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12-04-2021 , 03:35 PM
underdog was a cartoon super hero, like from the 60s or 70s. he had a cape, and a U on his shirt. this pic is a recreation.

iirc there was an underdog movie like 10 years ago or so. i think it was a flop. idk

he would fly around, and he was strong. kinda like a poor man's superman, but a dog.

i can't remember if he was an alien dog. i'd say like 5-10% chance he was an alien dog
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12-04-2021 , 03:36 PM

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12-04-2021 , 04:09 PM
Oh that's ringing a bell kinda that snoopy looking dude?

Can't really think of a better 5 sequence, like we could find vague connections to plate or boom but still think going back to last clue is best
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12-04-2021 , 04:12 PM
yeah i think he did look a little like snoop. he had a love interest who was a reporter dog... paula poundstone?

anyway i don't think we're getting away from


so might as well guess those?
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12-04-2021 , 04:42 PM
Yea agreed

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12-04-2021 , 04:59 PM
all blue
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12-04-2021 , 05:14 PM
woo hoo

so now i guess we just flipping between alien and bermuda?


i think im at bermuda 60 and alien 40
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12-04-2021 , 05:16 PM
oh wait, i forgot about shoe

i think

bermuda 50
alien 30
shoe 20
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12-04-2021 , 05:32 PM
Yea hmm we were considering shoe before and there are shoes in that pic...4 in a pic is a pretty big win so wouldn't surprise me if pic 1 was supposed to nab 4 words...hmmm how to decide

Probably starts by opening a beer
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12-04-2021 , 05:37 PM
If I was by myself I'd probably guess Shoe because I wouldn't wanna get yelled at by D1 haha, it's gotta be neutral at worst

Bermuda really could be whatever since it's tough to hit pirate without implying some islands

I'm not ready to guess but my current lean is shoe...just looking some more in case anything inspires me
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12-04-2021 , 05:37 PM
i also wanted to do film for the first pic, but idk if he cluing for film, or i just randomly guessed it
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12-04-2021 , 05:44 PM
Alien - still a big stretch imo
Antarctica - if this is ours we lose don't see how we ever guess this
Bermuda - starting to like it less tho it's a candidate
Boom - nothing to really suggest boom in these pics, we could stretch superhero to explosions but it's tough to get here
Carrot - don't see how we could get here
Plate - doggy plate or something maybe but a big stretch. Could keep it as a candidate but the weakest
Scientist - tough for me to get here as well. Possible there are scientists in that building or what have you but tough
Shoe - we do actually have shoes in a picture and they don't. Seeming like the strongest
Triangle - pic 1 isn't even ice cream cones which has some triangle elements but cups so think we stay away
Vacuum - don't see how we get here
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12-04-2021 , 05:45 PM
My holdup on shoe is that this makes 2 really clean 4clue pictures which is quite hard to do! So makes me think it's often neutral but ugh it is the best thing we have at face value
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12-04-2021 , 05:54 PM
there are shoes in both pics
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12-04-2021 , 05:59 PM
That's true! Not on our superhero doggy but it's not like you can land our 4 AND have an easy run at word #5

Wanna guess it? Seems like our best + seems like red has gone out of their way a little to avoid shoes. D1 would also understand vs if we guess something like alien we'll get WTF'd for a month and we don't wanna become that kind of POG meme #phonebook
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12-04-2021 , 06:08 PM
the dog doesn't have shoes, but the people in the background do
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12-04-2021 , 06:12 PM
*if* underdog is an alien, then alien is for sure our best bet, and he might be! superman was. and underdog is modeled after superman... i think.

but i just can't remember
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12-04-2021 , 06:14 PM
i think i'm now liking alien best. cuz if underdog is an alien, then that's really clear, and not a stretch at all. like all the words are stretches

just i don't think underdog was an alien...but even if it's like 10% i say we go for it.

and now that im thinking underdog was modeled off superman, who is an alien... then underdog likely an alien too
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12-04-2021 , 06:25 PM
Was even Superman really an alien tho? I thought he was a normal dude that got exposed to some stuff...

Also there aren't many superhero dogs and D1 needs to combine lab and superhero which is already hard, have some kinda government building behind, it's already hard and probably not many pics so don't think he's trying to get too specific on some dog origin story that we're snapping off alien
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12-04-2021 , 06:30 PM
Just seems there's some kinda science fictiony thing we coulda been clued if we had

Superhero/pirate/alien/hook that woulda worked with film too - like it's not that hard to link film + alien + something and we're not on that route at all
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12-04-2021 , 06:51 PM
superman was 100% alien. he was from the planet krypton. that's why kryptonite makes him weak

so you prefer shoe over alien?

i do get your point about choosing a different pic for alien, but you can say the same thing about shoe. and if underdog is an alien, then this pic is a great clue for alien.

if shoe is the word, he could have picked a different pic for shoe too maybe
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12-04-2021 , 08:09 PM
First pic is pretty clean for shoe if it's our tho and 2nd pic does have some shoes like you mentioned so yes, still my preference there

Just not as sure on this being an alien dog...and doubt this one is from krypto and weakened by Bitcoin swings
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12-04-2021 , 08:10 PM
Like it *could* be right be it could also be dead wrong

Shoe at least we have very good reasons to guess and it's mostly a question of ours or neutral
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12-04-2021 , 09:08 PM
alien 55
shoe 45

if you're feeling shoe more than 55, then go ahead and bold shoe. im fine with that. im honestly 45 shoe.

if you're feeling exactly 55 shoe, then bold alien. i'll take the flip... so i guess maybe im 56 ailen, 44 shoe lol
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12-04-2021 , 10:25 PM
I'm just sooo low on alien personally like 0-10, but if you're like very sure to overriding point I'm cool deferring to very sures. If you're not sure shoe is my preference and it probably is right around 55, then like 10 for the other stuff like plate boom scientist bermuda
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