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10-24-2008 , 09:21 PM
time is running out

mccain should put this ad on television if he hasnt already
10-24-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
time is running out

mccain should put this ad on television if he hasnt already
sorry, but strictly in a "how does mccain turn this around politically" discussion, "more ayers ads" is pretty much the worst idea ever

edit: I should say worst idea ever that is reasonably likely to actually be considered, I can think of lots worse ideas obviously
10-24-2008 , 10:17 PM
So, McCain volunteer mutilates herself in order to try and sway votes!?!?!?

Obviously we don't know the story yet, but the police are (apparently) saying that there are inconsistencies with her statements.

Thoughts on this?

also, McCain should air that "The One" ad that I posted earlier
10-24-2008 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Madtown
sorry, but strictly in a "how does mccain turn this around politically" discussion, "more ayers ads" is pretty much the worst idea ever

edit: I should say worst idea ever that is reasonably likely to actually be considered, I can think of lots worse ideas obviously
it's really his only chance to win, to convince people that support obama that he is really a terrorist, muslim, etc etc
10-24-2008 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
So, McCain volunteer mutilates herself in order to try and sway votes!?!?!?

Obviously we don't know the story yet, but the police are (apparently) saying that there are inconsistencies with her statements.

Thoughts on this?
She already confessed that it was a hoax and will probably be charged with something. It was a pretty suspicious story the second the photo got out.

Either she's a despicable human being or she needs serious help. Possibly both.
10-24-2008 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
it's really his only chance to win, to convince people that support obama that he is really a terrorist, muslim, etc etc
what makes you think it will suddenly start working when this is already all mccain/palin have been talking about for two weeks, particularly given that every indicator shows that their fav/unfav ratings with independents has been taking a nose-dive since they started using this tactic
10-24-2008 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Madtown
what makes you think it will suddenly start working when this is already all mccain/palin have been talking about for two weeks, particularly given that every indicator shows that their fav/unfav ratings with independents has been taking a nose-dive since they started using this tactic
do you think they are going to change people's minds on the issues at this point?
It's basically over. Their only chance is to hammer this home and hope it changes some peoples opinions
10-24-2008 , 11:30 PM
Madtown is right.

The Ayers stuff isn't going to work. He needs to air something subversive.

I suggest taking bits and pieces of this-
and continuing along with the same theme in 'The One'

*the point would be to start attacking the whole cult of personality that has defined his campaign
10-24-2008 , 11:37 PM

i dont think there is enough time for that at this point
10-24-2008 , 11:39 PM
No, there is. If he ran those ads it would be a huge sensation. People would be flabbergasted.

I'm not saying it would work, but its his only chance.

*but you know that ultimately I agree with Amp- that there was a reason a corpse was ran against Obama
10-24-2008 , 11:59 PM
*but you know that ultimately I agree with Amp- that there was a reason a corpse was ran against Obama
Um, because that's who won the primaries?

I really don't think most Republican leaders wanted McCain to be the guy this cycle.
10-25-2008 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
do you think they are going to change people's minds on the issues at this point?
It's basically over. Their only chance is to hammer this home and hope it changes some peoples opinions
This only works if independents/moderates/undecideds are still listening to you, and they aren't. By wide margins, they see him as the candidate who is attacking more and attacking unfairly.

At this point, he has no options to tighten this race up. The truth is that, minus the post-convention bump, Obama's been a 3-5 point favorite minimum the whole way and the economic crisis, paired with McCain's response as well as the selection of Sarah Palin, have simply shifted the dynamics from a close loss to a potential landslide defeat.

Shift to a positive campaign. Get someone to put together an intelligent and positive defense of Republican economics. Let McCain have some fun rather than forcing him to deliver lines he clearly doesn't like or believe. At best, some event outside his control tightens the race and he has a shot. At worst, he gets beaten, which he will no matter what strategy he employs unless an outside event occurs -- but at least he'll have repaired a little bit of the damage to his reputation.

It would also probably be the biggest "surprise" his campaign could pull right now short of conceding 10 days early.

Seriously, start looking around. People hate this **** so much that House Republicans are losing support in strongly conservative districts just by pushing these SOCIALIST SOCIALIST AYERS TERRORIST SOCIALIST ANTI-AMERICAN talking points.

