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06-11-2018 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm inclined to agree with those who say that the meeting would not be happening unless everything was already a done deal and that the meeting is just for show
Who says that and why would anyone agree with them?
06-11-2018 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Who says that and why would anyone agree with them?
As far as who says it you would have to look into that far as why you would want to agree a couple points:

1) there has already been a ton of high level back and forth between DPRK and the US.

2) it doesn't make sense for Trump to agree to the meeting unless he knows that it would be a success.

Counterpoints would be that as of a week and a half ago the meeting was off only to then be put back on, and Trump himself has tried to downplay expectations.
06-11-2018 , 11:05 PM
I think for Trump this is mostly just a stunt. He has no idea what he is doing. Anything that he might achieve by pure accident will just be undone by the next establishment stooge anyway. My guess is that Kim knows this and will only be really dealing with South Korea.
06-12-2018 , 05:02 AM
I will give the devil his due. Trump has made an important first step toward peace. I hope he is genuine and he will be a better than average president (for all his faults) if he can end the Korean War, draw down the American footprint in Nth Asia and achieve denuclearization.

I think we are entitled to be skeptical but it is my opinion that Trump is actually following the right path towards achieving his goals and I think he is correct in his condemning of his predecessors attempts with Nth Korea.
06-12-2018 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I will give the devil his due.
No. Trump gets credit for nothing. Ever.

He has done literally nothing good in the first 1.5 years of his presidency.

Everything he's done has ticked at least one of four boxes:
- Enriching himself/his family
- Consolidating power
- Undoing what Obama did
- Whatever Putin might want

And now we're supposed to believe he has the best interest of the country/allies/world/whatever at the top of his mind? Please.

Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
he will be a better than average president (for all his faults) if he can end the Korean War, draw down the American footprint in Nth Asia and achieve denuclearization.
Dear Christ.
06-12-2018 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
No. Trump gets credit for nothing. Ever.

He has done literally nothing good in the first 1.5 years of his presidency.

Everything he's done has ticked at least one of four boxes:
- Enriching himself/his family
- Consolidating power
- Undoing what Obama did
- Whatever Putin might want

And now we're supposed to believe he has the best interest of the country/allies/world/whatever at the top of his mind? Please.

Dear Christ.
H8ers gonna hate

You will never give credit for anything

Historically low unemployment
His handling of syria
Possible peace in Korea (omg has nothing to do with trump!)

Trump was top 5 richest men in America when he took office according to Forbes. Notes
Now he barely makes the top 20. But yes it's about him getting rich personally!

I accept much of the criticism Trump is given, especially if you are an environmentalist or upset with the recent supreme court decisions on social issues

But this trump gets no credit for anything stuff just shows how butthurt the left is

I mean dinero has a constitutional right to say f trump at the tonys, regardless of how classless I may find it

But the elites giving him a standing ovation? For what, have the "courage" to say that or something?

Bill Maher publicly saying that he hopes for a recession even though it will hurt the common person but it's necessary to make sure trump doesn't win in 2020 to save our democracy?

That hyperbole, like your refusal to ever acknowledge anything positive that our president may do, is why Trump will easily win again in 2020

But let's focus on now

You seem angry that trump gets Any credit for korea. Who cares about credit. Are you happy that tensions seem lower? Are you rooting for disarmament, or would that be too.much of a win for Trump?
06-12-2018 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I will give the devil his due. Trump has made an important first step toward peace. I hope he is genuine and he will be a better than average president (for all his faults) if he can end the Korean War, draw down the American footprint in Nth Asia and achieve denuclearization.

I think we are entitled to be skeptical but it is my opinion that Trump is actually following the right path towards achieving his goals and I think he is correct in his condemning of his predecessors attempts with Nth Korea.

Bill Clinton said this week his biggest regret as president is not doing more to stop.n korea from getting nukes and he is rooting for Trump to succeed
06-12-2018 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Historically low unemployment
Thanks Obama!

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
You seem angry that trump gets Any credit for korea. Who cares about credit. Are you happy that tensions seem lower? Are you rooting for disarmament, or would that be too.much of a win for Trump?
Of course lowered tensions would be a good thing.

