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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

01-09-2023 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
There is a current am I the ******* about a woman giving her children chores that I find quite entertaining.
I read that one. Wasn't it something like 12ish year olds doing 15-30 minutes a day vacuuming and helping in the kitchen? When do they learn this stuff if not as children?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-09-2023 , 10:23 PM
Yeah I thought it was really mundane. One of the more surprising ones with a bunch of ytas. Sometimes my nephew complains about chores but I tell him he got a pretty good deal (dishes). Laundry way worse imo. Both easy with machine though.

Just a lolreddit moment I think.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-09-2023 , 11:18 PM
i looked it up just cuz pwns talked about it

it was more complicated cuz the one kid was in a wheelchair, and getting the same allowance as the other kids who did a lot more chores.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-10-2023 , 12:48 AM
Idk, being in a wheelchair vs making the same amount as somebody in a wheelchair for less work. I think I'll take the latter.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-10-2023 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Yeah I thought it was really mundane. One of the more surprising ones with a bunch of ytas. Sometimes my nephew complains about chores but I tell him he got a pretty good deal (dishes). Laundry way worse imo. Both easy with machine though.

Just a lolreddit moment I think.
I would put away the dishes but refuse to put away the silverware. Nobody has time for that.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-10-2023 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i looked it up just cuz pwns talked about it

it was more complicated cuz the one kid was in a wheelchair, and getting the same allowance as the other kids who did a lot more chores.
That makes it more on the side tbob and I think is 'correct', not less.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-10-2023 , 01:01 PM
i agree with tbob. the ability to walk is good. in case that wasn't clear
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-10-2023 , 05:14 PM
Not as complicated as you made it sound!
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 11:38 AM
What are your thoughts on the Santos situation? The voters chose a candidate based on a completely fabricated background (to be fair, I imagine most chose him for no other reason than the R next to his name), who has no desire to address the issue and his party has no desire to call him out. What's more important, preserving the will of the voters or recognizing and punishing fraud?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 07:38 PM
Hasn't made reddit front page afaik so can't be that big of news. Politicians make acceptable lies and unacceptable lies. I assume there is some standard for what is impeachable.

Practically speaking I would never step down unless threatened or promised a parachute.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 07:44 PM
acceptable lies:

there are wmds in iraq. let's invade and occupy for decades
i will fight catastrophic planet killing climate change
we should have healthcare
i support democracy, justice, and freedom
i believe in equality

unacceptable lies:

POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 07:45 PM
This guy is a rare breed tho. Among things he has lied about include his education (didnt go to college), work history (Never worked at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs), property ownership (claimed to own 20+ properties, owns none), cultural heritage (claimed his grandparents were holocaust survivors), etc, etc. He also has 4 ongoing investigations including an international charge for check fraud. Fabricating an entire character to get elected? I don't think it's a good paradigm to set.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 07:55 PM
Reminds me a little of Bidens stream of lies. However with him, I guess you can blame age?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Reminds me a little of Bidens stream of lies. However with him, I guess you can blame age?
Pretty sure we can at least confirm his claimed education, work history, family heritage and property ownership. Feels like that the baseline shouldn't be lower than that. I get that Rs need everything they can get, but man it's wild when the deceipt is so obviously transparent.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
This guy is a rare breed tho. Among things he has lied about include his education (didnt go to college), work history (Never worked at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs), property ownership (claimed to own 20+ properties, owns none), cultural heritage (claimed his grandparents were holocaust survivors), etc, etc. He also has 4 ongoing investigations including an international charge for check fraud. Fabricating an entire character to get elected? I don't think it's a good paradigm to set.
who cares if you are lying about work/education history or whatever... when you are lying about destroying the planet, war, torture, etc...
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-13-2023 , 11:16 PM
I agree it seems kinda sociopathic and not the normally accepted lies.

As George Costanzo would say, it's not a lie if you believe it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-14-2023 , 12:49 AM
At a certain point if those kind of lies don't undo your career why even tell them?

The truth doesn't even seem worse
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-14-2023 , 09:11 AM
Not sure I understand your post but I don't really understand the headspace of someone like Santos.

I could get why someone would lie to try to achieve their goals, though. Kinda weird no one figured it out before the election (except a few tabloids?). Does the press even do anything?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-14-2023 , 09:13 AM
There was a scotus case I believe on if people granted asylum or maybe us citizenship based on lies could have it revoked. Not sure it actually got in front of scotus, though.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-14-2023 , 08:35 PM
what about all the supreme court justices who lied under oath to get confirmed?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-15-2023 , 09:45 AM
Death by snu snu
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-15-2023 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
At a certain point if those kind of lies don't undo your career why even tell them?

The truth doesn't even seem worse
Compulsion. I doubt he can control it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-15-2023 , 04:56 PM
In response to CA and other states moves to ban gas-powered cars:

Wyoming wants to phase out sales of new EVs by 2035

POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-15-2023 , 05:05 PM
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
01-15-2023 , 05:07 PM
wyoming's population is 578k. that's less than my neighborhood
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
