Originally Posted by eyebooger
Is this in relation to anything recent or just a general thought?
well i was reading tweets about how the squad failed to fight dem leadership when nancy pelosi was being elected speaker
i don't really know about this recent speakership vote, but i guess some right wing extremists stood up to republican leadership to fight for their causes?
compared to the supposed left extremist squad who didn't fight for anything during pelosi's speakership vote
but also thinking how little they have gotten done in general... like those riots in 2020 over police killings were huge. the whole world was protesting. and in america it was nuts. there was real movement to defund the police... and what happened? police killed more people last year than ever before. police budgets have increased.
there has always been a majority who wants healthcare. what happens with that? nothing
a majority wants peace. what happens with that? we are on the brink of world war 3
majority wants more wealth equality... etc etc
they just do nothing, and this is despite having so much power.