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OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND*

11-03-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
As I told OTI over AIM, this is my favorite mishmash out of all of the ones I've played. I followed the thread the whole way even after I died.

Thanks very much OTI.
Eliot and I agree, I told OTI the same thing, and I followed every post right to the end! Awesome job dude, even though you already know I think that.

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Also the neutrals were not intended to be village power roles with a mouthpeice.

but when both wolf sk's and the village vig died it left them far too powerful.

I def learned more from modding this game than from any others and I believe the next game I run will be near perfect.

TY all for playing and I am sorry for the lack of write-ups. I hope you all enjoyed it and will play my next game.

Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1
meh, that wouldnt be fun... its called FPS Island for a reason
BAM! and thats why this game ruled!
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:37 PM
^ that's why we should have flipped yesterday ftw.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
so the neutrals were like a group of village masons with a NK, right

gg everyone

ty OTI this was super fun while I was still alive
Yeah, I have no idea how we were supposed to deal with that

Originally Posted by aao

For days everyone in wolfchat was like "aao is trying way too hard to draw an NK" and we eventually peeked you when we had absolutely no clue who remaining power roles could be
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
^ that's why we should have flipped yesterday ftw.
I now think a flip would have been awesome. Somehow I thought Beer was FPSing when he said he was bowling. I was certain he was sitting there F5ing with me. So certain that I deleted the part of my post telling him to vote you when he said he was leaving in 20 minutes.

How sad is it that on back to back days we lynched Matt for his fps, then the fake seer got lynched?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:45 PM
Iirc we killed vr mostly as a strong villa kill, then she resurrects herself and wins it for the village. BS!!!
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
I now think a flip would have been awesome. Somehow I thought Beer was FPSing when he said he was bowling. I was certain he was sitting there F5ing with me. So certain that I deleted the part of my post telling him to vote you when he said he was leaving in 20 minutes.

How sad is it that on back to back days we lynched Matt for his fps, then the fake seer got lynched?
Yeah, I was paranoid that ILB was on his way back at any minute (or hiding out waiting to switch off dustin). I typed out an absurdly long rambly post, punctuated with a dozen and a half or so quotes, with a "luckbox" tucked into the middle of one of the huge paragraphs, hoping that, if we couldn't avoid people who were already planning to snipe, we could at least delay people who weren't planning but who were nevertheless there by a few seconds, hoping that by the time they realized exactly what the post was, it might be just past 10:01. But obviously 99% of the time the problem is with people who are already set and ready to vote at 10:00:xx, and a long confusing post is never going to delay them 'cause they're focused and undistractable.

Originally Posted by XXsooted
Iirc we killed vr mostly as a strong villa kill, then she resurrects herself and wins it for the village. BS!!!
Wasn't it the neutrals who killed VR? We peeked her instead IIRC.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
GG ALL. gg to all of the final participants. Especially VR.

BTW, the reason I thought you were the godfather was because when I got my peek of you, it said "vanillager" when it should only have said "village/non-village". I thought it was intentional by OTI. He of course explained that it was not intentional, but I couldn't get the thought of you being the godfather out of my head.

thanks for modding OTI. First time being seer for me (even though I was a gimped seer )
lol wat. Man we were so close
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:58 PM
O ya true. I can still whine tho!
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:05 AM
ftr, i see alot of bullcrap about the neutrals in the postgame.

re: why did we go after the wolves, because we felt that it was our best play to win the game. having 2/5 of our team outed was not the right play.

re: wolves (housenuts) getting angry with us, get over yourself. we played our game, you played yours. we outsmarted you. gg

re: mm1 killing beg, if i was on the village team, i would have strangled you. going after neturals when your win condition had nothing to do with outlasting neutrals=fail.

re: beg's dead post, i agree that it was over the line(slightly). for someone that was not involved with the game to say that "he would have considered punishing her team" is bull**** though. why should we be held responible for someone who is no longer on our team. thats like saying if a villager who gets killed d1 shows up at f5 and makes a slightly over the line post, that the wolves will get an extra nk. because that is the spot we were in. it was our end game.

