Mets is saying that Trump shouldn't be expected to work with the Democrats when they are trying to screw him over in the worst possible way.
The analogy seems to fit perfectly.
I don't agree with his assumptions as I think it's all theater--but under the assumptions that you both seem to share I don't see how it doesn't make clear sense.
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
You expect trump to negotiate with them and good faith minutes after they leave a meeting about impeaching him?
Originally Posted by eyebooger
1) Yes, if it's something he cares about getting done. Is infrastructure not important?
2) Bill Clinton didn't throw such temper tantrums against congressional Republicans in the 90s. And they actually did impeach him.
3) If anything, Pelosi has been the one trying to temper down the impeachment talk from the more left wing members of the party.
And you guys had an exact conversation about it. It sounds like you might not agree with some of the premises too but the analogy from Mets' perspective still fits.
Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-23-2019 at 10:37 AM.