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OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND*

11-03-2009 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Senor Cardgage
Sorry, team.
No worries, you played fine. gg wolves!

OTI, was it your intention for neutrals to out themselves? I basically can't see any way for them to not win. It eventually became +EV for us to let them go because we can't win the game when it's village + neutrals vs wolves (which is exactly what happened).
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:25 PM
GG ALL. gg to all of the final participants. Especially VR.

BTW, the reason I thought you were the godfather was because when I got my peek of you, it said "vanillager" when it should only have said "village/non-village". I thought it was intentional by OTI. He of course explained that it was not intentional, but I couldn't get the thought of you being the godfather out of my head.

thanks for modding OTI. First time being seer for me (even though I was a gimped seer )
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:25 PM
OTI, awesome game thanks.

I would like to note that we did not in fact peek aries, I'm just hawesome. too bad it was doomed to failure
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:27 PM
ya WN is def a sicko since Aries had to be a neutral for that to work
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:27 PM
Wow, I just noticed this was over. It was great fun to play and I enjoyed watching it as well. Good balance obv. Thanks OTI!

IMO both teams played well. Nice job VR!

K, why did the wolves kill me?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:29 PM
OTI, awesome game
also, sick understataments afaik.

Loved this game. srsly

Also I thought a lot of the wolf team played really good, even though we ran bad. Hats off to you guys
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
GG ALL. gg to all of the final participants. Especially VR.

BTW, the reason I thought you were the godfather was because when I got my peek of you, it said "vanillager" when it should only have said "village/non-village". I thought it was intentional by OTI. He of course explained that it was not intentional, but I couldn't get the thought of you being the godfather out of my head.

thanks for modding OTI. First time being seer for me (even though I was a gimped seer )
OMG are you serious? lol that is kind of a shame. Good job though.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Wow, I just noticed this was over. It was great fun to play and I enjoyed watching it as well. Good balance obv. Thanks OTI!

IMO both teams played well. Nice job VR!
this. I liked the special roles you made up OTI.

Also if some missed, sorry for my absence and thanks to Chips for taking over.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 09:41 PM
Oh, of course the neutrals can bite me.

Never thought BEG would outlast me in POG werewolf, but life can be surprising.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:17 PM
i still stand by my kill

btw my other kill that i was gonna send in was ILB, so that would have been worse imo

i just think it was hilarious when the thread opened so many people jumped on me for being a wolf by making that kill... I honestly didn't believe BEG, just flat out because of the Saw game, and killed her based on that ( atak)

Im glad the village still won but i think my kill brought some hilarity to the thread if you were from the outside looking in, and I know in an OTI game that is always expected
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:21 PM
Just because everyone doubted me at the time, called me a wolf, and then killed me:

Originally Posted by The Evil Polka Man
My order of people I want to see lynched:

OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1
i still stand by my kill

btw my other kill that i was gonna send in was ILB, so that would have been worse imo

i just think it was hilarious when the thread opened so many people jumped on me for being a wolf by making that kill... I honestly didn't believe BEG, just flat out because of the Saw game, and killed her based on that ( atak)

Im glad the village still won but i think my kill brought some hilarity to the thread if you were from the outside looking in, and I know in an OTI game that is always expected
I didn't believe BEG either. If I was a neutral I would be appearing to help the village while lending balance by helping the wolves as much as possible. I was pretty sure there were other factors with the neutral win condition and, though I couldn't say it in the thread, thought the kill was great.

I thought my point about the WER kill was kind of ignored. From my POV the neutrals killed the single clearest villager, which made me suspect their intentions. Actually MM's kill helped tremendously in helping out the neutrals and their reaction made it clear to me that they were actually trying to help the village.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:43 PM
tbh, I was really suspicious because they were decimating the wolves and the wolves were doing nothing about it. Like if the wolves NK a couple of neutrals they prob had a better chance of winning, imo, and that that wasn't happening made me a bit edgy.

Yes, I knew there weren't 5 wolves left but I was getting lynched no matter what because some people didn't see it from my eyes.

I would have killed ILB if I didn't kill BEG, and then we would have probably went on to lose to the wolves. So I stand by the kill and think it was the right thing to do at the time..

wdc, knowing you agreed with me, that someone agreed with me, makes it better haha
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:46 PM
as a wolf i didn't agree with you because it kept the neutrals around longer.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:47 PM
y didn't the wolves go after the neutrals?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1
y didn't the wolves go after the neutrals?
We had very limited kills after the first couple days, and knew we needed to find seers — we were forced simply to hope the neutrals would quit trying to **** us, while we hunted people who definitely had to die for us to win.

Also, we knew the neutrals probably had an angel, and gunning for outed neutrals risked hitting the angel protection and thus losing another tempo.

In the begining we had two night kills, and a possible replacement night kill if we lost WN. Within two or three days we were down to one NK, an angel who was in trouble (because of bad logic by the neutrals, but whatever), were facing god knows how many seers,and had wolf numbers that looked likely to be down by half pretty soon. The village seers, and any other confirmable village power roles, needed to die while the neutrals might change their minds or might leave the game — so we had no choice but to hope.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:55 PM
because we figured our best chance was to believe them and there were still lots of power villagers left that needed to be killed. and once it was at a certain point where there were ~4 neutrals and 2 or 3 of us and lots of villagers it wouldn't have helped our cause to go for the neutrals.

when it got down to just me, senor and 8 villagers i think, i was pretty close to the position of just wanting to nk the neutrals for fun because i didn't see us having much or any chance. if i'm lynched before aao or wdc then we lose. if we don't get an nk in because of chuck, then we lose. and the neutrals had pissed me off to a point where i wanted them to lose.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
I thought my point about the WER kill was kind of ignored. From my POV the neutrals killed the single clearest villager, which made me suspect their intentions.
First, sorry about lynching you. I swear I was ready to put it to a flip. I thought your interactions your last day were helpful.

Second, I was also very suspicious of the neutrals. For one thing, the village peeks they gave were power roles who could confirm themselves -- which they pointed out to the wolves. I was very suspicious that they peeked a wolf who they were protecting. I suspected VR for a long time on that basis, and obviously I suspected you too.

The trouble with killing them is then they can turn openly anti-village out of self-defense or spite. Best if they just leave.

I enjoy playing with you books, you were great in my first game too.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
We peeked you as tracker at some point. Also had peeked aao as vanilla so his fake seer was obv, and peeked chips as vanilla as well. I thought your role claim was the biggest laughable joke. Parrot, lol.

OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:00 PM
ty oti for modding too.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:03 PM
I would have killed ILB if I didn't kill BEG, and then we would have probably went on to lose to the wolves. So I stand by the kill and think it was the right thing to do at the time..
Or, you know, you COULD have killed the outed wolf.

"My other pick would have been so much worse" is not much of an argument when you have a KNOWN EVIL to use your kill on.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:05 PM
also fwiw I thought BEG's dead post was highly inappropriate, to the point that if I were modding the game I'd have had to consider penalizing her team for it
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:07 PM
so the neutrals were like a group of village masons with a NK, right

gg everyone

ty OTI this was super fun while I was still alive
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
so the neutrals were like a group of village masons with a NK, right

gg everyone

ty OTI this was super fun while I was still alive
And a seer and an angel! oooooOOooooo

But neutral factions are difficult to balance imo and a lot of fun to play on, so I'm cool with whatever powers they have for the most part.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
11-03-2009 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
Or, you know, you COULD have killed the outed wolf.

"My other pick would have been so much worse" is not much of an argument when you have a KNOWN EVIL to use your kill on.
meh, that wouldnt be fun... its called FPS Island for a reason
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
