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08-29-2018 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
like i said before, the fact that xnerd doesn't know how everyone reacts to things like this, but the fact that mets understands even less, is literally the point that i would bet she (and most of the other people ITT) are trying to make
Huh, what's this mean?

I gloss over Mets arguments as I assume people do with me.
08-29-2018 , 04:16 PM
Mets thing was pretty clearly an appeal to emotion.

Though entirely possibly came from "personal" experience.
08-29-2018 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
He probably isn't that wrong though.
He is absurd and the things he is saying are awful and offensive

There's a ****ing line, bro. You can't just vomit your thoughtlessness everywhere and expect people to take it.
08-29-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
He is absurd and the things he is saying are awful and offensive

There's a ****ing line, bro
This is why I think if you are going to have a discussion about life you should use non-human examples

Joeys in pouches
08-29-2018 , 04:21 PM
Oh **** you, luckbox
08-29-2018 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Oh **** you, luckbox
This is why I'll never understand women.
08-29-2018 , 04:24 PM
You thought you were agreeing with her!

You gotta learn that every thought you have isn't important, Luckbox. And I do too! (though I'm pretty good about this in real life)
08-29-2018 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Huh, what's this mean?

I gloss over Mets arguments as I assume people do with me.
um a decent way to cliffs notes it would be " i'm claiming my uninformed opinion is worth as much as your informed opinion + scientific facts, and i know this doesn't make sense, so i'll just pretend like i don't want to discuss it and that the issue is complicated"
08-29-2018 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
You thought you were agreeing with her!

You gotta learn that every thought you have isn't important, Luckbox. And I do too! (though I'm pretty good about this in real life)
I think she assumed that I was calling her a kangaroo, in retrospect.
08-29-2018 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I think she assumed that I was calling her a kangaroo, in retrospect.
Ha, you're like the worst example for when I try to defend men as not being mansplainers and things like that.

Just autistic still could fit!

Last edited by pwnsall; 08-29-2018 at 05:08 PM. Reason: Joke
08-29-2018 , 04:43 PM
I had personal experience with this 2, it not that it's anyone's business but again people have the right to have opinions and that's all I'm going to say
08-29-2018 , 04:43 PM
I only ask again if people could stop quoting post where I'm being attacked that I don't need to read thanks
08-29-2018 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I had personal experience with this 2, it not that it's anyone's business but again people have the right to have opinions and that's all I'm going to say
Yes but your opinions on life are vile.

Obviously because they need to metamorphize, caterpillars are not alive. At least not in the cocoon. Only full butterflies are life.
08-29-2018 , 04:54 PM
This is just a friendly reminder to everyone as we discuss abortion that science is and always will be political!
08-29-2018 , 04:57 PM
Our approach to life seems to be a little slanted towards placental mammals which is natural given that we are placental mammals, but most biologists I think take a broader approach.

This is why I bring up marsupials and amphibians and insects.

Ultimately all go through their different manners of gestation but to say that one form of gestation is life and another isn't seems arbitrary. Obviously caterpillars are alive and dragonfly niads and joeys and fetuses. The pro-choice crowd could just concede that and move on and it would save silly discussions like this.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 08-29-2018 at 05:03 PM.
08-29-2018 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
um a decent way to cliffs notes it would be " i'm claiming my uninformed opinion is worth as much as your informed opinion + scientific facts, and i know this doesn't make sense, so i'll just pretend like i don't want to discuss it and that the issue is complicated"
08-29-2018 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Tonga, Thailand, Swaziland, S. Africa, Somalia, Phillipines, Paraguay, .....

guess what these all have in common? (hint: World Bank)

But what is most interesting is that in the category labeled ‘use of IMF credit’ in this same report, all that can be seen are a row of zeros from 1995 to 2010, meaning that Syria did not rely on the IMF for any loans for that fifteen year period.
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
The IMF loan thing is not a sufficient condition for being invaded, according to the very record your guy relies upon.

Perhaps you would like to revise your thinking on it?
Just because all squares are rectangles does not mean all rectangles are squares
08-29-2018 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I had personal experience with this 2, it not that it's anyone's business but again people have the right to have opinions and that's all I'm going to say
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I only ask again if people could stop quoting post where I'm being attacked that I don't need to read thanks
Winge-y Trump-voting manchild is very offensive and opinionated about topics which he admittedly knows nothing; can't take lady jabs

This and other breaking news at 11

Last edited by Crossnerd; 08-29-2018 at 09:04 PM. Reason: Free drink to the first person to quote this :D
08-29-2018 , 09:15 PM
Anyway, I feel that "I have experience too" response just perfectly proves my theory that you're not a terrible person, you're just painfully and genuinely too stupid to ever understand simple concepts, and thats not necessarily a choice you've made. Your arrogance and volume can also be attributed to your unfathomable stupidity, so.. I'll try to be less upset going forward with all the tremendously ignorant and repugnant things you say.
08-29-2018 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Tbf you only know what you think. Not sure why Mets assuming he knows something about how someone should think is deserving of insults.

We can all guess at how others might think about things but that is all they are. I certainly don't try to speak for how all men think about things. People are different fwiw.
Way to mansplain it, buddy
08-29-2018 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Ha, you're like the worst example for when I try to defend men as not being mansplainers and things like that.

Just autistic still could fit!
Ha, I made that post before reading this one. Pwns and I agreeing on something for once itt
08-29-2018 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Winge-y Trump-voting manchild is very offensive and opinionated about topics which he admittedly knows nothing; can't take lady jabs

This and other breaking news at 11
Unfortunately he won't see my post either, so we'll call it a half drink
08-29-2018 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Way to mansplain it, buddy
As long as what you are saying is yes Luckbox you are correct whatever kind of explanation it is is fine.
08-29-2018 , 11:06 PM
Poor Mets. If only he was a woman he could post like a ****** and get unlimited sympathy.
08-29-2018 , 11:12 PM
Eh, then again being a man and being treated as a moral agent is way better. Treated like an adult instead of a child.
