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05-15-2010 , 10:45 PM
I have a hard time seeing a reason to put a freshman on a jv team

either put the freshman on the varsity team or the freshman team

but why jv? whats the purpose? who gives a **** about the jv team. if she's good enough to play on the jv team but not the varsity team, let her be a star on the freshman team
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05-15-2010 , 10:45 PM
Oh and I was wrong about the mother. Really wrong. LOL wrong.
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05-16-2010 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Oh and I was wrong about the mother. Really wrong. LOL wrong.
so why did she get on the team?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:40 AM
also my laptop is making weird strobe noises when playing podcasts and stuff - it seems to get momentarily trapped playing the same splitsecond over and again for about 1 second before playing fine again. Things i have done recently: install skype, and i'm usisng a different internet connection. What is likely the problem and is there anything i can do about it?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
so why did she get on the team?
Either because her own coach is an idiot (but not a malicious idiot), or all the other coaches are extreme idiots. I need the ballot in order to know for sure. Hope to get that tomorrow.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:51 AM
Actually I'm 99.9 percent sure her coach is not at fault here. At issue is whether her at-bats number was on the ballot, or just her (.388) average. I know her own coach sent the full stats sheet in, including the at-bats. My guess is it was left off the ballot by the coach who put the ballot together.
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05-16-2010 , 12:53 AM
the real question is:

why did she only have 18 at bats?

why would they put her on the jv team and then not play her?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:56 AM
She was a freshman, played well on JV, some kids got removed from the varsity team, she got called up, played a flex outfield position a few games, then got some at-bats and did OK (but sample size is small, she might have played above her talent, it's not like she hit four doubles and two homers here). I don't fault the coach for not playing her more, she's a freshman.
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05-16-2010 , 01:00 AM
the point is-- don't move her up to not play her-- or if you know you only want her for such and such games let her play on the freshman team when you don't need her so she can get some ABs
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05-16-2010 , 01:02 AM
Eh, they had a hole in the outfield and she played the flex position half the time to fill it (flex position does not hit).

Last edited by antidan444; 05-16-2010 at 01:02 AM. Reason: It's not like all she did was sit.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:04 AM
BTW I'm starting to remember why I started playing poker in the first place ... maybe I still have half a clue.

Last edited by antidan444; 05-16-2010 at 01:04 AM. Reason: ... or maybe it's just short-term variance. Either way I'll take the 15 buy-in uptick.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 11:04 AM
wooooo pokers are you playing on stars still? I want to sweat you sometime. Also I can probably arrange a home game for some night when you come out here if you want. Although the dude who used to host it all the time is getting divorced and selling his house so it's a little up in the air.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:53 PM
I am on Stars and would enjoy a home game (nothing bigger than 1-2 NL though).
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:54 PM
I just realized my brother now has more posts than I do. Wow.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:57 PM
dude our home game is usually like a $20 SNG and sometimes I talk them into playing like 10c/20c.

We all poor donkeys

Also: werewolf is good for post count
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
This is going to sound manipulative, but with my two women friends that have terrible taste in men, what works best, especially with one of them, is for me to defend the guy's bad behavior.

If I point out that Jackass BoyFriend calling her bizarre and mean names is just outrageous and unacceptable, she feels compelled to defend him, and we have multiple-hour conversations about how "you don't really know JBF" and I have to listen to the same 2 or 3 stories over and over about the one time he was sensitive. If I say, "well, he has been working awfully hard lately, maybe he's stressed and he'll make it up to you later..." then she takes the other side and enumerates his many flaws. I hem and haw and suggest she talk to him about it, nothing more, and nothing less. After I changed tactics, I really think she broke up with a few really bad guys a lot sooner than if I'd attacked them. When you're a couple, you tend to instinctively close ranks against an outsider criticizing either one of you.

And to be fair, nobody really does have a complete picture of a relationship from the outside. My friend is much more likely to rant about the ways in which a guy drives her crazy than to mention little nice things he does for her. Also, people tend to paint themselves and their behavior in the best possible light when talking to somebody else. "He got totally mad and dumped me when all I did was hang out with some guy friends without him..." except she doesn't mention that the guy friends included an ex-boyfriend and a guy she once slept with that is still hung up on her and she didn't tell her boyfriend what she was doing.

So amp is right basically. Listen to her talk and avoid badmouthing the other guy.
Shockingly similar to your wolf game

...or is it?

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
There's something that's been puzzling me for a while. There's a fireplace store in old town Goleta. How many people have fireplaces in southern California? How often do they need new ones? I don't see how someone can stay in business selling fireplaces. I can't imagine firewood being a huge moneymaker either.
Most fireplaces are not bought for the heat anyways. They are all about ambience
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by well named
dude our home game is usually like a $20 SNG and sometimes I talk them into playing like 10c/20c.
Oh, well all of that is obviously cool.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
we have a fireplace and buy firewood from time to time. it gets cold at night near the ocean.
Please define cold.

And who uses fireplaces for heat?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
And who uses fireplaces for heat?
The majority of the world?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:38 PM

I just bought a bike, its going to be my main source of exercise. There is a 5 mile bike trail about 2 miles from my house. Got any training recommendations?

I was out for 1.25 hours the other day. I did alot of sprinting type of thing. aka go hard for 15 secs, then when I start to slow down, go hard again. I had a good heart rate throughout, it was constant in a good range imo.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:39 PM

put it on a low gear. Peddle hard. 5 miles or even 10 (or even 20) miles on a bicycle isnt very far
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Please define cold.

And who uses fireplaces for heat?
Originally Posted by antidan444
The majority of the world?
I don't know about the world, but in the US, there's a reason why those paraffin/sawdust logs sell so well...

Plus, standard design fireplaces suck at heating things.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:49 PM
Come on Mark, I was just needling you :-D And how's it goin'?
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

I just bought a bike, its going to be my main source of exercise. There is a 5 mile bike trail about 2 miles from my house. Got any training recommendations?

I was out for 1.25 hours the other day. I did alot of sprinting type of thing. aka go hard for 15 secs, then when I start to slow down, go hard again. I had a good heart rate throughout, it was constant in a good range imo.
I know diddley squat about good cycling training. 75 minutes of interval work (on bike or running) has to be a good thing though.
POG Community Thread Quote
05-16-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Come on Mark, I was just needling you :-D And how's it goin'?
Oh... Hehe.

Lesson for me is don't read POG Community while busting out of a PS MTT...

Last edited by Mark_K; 05-16-2010 at 02:02 PM. Reason: Well except for poker, I'm doing pretty darn well. :)
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