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POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread

04-16-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
good votes include TL/JD/level
was caedus a wolf? (i know caedus was a wolf, but he wasnt subbed in for or anything or whatever, right? day 1 caedus is wolf caedus?)
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:29 PM
Yeah, thats what Ive spent my hour and something on today, Im gonna try to get a vote list up in a bit if I dont fall asleep(I actually dont have to get up at 6 tomoz)
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:32 PM
lol yes Maruchan this is really OTI. This is the oti you get when he is trying.

Basically to summarize WG is that he was a village seer in wolf clothing. Almost every one of his reads is completely correct and he only interacts with non wolves. shortline, dnky, derwipok?, globe?, boo? to name a few.

Now for the analysis

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Seriously dkny. Maybe I do suck at WW. Maybe I am crap like you're saying. Maybe my reads suck, my logic is nonsensical and my deduction is that of a 2nd grade special ed kid, but at least I am trying. I don't see any effort from you atm and it really bothers me.

Gonna cast you off as lazy/dumb town for the time being though.
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Time for me to make my first serious argument of the thread (mainly because mets, atakdog and that other dnky dude seem legit.)


Here's why;

That post is just so unnecessarily sketchy and draws attention to himself for no reason. I mean, who would even say that? I dunno if he's just being dumb or what. Anyways.


It's now 100 posts and he's completely disappeared. He makes a lame villa promise like "HEY VILLA IM GONNA BE A GOOD PLAYER THIS GAME" and then does nothing. That's wolfy.

He made one more post in the thread though;

Well that certainly clears him

Vote: Luckbox
In this post he gives us Dnky village and Luckbox wolf. I know they are both dead but this is proving a recurring theme.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Seems legit enough. You're cleared in my book atm.

The only way to find out if I can actually soul read "Dustin" (I assume this is Luckbox's name) is to lynch him and see what his role is ldo.
Referring to mets. a dead villager?

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Gonna redirect some attention to Tom Martell.

This is his only post of the game... the 6th post. More often than not people who post something lame like this and then leave are wolves. Gonna stick on Luckbox atm but just keep this in mind.

(inb4 omg l0l WG n00b soulreading us ololl etc)
Goes after tom martell. another wolf.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
the atakdog wagon I've woken up to is terrible. How many posts does he have? Okay I just checked, it's 6. None of them stuck out as wolfy to me, but y'all are better at "soul reads" than I am (so I hear) so I'll just let you go along with it.
defends atakdog who died village(correct?)

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Seems wolfy.

Reminds me of Tom Martell's absence.

Meh, all three of you (with Luckbox) are wolves as far as I'm concerned. Too bad nobody listens to me.
lol at this post. tells us Tom/Luckbox/xxaces are all wolves in 1 post.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Someone quick, cliffs notes on why Sixfour is the lynch today?
asks about 64 and someone responds "they are stupid"

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Excellently put.

I'll keep my vote on Luckbox.

Epic lulz will be had when he gets killed and it turns out I'm right (LIKE HAPPENED EXACTLY THREE TIMES LAST GAME AND STILL NO ONE LISTENS TO ME.)
Gives us 64 is a villager which was confirmed later that day.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
I am extremely opposed to the Sixfour lynch.
His reads are

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
omg if either Forsythio or Sixfour get lynched and they turn out to be town, will you listen to me then?
Forsythio is still alive correct(finally someone alive) I think this post clears him since he has shown to only have correct reads especially when lumping people together.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
You guys are all such idiots. Look what happens when no one listens to me... 4 f'ing Villagers die after D1N1. FFs get your act together.

Vote: Tom Martell

I still haven't seem him post outside that first post in the thread, and no one really has pointed out any reason that TMart ISN't a wolf. Gonna go check for his other posts which will probably support my argument.

