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October 8th Game Thread October 8th Game Thread

10-12-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Why isn't dmk on your list of people who haven't done anything villagery?

Why am I one of your top suspects?
would dmk be this lazy as a wolf? maybe. i dunno it is an incredibly thin way to clear someone but i find his laziness a tad villagery (not like i have better ways to clear other people)

my case on you:
-dunno how to read you
-you are still alive
-as i said ^^, the opinion is probably biased by the fact that others simply havent posted anything

at this point i pretty much don't plan to vote you for now because i'd rather lose to you than just have the wolf team be semper/chuckles and they win by doing nothing.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 06:55 PM
Doing a quick reread my only firm conclusion is that wahoo/Hitch are not w/w, ever. For this post:

Originally Posted by wahoopride
fair point

im thinking ill drop chuckles actually. he seems cool.

As well as one that I must have misclicked on in which Hitch says that wahoo made the villageriest post of the game.

Let's pretend for a moment that they are v/v.

That means that the woofs are amongst:


I think semper has been villagery.

that leaves:


Chuckles made two very blatant "throw away", let's-see-what-happens votes on me and birdman before vanishing d1 and d2. The type of votes that are called wolfy when others make them. yet neither dmk nor atak has said anything about them. Why? Is this just how chuck plays?

dmk has also done very little this game.

atak I am always suspicious of.

Of the three I am going to vote dmk primarily for the semper vote.

October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
looking back i think the reason we suspect each other might just be because no one else has done anything.

i called you and hitch my top two suspects but in reality most of the other people i just cant remember anything.

off the top of my head:

elliot - all i remember is the seer hunt stuff and that i thought he was wolfy in how he handled that. also his list which is meh

semper - has gone after me and done nothing else the last two days

chuckles - said he sucks now

dmk - does not seem interested in the game at all

Elliot was wolfy (yes, its my opinion) from day one, particularly in that he seemed to be drawing conclusions that weren't justified by his evidence. But I am never going to dismiss a night kill entirely.

Semper made some weird but villager-looking arguments, but the past two days hasn't looked as good.

chuck and dmk, I agree. Chuck said he was going to post some reads, and then conveniently enough his only read was OTI = wolf. dmk did offer something earlier toady, but the reread of bitchi never seems to have happened.

That leaves you — I thought you were wolfy, but you're looking better all the time imo — and Hitch, who has been more active than usual and mostly villagery, but who has seemed to throw in little digs about me in several weird spots.

So no one's clear, no one's a clear wolf... and no one's talking.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Chuckles made two very blatant "throw away", let's-see-what-happens votes on me and birdman before vanishing d1 and d2. The type of votes that are called wolfy when others make them. yet neither dmk nor atak has said anything about them. Why? Is this just how chuck plays?
Pretty much yes, this is how I remember chuck's game. I've been a bit surprised at how little discussion there was the first couple days about it among the newer players early on, but I wouldn't expect Hitch or dmk (or me) to consider that sort of play terribly noteworthy from chuck.

Now that it's gone on for longer it becomes more problematic, not so much because it makes him a wolf but because it means he's not likely ever to be readable one way or the other this game.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
there hasn't been much to this game - pretty boring really. and busy at work unfortunately. i'm looking at BB's interactions from d1/d2 atm...
Still waiting on this... And to wahoo's question whether he would play this passively as a wolf: maybe so, I don't know re him in particular. We've seen a couple wolf teams coasting (to losses) recently, but I haven't ever seen him do it to my recollection. I do remember him as a pretty active villager, but my clearest memory of that is Hippy Pirates, in which he was the vig so it's a little different.

I would consider dmk a pretty good vote if Elliot hadn't just voted him.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:30 PM
I am not voting for wahoo today — I don't think if he's a wolf he'd be the most active player in the thread.

I still feel without being able to prove that Hitch is a villager, there's no support for semper or chuck nor are they strongly wolfy... so it looks like Elliot/dmk wagons should contain a wolf, which may put the other one in an awkward spot.

October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Still waiting on this... And to wahoo's question whether he would play this passively as a wolf: maybe so, I don't know re him in particular. We've seen a couple wolf teams coasting (to losses) recently, but I haven't ever seen him do it to my recollection. I do remember him as a pretty active villager, but my clearest memory of that is Hippy Pirates, in which he was the vig so it's a little different.

I would consider dmk a pretty good vote if Elliot hadn't just voted him.
there wasn't much to his interactions. i noted what was notable - wahoo having almost being lynched d2 due to BB's voting him. and thus, my clearing of him for now.

like you said yourself, most of the interaction was with OTI (and ball), so it was all useless

i also stated that elliot was way too confident about BB being one of the peeks, which was associated with BB obviously.

you act like i didn't post anything
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Pretty much yes, this is how I remember chuck's game. I've been a bit surprised at how little discussion there was the first couple days about it among the newer players early on, but I wouldn't expect Hitch or dmk (or me) to consider that sort of play terribly noteworthy from chuck.