re: the neutrals reactions after mm1's nk, i went over the edge, and im sorry about that. my math is horrable, and did not realize that we were still near winning. nothing that we said ever in the thread was a lie.

my mea culpa:

i was the neutral vote buyer. my vote move for coordi was slightly intentional. i felt that he was defenetly power role. whether he was wolf or villa, i honestly did not care either way. in my mind, the correct play there was to get rid of any power role that could hurt the neutral team. ftr, i did have a wolf lean on him the whole game coming up to that point.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:15 AM
i see alot of people in tears after the game

re: dnky

get a grip. we all had a fun game. no one is complaining. all i wrote is at one point in the game i felt like killing the neutrals. highlight of the entire game for me is when mm1 killed beg, even though it was not good for our team the extreme humor of seeing you guys so pissed off was definitely worth it.

i'd say i play werewolf 50% for the strategy/winning factor and 50% for fun. use that in your read next game.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
ftr, i see alot of bullcrap about the neutrals in the postgame.
Usually neutrals have impossible win conditions that are at the whims of fate, unusually, yours was possible; but I can see how you could have lost too.

You guys played smart under the circumstances. Realize that both teams were at your mercy, and it doesn't feel great to have your fate in somebody else's hands.

I think a big problem for the non-village factions in games with unknown rolesets is lack of information. The edge as a wolf is supposed to be perfect information. When you don't even know how many actual villagers are out there, or what the neutrals goal is, it's tough.

I think you can never give too much information to the small teams in these games. For example, giving the wolves info about the number of neutrals and their win condition might have helped them. The neutrals being even smaller deserve more info. Tell them about the number and type of village power roles. I think a policy of more info to the small teams would allow them to use their power roles more effectively. The village doesn't need info, they have all day ITT to figure things out.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
re: beg's dead post, i agree that it was over the line(slightly). for someone that was not involved with the game to say that "he would have considered punishing her team" is bull**** though. why should we be held responible for someone who is no longer on our team. thats like saying if a villager who gets killed d1 shows up at f5 and makes a slightly over the line post, that the wolves will get an extra nk. because that is the spot we were in. it was our end game.
If it was a violation (on which I agree with soah), then any damage therefrom has to be rectified. In practice it didn't hurt much, but it's not inappropriate for the most knowledgeable person regarding werewolf here on POG to weigh in on the matter.

Beyond that: It's the second time in a month she's done this, and I suggest that moderators of future games need to consider it.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
If it was a violation (on which I agree with soah), then any damage therefrom has to be rectified. In practice it didn't hurt much, but it's not inappropriate for the most knowledgeable person regarding werewolf here on POG to weigh in on the matter.

Beyond that: It's the second time in a month she's done this, and I suggest that moderators of future games need to consider it.
so then saying "something should be done about said player" would be better than "something should be done to the team that said player was on"

this is just an extension of the way that i(and other people) are feeling right now about over modding on pog. i apologize for any personal attacks i have made.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
i see alot of people in tears after the game

re: dnky

get a grip. we all had a fun game. no one is complaining. all i wrote is at one point in the game i felt like killing the neutrals. highlight of the entire game for me is when mm1 killed beg, even though it was not good for our team the extreme humor of seeing you guys so pissed off was definitely worth it.

i'd say i play werewolf 50% for the strategy/winning factor and 50% for fun. use that in your read next game.
dont worry. next time i see you in the boat i was in, ill just pour gas on top of it. and ill enjoy the hell out of it.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:37 AM
It was a pretty cool game OTI and I really enjoyed it.

Even though I know I probably didn't stand out much in the villa from most peoples perspective, I found it fun to play a powerrole for once and am happy I didn't **** it up for the villa by blocking our seers/vig (even thought I did block xxaces on n2. I was generally happy to try and help the villa as much as I could, but keeping up with massive games like this is hard when you have a job to take care off.

I have one question on generel ww play. I blocked well named on n1 and of course thought that he might be the sk, but should I have left clues that I did so on d2? I couldn't really see a way to make a post on this that wouldn't be screaming that I was a power role.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:38 AM
this game was sick.