FTR I still think Luckbox is a wolf but you guys aren't going for him so.
more tom/luckbox = wolves in same post. No wonder luckbox didn't want to post. His teammate was working for the village.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Yeah derwipok. Sorry if I wasn't being clear. My 2nd post on D2 is sarcastic. I was proving through his 5 posts in this thread that he is in fact a wolf.
interaction with derwipok. little more laid back than his interactions with others. I think if he was talking to any wolves itt it was derwipok.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Yeah Zurvan, you simply could not be more correct. The reason no one listens to me is because they all am aware that I am nothing but a wolf. My role, sent out by chuckleslovakian, is one where "this man is a wolf. Everyone knows he is a wolf, yet no one will try to lynch him. His only purpose in the game is to annoy everyone." What a great role I got eh. This all makes perfect sense. Now you are the complete expert of WW games on 2p2. Bow down to the great Zurvan. We are hallowed in thy name.
Basically goes off on Zurvan which is pretty clearing.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Oh yeah, also last game in WW3, nobody listened to me because I was a wolf. (WHEN I ACTUALLY WAS NOT A WOLF LOL HOW EPIC)

Hey Zurvan, do you know what causation is?
More interaction with zurvan that felt a lot like his conversation with dnky/shortline(non wolves). Never want to lynch zurv.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Wagon #1 - Tom Martell

These posts sum up how I feel;

Wagon #2 - Luckbox

This post early on suggests that Luckbox is a wolf

Since then, he's only been trying hard at Endurance which suggests to me that he feels the need to get immunity or take away the free peek from a townsperson. I believe Luckbox is a wolf candidate.

Wagon #3 - XXSooted

His early posts suggest to me that he is a wolf. They're low in content and seem to be trying to incite others onto each other, while deflecting attention away from himself. This is my #3 wagon for a reason... I don't feel as strongly about it as I do with the other two, but there are some wolf inclinations here. Remember, it's your first posts in the games which speak the loudest because it's at that moment when your role is most fresh in your mind.

To be honest, I don't have a 4th wagon. I'm not going to pretend like I really feel someone else is a wolf when I honestly don't. shortline, you asked me for 4 wagons, and I only have 3 decent wolf leans right now. I hope that's okay with you.
IS xxsooted still alive? if not what was his role?

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Hey globe****er, my reasoning is NOT inconsistent.

The reason I wanted to kill Martell was because the QUALITY and CONTENT of his 6 posts.

Atakdog's 6 posts had much higher, town-filled QUALITY and CONTENT.
Gets pretty angry at globe. Makes several insults directed to him later. Clearing if globe is still alive.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Kwami. You suck just as much this game as you did last game. The only reason my posts have changed was because we are hallowed in the greatness that is shortline69. Yeah, that's my new petname for him and if you don't like it then you can screw off. If you're town, you haven't contributed anything this game (EVEN I have stated why Tom Martell or Luckbox are solid lynches) and the fact that you're willing to throw me under the bus really says something about your character.
Insults Kwami. don't want to lynch him any time soon.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
admittedly, I was just trolling you. Sorry. But this is how I play, remember? Outlandish statements - reaction - analysis.

You've passed.
Than calls kwami a villager for his reaction. good read imo.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Admittedly so. Too bad people like Globetrotter wouldn't pick up on this.
insults globe. more clearing.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Boo Radley, I hear you are the 2nd best WW player on 2+2 after shortline... I'd like to know what you think about my gameplay?
This one is odd. seeks out boo for converation itt. Might be kind of clearing unless.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Here is another potential wagon imo


Why any villager would claim seer this early is beyond me.

He then has two random votes without explaining anything.

Then this

That was actually after some people had started wagoning him too. He made no attempt to save himself (as seer???? you'd hope the seer would have some more gumption when it comes to saving himself) and then randomly voted for THingyman.


Vote: Lonely But Rich
LBR is dead correct. This is the only time he has an incorrect read but I think this is just an anamoly because he LBR has given good reason that a wagon could be started on him.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Okay Boo. I appreciate your input, and I've heard you're almost as good as shortline so yeah maybe you are above him by some measures. Anyways, I respect your opinion, and do agree it is kinda like playing 23off because you will sometimes flop a straight, BUT I think it's actually good for the town because it causes a lot of discussion... it's when people are bothered that they are most vulnerable in these games and makes them easier to read. I believe that I do this to people.
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Yeah, right now Shortline and Boo are playing very villa, which I really like because if they're as good as I've heard, this really helps

Of course, them being as good as they are, they might just be excellent at hiding wolfiness but that can be for another day.
Lumps boo in with shortline. most likely villager.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
No Boo. I do not think you create a lot of discussion. You just sit back and let others create discussion. Someone's gotta do the dirty work. Imagine a game of 40 Shortlines and Boo Radleys... nothing would ever get done because no one would ever make an emotional (and hence irrational) post where you could see their true colors. I mean, no offense, but every Batman needs his Robin.
Continues to talk to boo and interaction seems villagery for boo.

