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Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread

06-14-2014 , 04:03 PM
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Do not worry Nick. I am never getting good score for lolrussia song. Bottom 3 guaranteed.
Don't think so...

There was an entry that made me actually ragequit after less than 30'.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz

experimental, bouncy, keeps growing on me each time I listen to it.

IBeDrummin chose: Osso Exotico - 9 Esteiras Para 1 Acorde de Piano #2 [Portugal]

This is also cool.

Pretty strong category.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:05 PM
table after seven groups

Submitter A B C D E F G H Total
Nick Royale 8 4.8 10 8 6.8 10 6 53.6
Willi 9 6.4 3 10 5.6 8 7 49
IBeDrummin 10 5.9 7 4 3.2 6 10 46.1
Soma 6 6 9 9 4.5 2 1 37.5
linesanddots 4 8.3 8 1 5.5 5 4 35.8
soah 1 6 1.5 6 7.8 9 3 34.3
$5 Bill 3 3.4 6 2 10 7 2 33.4
Kaidus 7 1 5 7 4.8 3 5 32.8
JMurder3 2 8.5 4 3 3 4 8 32.5
abnormal 5 5.2 1.5 5 5.8 1 9 30.5
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
This is also cool.

Pretty strong category.
Damn, I had a strong gif ready to counter your hatred. Oh well, next time.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:07 PM
Suck it drummin!
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
This is also cool.

Pretty strong category.
Yes - it's funny. Half the categories have had a strong top half, and half haven't and I can't really see why based on the countries in the groups. Eg, I wouldn't have predicted beforehand that Ghana & Portugal would be so much better than Nigeria & Argentina.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:10 PM
I think that's enough revealing for today. Let's leave Nick with the sleepless night worrying about whether he can hang on to top place in the table. And will there be a last guest mod?
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:10 PM
Actually downloading buying physical copies of Osso Exotico's discography right away.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Don't think so...

There was an entry that made me actually ragequit after less than 30'.
Originally Posted by tchaz
I think that's enough revealing for today. Let's leave Nick with the sleepless night worrying about whether he can hang on to top place in the table. And will there be a last guest mod?
loltchaz with the attempted mystery build up.

ZOMG - who is this. Could it be Uncle-Guestmod?

In Soviet Russia Guest-mod refuses to rank the entries and submits their own music, probably win category
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz
Yes - it's funny. Half the categories have had a strong top half, and half haven't and I can't really see why based on the countries in the groups. Eg, I wouldn't have predicted beforehand that Ghana & Portugal would be so much better than Nigeria & Argentina.
Argentina not all that strong from what I know, Nigeria should've performed better. But yeah I didn't really know much good Portuguese music before this either.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:20 PM
My Russian song will feature:


Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:21 PM
My final round submission is one of the greatest orchestral finales of all time. I don't care how it scores as long as Willi places highly enough to secure Nick his rightful place.

ETA: Welp, that xpost was not encouraging.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
This is cool.
Originally Posted by tchaz
Sorry guys - multitasking fail - I've edited number 3 to include the submitters name etc.
You seem to have made it so Nick accidentally liked something I submitted
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
You seem to have made it so Nick accidentally liked something I submitted
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:22 PM

Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:23 PM
Help me, UncleDynamite, you're my only hope.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
Help me, UncleDynamite, you're my only hope.
I refused to rank the songs because I'm really intolerant to music I don't like and, as far as Russian music is concerned, am a 60-70-80s elitist, so I figured that it wouldn't be fair to most of you and settled on providing some commentary.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
My Russian song will feature:


Had to check it out, that's legit hilarious
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 04:31 PM
Russian elitist itt.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 08:29 PM
Germany was in this group? Here's a German song someone submitted in my first walrus that is still in a play list of two:
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by $5 Bill
4th ain't bad.

Can't wait for my guaranteed 9th in the next group.
Originally Posted by tchaz

trolls ghana troll
compulsory pun in the context of this group imo


$5 Bill chose: Kandia - Everything You Say [Portugal]

Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz

drumming, just a snippet, but impressive nevertheless

abnormal chose: Obo Addy and Okropong [Ghana]

I knew him. We went to Japan on a religious pilgrimage together.
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-15-2014 , 02:07 PM
Group H reveal incoming
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
06-15-2014 , 02:07 PM
ruh roh
Official FIFA 2014 World Cup Walrus/Troloololoaloopoza - REVEAL thread Quote