I peeked
bsball n0-villa (right)
willd n1-wolf (which was wrong)
blocked n2
mcavoy n3 villa - then he gets lynched the same day(which had he left off longer before claiming wolf, I was going to defend him hard prob got myself mislynched) (wrong)
n4 - dnky - villa (right) which led to goofy's wolfy post and lynch.
n5 - VR - non-villa (wrong)
n6 - was seriously confused but thought I might be insane or every other night was insane so I peeked BEG as non-villa. (right)

and then I figured out that half the time I was insane and every other night I was right, tried to leave that in thread and then got NK'd.

should have kept a lower profile I think.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:39 AM
why did you nk me wolves?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
I have one question on generel ww play. I blocked well named on n1 and of course thought that he might be the sk, but should I have left clues that I did so on d2? I couldn't really see a way to make a post on this that wouldn't be screaming that I was a power role.
I think getting the wolf > village role blocker there. They might not even kill you as long as there are seers around.

If nothing else, villagers spent time searching for the mystery of why there was no SK.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
I think getting the wolf > village role blocker there. They might not even kill you as long as there are seers around.

If nothing else, villagers spent time searching for the mystery of why there was no SK.
sure, but at the time I didn't know that well named was the sk. I planned to block him again on n3 (I couldn't block the same person on consecutive nights), and then come out if there was a sk nk on n2 and no sk nk on n3. The thing was, as was pointed out in the thread, that at d2 or even d3 I really couldn't be sure that well named was the sk.

I just felt that if I went after him I were basically outing myself, which in case he were the wolf sk would have been fine, but if he wasn't I felt would be really bad. I decided that since I most likely wasn't going to be a lynch or nk candidate, I would wait and see how the days played out.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by AceofSpades
why did you nk me wolves?
for the reason you said. we thought u were seer, but weren't sure of the quality of your peeks. i also remember seeing your 50% of the time it works every time or whatever post. i'm pretty sure that's why we killed you.

as for ertjberg you had a very good game. both you and aao were making sick reads and we were pretty confused about how. we were pretty sure you weren't power roles, but possibly masons with a seer or something. we peeked aao as vanillager, and i guess just killed you before we peeked you.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
I didn't believe BEG either. If I was a neutral I would be appearing to help the village while lending balance by helping the wolves as much as possible. I was pretty sure there were other factors with the neutral win condition and, though I couldn't say it in the thread, thought the kill was great.

I thought my point about the WER kill was kind of ignored. From my POV the neutrals killed the single clearest villager, which made me suspect their intentions. Actually MM's kill helped tremendously in helping out the neutrals and their reaction made it clear to me that they were actually trying to help the village.
Not by me!

Was kinda when no one cared that the neutrals killed me. Then GTP who is my mason and was saying i was a lock villager comes up dead neutral and no one even lols at it. Meh

GG everyone

danny and WDC
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 02:14 AM
Fwiw my reads were:

sixfour is a villager
bsball is a villager
aos still a villager

villa lean A.ert
villa lean mm1

dnky good???

Wolf/watch list



awesomealexman (11:09:04 PM): i thought coordi was some sort of PR but im not sure anymore since he's gone awol
awesomealexman (11:09:12 PM): (village/neutral pr)

/shameless brag, had to poast it.

GG everyone.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
Fwiw my reads were:

sixfour is a villager
bsball is a villager
aos still a villager

villa lean A.ert
villa lean mm1

dnky good???

Wolf/watch list



awesomealexman (11:09:04 PM): i thought coordi was some sort of PR but im not sure anymore since he's gone awol
awesomealexman (11:09:12 PM): (village/neutral pr)

/shameless brag, had to poast it.

GG everyone.

5/5 of my reads were correct this game. I was then almost lynched and night killed by the neutrals.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 02:19 AM
well, you were massively utr (before i was killed anyway, dunno what you did later) and that combined with you seeing the massive SAW village fail unravel as a mod looked bad for you
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-04-2009 , 02:21 AM
i was the mvp of n0
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