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose

Vote: Birdman
odd. never mentions birdman. however he did same thing with mets(forgot to quote) whom he never calls a wolf. Might be kind of clearing considering the wagons (tom/wg 1/2 and bird 3 so he votes the villager)

Originally Posted by WhiteGoose

Vote: Tom Martell
back to tom because its his only option.

will post summary in another post.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:34 PM
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:35 PM
04-16-2010 , 05:35 PM
that's pretty good looking stuff imo.
i think the insults are meh, but i think his reads are epic spew. Even if it means i might be wrong on Z.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Boo Radley
was caedus a wolf? (i know caedus was a wolf, but he wasnt subbed in for or anything or whatever, right? day 1 caedus is wolf caedus?)
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:38 PM
ScottHoward v10

Went and found the players list so I could see who is cleared and who isnt

I would say

and maybe

are all cleared from WG. or at least bad nk/lynches for next several days.

xxsooted is probably a great lynch since he was in a post with luckbox and tom.

as is Wahoopride whom I did not mention in the writeup.

but wahoo made several comments about WG having a different tone in this game. Comments that if Wahoo was a villager WG would have jumped on and insulted him for. WG was all over people for saying his tone was different but never directly responded to wahoo which would be very surprising if wahoo was a villager.

So aorn Wahoo > XXsooted but those should be the wagons.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:39 PM
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:39 PM
Kwami should be added to the list of probably spewed village
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:40 PM
I think this is the first time I've seen OTI making effort

That is some really good analysis

btw boo and kwami died village already
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:42 PM
everyone needs to go wahoo now
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:42 PM
So lets see here.


Spewed village
Boo Radley


Will fill in rest of list later.

Need an update on all the claims and such.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:42 PM

went back and re-read the last couple hours of yesterday. WER was basically outted as wolf and IFlat did not vote for WER.

Also, these are the "b" MSPaint voters. Very very good chance there is at least once wolf here.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Maruchan
I think this is the first time I've seen OTI making effort

That is some really good analysis

btw boo and kwami died village already
Well that makes the other spew even more trustworthy.

Probably gonna look for some other wolves spewing soon too.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:44 PM

Vote B
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:45 PM
damn, that cant be OTI

good stuff sir.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:45 PM
OTI you should check out the table of who's dead and who's subbed

I'm exhausted today, too many 3AM EOD in a row, so I'm just gonna chill and not put so much in today as I have done before.

My list from a few days ago stands, i'll go find it
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:46 PM
oops, just realized I didnt paste:

MS Paint B (WER) Voters:

POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:47 PM

as far as i'm concerned people voting B today are suspect also.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:48 PM
wer is dead.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by J.D.
oops, just realized I didnt paste:

MS Paint B (WER) Voters:

Good thinking J.D.



gives us


Esse is a probable villager soooooooo maybe I was right about tao after all? Also mooch is villagery so aries/rollwave would make good lynches/nks.
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
GTPitch has killed Woosah, originally Kwami42

Kwami was BrownEyedGirl a vanillager

Woohsah, however, was McAvoy, a wolf. After he died he could sub back in through BrownEyedGirl if she was still alive.

that's awesome

glad I read kwami right though
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:52 PM
This one (click through), but looking at it there are loads of dead people here

Originally Posted by TimeLady
New list!

Boo Radley
SH v10

(not that I'm clearing birdman, but my suspicion is much less)
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
04-16-2010 , 05:53 PM
btw boo that one post of mine that yesterday you said was making your head spin, about ak56's location

that was a joke

just so you know
POG Anniversary IV:Attack of the Subs Game Thread Quote
