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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

11-02-2020 , 04:59 PM

Did everyone decide to run for President this year and we just never got the memo? I'd never heard of this guy before.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:07 PM

Biggest betting event of all time? Figures that it would be the sport of the rest of the world, betting on USA#1 politics.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Sorry, vmf, but I have to agree with this.

Trump has been using the presidency to enrich himself.

He is not independently wealthy. He is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt.

Biden is not a sexual predator or pedophile. Trump has been accused of sexual assault by *dozens* of women, and he was a known associate of Jeffrey Epstein.

Biden is not instituting racist policies. Trump is actively engaged in racist voter suppression. Trump won’t condemn white supremacists. Trumps followers are overtly racist. And he takes children away from their refugee parents, some still nursing. Children have died in detention needlessly. Babies. There are over 500 children who may never see their parents again, and Trump called them “low iq” on national television. Then he has the gall to claim that the Obama/Biden are to blame because the cages they built to house traffickers and criminals were already in place- they were never intended to be used on little kids.

Biden’s experience in politics at a national level is not a point against him either. Currently we have a egoist with zero experience in charge and he’s an actual monster. Trump is a skin bag of toxic waste and I hope he goes to jail for his crimes. He deserves to die in jail for the things he’s done and the lives he’s ruined and the deaths he’s caused.
biden is probably a sexual predator. he was credibly accused of sexual assault. and we've all seen the videos of him being creepy af.

but it's undeniable that he has instituted racist policy. the 1994 crime bill is grotesquely racist. and kids were in cages under obama/biden.

he's not *as* racist as trump(probably). he's not *as* bad a sexual predator as trump(probably). biden is probably less of a monster than trump is, but biden is def still a monster
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:28 PM
Maybe if we want egalitarian candidates with no history of sexual assault we should just elect women. But what do I know.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Maybe if we want egalitarian candidates with no history of sexual assault we should just elect women. But what do I know.
gloria la riva!
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:51 PM
We just got acb and will have kamala harris soon.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
We just got acb and will have kamala harris soon.
obv tons of terrible women too. men aren't the only terrible ones, just most of them
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:57 PM
Not because they are men but because of their culture, of course.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 06:03 PM
Women who oppress other women are obviously not included in my wish list. They are the worst sort of traitor. ACB is unmitigatedly trash.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:21 PM
nina turner 2024
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox

Did everyone decide to run for President this year and we just never got the memo? I'd never heard of this guy before.
I got 3 voicemails from this guy over the weekend. Finally I blocked the number.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:09 AM
In an early test of one [vote suppression] effort, a federal judge in Texas on Monday ruled against local Republicans who wanted to compel state officials to throw out more than 127,000 ballots cast at newly created drive-through polling places in the Houston area. The federal court ruling, which Republicans said they would appeal, came after a state court also ruled against them.


In his last days of campaigning, Mr. Trump has essentially admitted that he does not expect to win without going to court. “As soon as that election is over,” he told reporters over the weekend, “we’re going in with our lawyers.”


“This is the most blatant, open attempt at mass disenfranchisement of voters that I’ve ever witnessed,” said Dale Ho, the director of the Voting Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union, which has litigated several major cases this year.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:13 AM
How you feeling IANAWW? How is Georgia going this time? Is it close?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
I got 3 voicemails from this guy over the weekend. Finally I blocked the number.
No idea how many numbers I've blocked this election cycle but it's been substantial. Somehow I got on a Iowa list and that was the worst. Every day I was getting calls and texts. Once I answered and begged to be removed from all lists. I've never even been to Iowa.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:33 AM
i haven't got one election call
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i haven't got one election call

Me either, though I actually have a phone
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:03 AM
election spam confirmed deplorable

I do enjoy participating in surveys, though
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:08 AM
Unless either candidate performs unexpectedly well, how long will it take to know who won the presidential election? One week? A few days? I am asking bc I have no idea.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:12 AM
Usually it's known the night of. There hasn't been a disputed election since the 2000 GWB-Gore election. Which was the only time I ever voted.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Unless either candidate performs unexpectedly well, how long will it take to know who won the presidential election? One week? A few days? I am asking bc I have no idea.
If it's a Biden comfortable win or blowout (i.e. he wins states like NC/FL/OH), we'll know tonight.

If the outcome hinges on a few thousand votes in Pennsylvania, it's going to take weeks and will feature numerous court cases and probably violence.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Usually it's known the night of. There hasn't been a disputed election since the 2000 GWB-Gore election. Which was the only time I ever voted.
That!s what I thought as well, but I keep reading that the results might be delayed by massive mail-in voting and I was wondering by how much.

Originally Posted by eyebooger
If it's a Biden comfortable win or blowout (i.e. he wins states like NC/FL/OH), we'll know tonight.

If the outcome hinges on a few thousand votes in Pennsylvania, it's going to take weeks and will feature numerous court cases and probably violence.
Thanks. The bolded really sucks but at least you guys have real elections.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
How you feeling IANAWW? How is Georgia going this time? Is it close?
nervous but hopeful

If everybody in Georgia actually votes, probably Blue by like 10 points, but given rampant systemic suppression, we're probably going Red by maybe 7.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:42 AM
Georgia, as a reminder, is the state in which our current Governor (R) was permitted to run for that office while acting as head of the department overseeing that election.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
That!s what I thought as well, but I keep reading that the results might be delayed by massive mail-in voting and I was wondering by how much.
The results won't be be official for a couple of weeks, minimum. There is a deadline in December for the states to certify their results, I forget when exactly it is. The rules vary somewhat from state to state -- Pennsylvania, for example, will be counting ballots that arrive up to 3 days late, while in Minnesota they have to be received by today.

Any declaration of a winner tonight in a close race would be based on polling and we all know how well that turned out last time.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:44 AM
I am expecting turnout to hit record levels here, fwiw.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