In a bit of a contradiction, it's probably best long-term for both the Republican Party and the country if he doesn't shift gears. At this point, McCain and the Republicans need to lose in a blowout so that there's no doubt left in their minds that their party is a complete and utter catastrophe, which will hopefully convince them to completely rethink their neoconservative platform and their rhetoric. The sooner the Republican Party remakes itself into something resembling moderate libertarianism, the better off everyone -- the country, the Republican Party, and even the Democratic Party -- will be. McCain getting blown out will hasten that process, McCain just getting a solid but unsurprising loss will drag it out.
10-25-2008 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Madtown
what makes you think it will suddenly start working when this is already all mccain/palin have been talking about for two weeks, particularly given that every indicator shows that their fav/unfav ratings with independents has been taking a nose-dive since they started using this tactic
I think we need video of Obama driving around in a tank.

(Ahh the good ole days...)
10-25-2008 , 12:24 AM
There can always be a terrorist attack between now and the elections.
10-25-2008 , 12:24 AM
I think Madtown's last post is dead-on.
10-25-2008 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
There can always be a terrorist attack between now and the elections.
I'm not particularly convinced that that would even help McCain at this point.
10-25-2008 , 12:43 AM
Election machines?
10-25-2008 , 03:29 AM
the major problem i see with the 'the one' ad is that probably more half the people watching turn off half way through and end up thinking it's a pro-obama ad.

Also, i just saw the clip of McCain saying to the people of {insert whatever state here}: "it looks like Obama has a lot of negative things about the people of indiana {cue booing}... and I couldn;t agree with him more.... err i mean you more..." Hilarious.
10-25-2008 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
the major problem i see with the 'the one' ad is that probably more half the people watching turn off half way through and end up thinking it's a pro-obama ad.

Also, i just saw the clip of McCain saying to the people of {insert whatever state here}: "it looks like Obama has a lot of negative things about the people of indiana {cue booing}... and I couldn;t agree with him more.... err i mean you more..." Hilarious.
It was way better that.

"I think you may have noticed that Senator Obama's supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about western Pennsylvania lately... and you know, I couldn't agree him them more! I couldn't disagree with you, I couldn't agree with you more than the fact that Pennsylvania is the most patriotic, most God-loving, most patriotic part of America, this is a great part of the country."

It's like the very presence of Palin on the ticket has made him unable to make sentences.
10-25-2008 , 09:04 AM
i don't have much time - but negative ads are orders of magnitude more effective than positive ones
10-25-2008 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
i don't have much time - but negative ads are orders of magnitude more effective than positive ones
Traditionally, yes. I'm just not sure that's been the case this election. Too many people are really pissed off at the Bush administration/economic situation.
10-25-2008 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Traditionally, yes. I'm just not sure that's been the case this election. Too many people are really pissed off at the Bush administration/economic situation.

Exactly. Jesus could be running for the Republicans and still lose this election.
10-25-2008 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Madtown
It was way better that.

"I think you may have noticed that Senator Obama's supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about western Pennsylvania lately... and you know, I couldn't agree him them more! I couldn't disagree with you, I couldn't agree with you more than the fact that Pennsylvania is the most patriotic, most God-loving, most patriotic part of America, this is a great part of the country."

It's like the very presence of Palin on the ticket has made him unable to make sentences.
stop it please

obama talked about "his muslim heritage"
biden sticks his foot in his mouth every two seconds

but when mccain makes a fauxpaus then you worry about it
10-25-2008 , 01:38 PM
And, really, McCain's only 5 points back. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a blowout, with the way the electoral college is all messed up, but otoh, I wouldn't be surprised if this is very very close. The media seems to have a crush on Obama, and hates republicans, so a lot of what they say is tilted
10-25-2008 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
i don't have much time - but negative ads are orders of magnitude more effective than positive ones
I'm not sure that the ideal negative ad is to give 30 seconds of your opponent's speeches, then ask 'he may be the one, but is he ready to lead?' It's asking a lot of your audience, imv. Surely it's better to play the darth vader music, switch between pictures of obama and hitler or something while asking penetrating questions of him.

Also, i find the idea of parents and teachers allowing their kids to be involved in signing a song pro any politician utterly repellent.
