 , 05:12 PM
New Doctor Who:

Considering it was an introduction to th new doctor/assistant episode, it was pretty awesome. Kinda didn't like the "omg we has a pretty girl, let's make her a kissogram!" part, and the snake really wasn't threatening at all. AND he looks like a geography teacher still, the bow tie just looks so silly . The random faces of all the Doctors looked a bit "yeah, we're awesome, and we know it." I like the new doctor though, he's going at it slightly differently than Tennant did. The sidekick looks like she might actually be able to act which is a +, and OMG THE WEEPING ANGELS ARE BACK. I hate those ****ing things. But I think I approve of this Smith guy overall.

The CGI was awful, and the plot line was predictable (zomg he's like 20 years late, zomg she's getting married, noone saw that coming!), but that's just standard

Anybody watch THE DOOR? Now that's a godawful show
04-03-2010 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
New Doctor Who:

Considering it was an introduction to th new doctor/assistant episode, it was pretty awesome. Kinda didn't like the "omg we has a pretty girl, let's make her a kissogram!" part, and the snake really wasn't threatening at all. AND he looks like a geography teacher still, the bow tie just looks so silly . The random faces of all the Doctors looked a bit "yeah, we're awesome, and we know it." I like the new doctor though, he's going at it slightly differently than Tennant did. The sidekick looks like she might actually be able to act which is a +, and OMG THE WEEPING ANGELS ARE BACK. I hate those ****ing things. But I think I approve of this Smith guy overall.

The CGI was awful, and the plot line was predictable (zomg he's like 20 years late, zomg she's getting married, noone saw that coming!), but that's just standard

Anybody watch THE DOOR? Now that's a godawful show
I agree with most of that I think. I wasn't at all convinced about Matt Smith from watching trailers and stuff but he was a lot better than I was expecting. He's got a lot to live up to though as I thought Tennant was awesome. I like the new assistant too, but then I have a thing for redheads.

As for the angels, I personally think the first episode with them was one of the best episodes. They're one of the most genuinely scary Dr Who monsters imo.
04-03-2010 , 07:37 PM
im watching 'worlds dumbest criminals':

cops pull over a woman. they talk to her and then are talking and not paying attention, whatever, woman still in the car.
woman takes off in the car.
cops chase her.
she pulls over again, this time the cops have their guns drawn and are screaming for her to get out of the car.
she pops out of the car with a coat over her arm/hand, and is aiming it at the cops like its a gun and she starts running at them
cops move back like 10-15 feet from where they were, probably shocked, and the woman jumps into the police car and takes off.

a different woman gets pulled over, no antics, cop pulled her for a brake light being out.
cop is letting her go, no problems, the cop is in his car.
the woman then opens her trunk, and a 12ish year old boy jumps out, then like an 8 year old girl, then a baby girl like 4ish years old and she puts them into the back seat.

people are amazing

kid gets pulled over, cops ask him if they can search the car, he says yes, they open the trunk and find a garbage bag with 10lbs of marijuana.
they put the kid in the cop car, and hes screamin Nooooooooooooo!!! oh god almighty Noooooooooooooooo!! this cant be happening Noooooooooooo!! please god nooooooooooo
cop comes over hearing one of the screams and asks him whats wrong, kid says "nothin, i just a little upset' or something like that

its a good show
04-03-2010 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
I agree with most of that I think. I wasn't at all convinced about Matt Smith from watching trailers and stuff but he was a lot better than I was expecting. He's got a lot to live up to though as I thought Tennant was awesome. I like the new assistant too, but then I have a thing for redheads.

As for the angels, I personally think the first episode with them was one of the best episodes. They're one of the most genuinely scary Dr Who monsters imo.
Matt Smith in the trailers and posters was a lot worse than him actually acting, which is good. I'm kinda liking the retro opening credits they've got going on, though I preferred the old theme tune.

And yeah, Blink was amazing, which is why I have reasonably high-hopes for this series because the guy who wrote that is now head writer, so yeah. moar weeping angels ftw.
04-03-2010 , 08:36 PM
Also, akson owes me one video doing whatever I want him to do, and I'm feeling uncreative, so am taking suggestions

And no, not that kind of video