I'm just not convinced at all that Trump has any clue what he is doing.

And even if this meeting results in my ideal scenario for the Korean peninsula (whatever that is, I'm honestly not sure myself right now), Trump would still be the worst president in my lifetime by a significant margin.
06-12-2018 , 08:44 AM
You can give obama credit for getting us out of the recession

But interest rates are about to go up again due to more wage growth

That is do to lower corporate taxes and fewer regulations, whether or not you agree with either of those policies

But saying thanks obama for everything and giving zero credit to trump for anything means your too biased to debate I guess
06-12-2018 , 08:51 AM
As much as I enjoy the few celebrity trump supporters I see, Dennis Rodman crying on Cnn wearing a MAGA hat was pretty surreal. Then hearing James Clapper of all people saying he's pushed for Rodman top be a bigger part of this negotiation for 5 years and I was like wow is this real life?
06-12-2018 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
more wage growth

That is do to lower corporate taxes and fewer regulations
Can you provide numbers or some kind of source for this?

Here's what I found:
06-12-2018 , 09:46 AM
Not read anything about Korea yet, but my bet is: it’s a photo op, Kim delivers nothing of substance, trump probably doesn’t either (but don’t rule out some odd ball concession for no reason), T’s popularity ticks up slowly as long as he doesn’t do anything obviously bat**** crazy, now he’s in T’s grid, Kim can continue to do the same **** as ever
06-12-2018 , 09:57 AM
“oddball concession for no reason”

Like stopping the genocidal western trade sanctions for the reason of not being genocidal?

I don’t even know what a “concession” to the DPRK would look like. We are an outright, imperialist aggressor in the region. And we have the social Democrat over here acting like our constant threats of anhialation should be used as bargaining chips to leverage (what would we even leverage our fo DPRK anyways? fealty?) something out of countries we don’t like

What a twisted paradigm
06-12-2018 , 10:16 AM
He said reducing the number of U.S. troops in South Korea was "not part of the equation right now," but said that joint military drills regularly held there — which North Korea believes are a precursor to an invasion — would be stopped. Trump said axing the war games would save the U.S. "a tremendous amount of money," adding: "Plus, I think it's very provocative."
Someone better stop Trump before he start making sense
06-12-2018 , 10:18 AM
Look at that crazy concession—stopping super expensive military exercise held right on the border of another country. What’s next, we start allowing the DPRK to trade with other countries? Outrageous!
06-12-2018 , 10:50 AM
I read your sarcasm very poorly

But it seems you are agreeing these are reasonable concessions in exchange for the beginings of denuclearization

So we agree
06-12-2018 , 10:51 AM
Eyebooger I'll concede. All factors point to wage group but it appears it has grown but no more than Obama's did
06-12-2018 , 10:53 AM
Why is trump the worst In your lifetime tho?

What has he accomplished besides the tax cut. If you say immigration, obama deported more people than anyone
06-12-2018 , 10:59 AM
hello metsy
06-12-2018 , 11:00 AM
Appointed completely unqualified people to head government agencies
Destroyed our standing around the world
Stood by Roy Moore
Violating emoluments clause
Pulled out of the Paris Agreement
Treated just about everything as if it were a reality show
06-12-2018 , 11:02 AM
I don't think our standing was great to begin with, fwiw
06-12-2018 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't think our standing was great to begin with, fwiw
This is probably true.

But Trump has made it considerably worse.
06-12-2018 , 11:04 AM
I got to be honest eyeboger, most of the things you listed there are superficial/meaningless
06-12-2018 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I read your sarcasm very poorly

But it seems you are agreeing these are reasonable concessions in exchange for the beginings of denuclearization

So we agree
Yes on this point we probably agree.

Though I really don’t think anything Trump does will be lasting even for the duration of his presidency since he changes his mind by the hour. And even if he didn’t the next person to come in would just undo it.
06-12-2018 , 11:09 AM
I’d say the two worst things Trump has done are the increase defense budget and the tax cut. But those are both things many presidents did/would have done so acting like Trump is some generationally bad President is hyperbolic.
