Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Here’s the thing: I obv don’t have the insight into US politics the avg American Pogger does, but it does not take a genius to see the Electoral College is a deeply flawed system, that gerrymandering and voter suppression are running rampant, etc. etc.
But voter suppression alone cannot explain why people did not show up for Bernie in the 2020 primaries, esp on Super Tuesday. His voter base did not show up.
bernie's base did not show up. that was at least party due to collusion by the dem party. and hugely due to massive corporate media propaganda campaign. the massive media propaganda is the main things that prevents democracy. it largely allows money to control who gets elected.
it's true bernie had a lot of money, but he didn't have corporate interests on his side, so all the pundits and anchors were against him. the machine was against him, and against all of us.
btw, i don't think even bernie really represents our interests. at least i hope he doesn't. he doesn't represent mine. he wants to drone strike people and send in commandos, and he's ok with dems outright colluding against him to give the nomination to hilary and then supporting her, and then same thing again this time with biden. what a joke.