Now that it's gone on for longer it becomes more problematic, not so much because it makes him a wolf but because it means he's not likely ever to be readable one way or the other this game.
chuck's play has been ridic standard (i.e. he could still be a wolf or villa)
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:34 PM
putting my boy to bed, brb
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
there wasn't much to his interactions. i noted what was notable - wahoo having almost being lynched d2 due to BB's voting him. and thus, my clearing of him for now.

like you said yourself, most of the interaction was with OTI (and ball), so it was all useless

i also stated that elliot was way too confident about BB being one of the peeks, which was associated with BB obviously.

you act like i didn't post anything
I didn't mean that — I went through it too, and there wasn't a lot, tat's true.

One problem with a low-volume game is that because there's not a lot to analyze, there's not a lot of analysis for people to to clear themselves (or screw up while trying, as the case may be).

Re Elliot being to confident about the peek, I will look again but I thought the bitchi peek at least was pretty clear.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog

Elliot was wolfy (yes, its my opinion) from day one, particularly in that he seemed to be drawing conclusions that weren't justified by his evidence. But I am never going to dismiss a night kill entirely.

Semper made some weird but villager-looking arguments, but the past two days hasn't looked as good.

chuck and dmk, I agree. Chuck said he was going to post some reads, and then conveniently enough his only read was OTI = wolf. dmk did offer something earlier toady, but the reread of bitchi never seems to have happened.

That leaves you — I thought you were wolfy, but you're looking better all the time imo — and Hitch, who has been more active than usual and mostly villagery, but who has seemed to throw in little digs about me in several weird spots.

So no one's clear, no one's a clear wolf... and no one's talking.
I admit it does seem convenient. I already had the post in my head about what my post would look like. I'm only posting this to show I did read through the thread in an attempt to find wolves.

Day 1:
2 known villa claim wolf, MM1 claims wolf as well, but enforces it is a joke
Complains about thread sucking
Pushes Smaug, then votes someone else, pushes and votes Smaug again, before having his vote end on a villa

Day 2:
Forgets all about Smaug
Complains about thread sucking again

Day 3:
No longer complains about thread sucking, and admits to enjoy wolfing when I asked

Of course I was wrong in this read, but I was right when I said I wasn't going to put faith in it. That was the best I got when I read through the thread. Right now, I still have no idea. I really am completely out of the game as when I started.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:47 PM
re Elliot's certainty about the peeks:

Soon after day began and bsball turned up dead, Elliot posted this:
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Originally Posted by bsball8806
and bitchibee/smaug goes back into the wolf cave
for this post
I thin this is a reasonable conclusion and one that Elliot could draw quickly if he's a villager. (As I later pointed out it misses some subtleties, but it isn't a wolfy mistake imo.)

The more problematic one is this one, shortly thereafter:
Originally Posted by ElliotR
unfortunately mca was the likely n0 peek
It's not problematic because it's wrong — I don't think it is wrong. To the extent it's problematic it's because it was probably right. bsball didn't leave a clear d1 peek from what I've seen; he read Mac villager and got squirrelly when questioned about it,a and there don't see to have been any other possible peeks. But Elliot didn't cite any of that, he just stated his conclusion... which is what he's been doing all game that keeps giving me shivers.

Elliot: what did you base your conclusion that Mac was the n0 peek on, and why didn't you cite the relevant post, as you did with the apparent bitchi peek?
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
Mr Smaug
Originally Posted by bsball8806
Originally Posted by wahoopride
Mr Smaug
are you a wolf
i personally think this exchange would have placed some doubt in my mind on my first quick read-through in determining possible peeks. i wouldn't have come in and said "BB obv wolf"

that elliot just cherry-picked a single post, and was correct, is pretty odd, no?
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
i personally think this exchange would have placed some doubt in my mind on my first quick read-through in determining possible peeks. i wouldn't have come in and said "BB obv wolf"

that elliot just cherry-picked a single post, and was correct, is pretty odd, no?
i see your point.

i was very confident once i read his d2 posts that BB was the peek but i was aided by knowing i was a villager. also by knowing bsball well i suppose.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 08:05 PM
i mean, i had the benefit of reading the entire day's analysis before posting. but to determine that BB was without a doubt the wolf-peek without any conversing in 13 mins (from "day" to elliot's post) is a bit of a stretch

just my opinion. when i re-read, i didn't necessarily go "wow, ya, BB def dies", it was just the only choice
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 08:07 PM
plus elliot/hitch voting wahoo is beyond awful
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 08:14 PM
Through 616:

[0] atakdog voted for dmk
[0] chuckleslovakian
[2] dmk voted for ElliotR
[2] ElliotR voted for dmk
[0] Hitch voted for wahoopride
[0] semper fidelis
[1] wahoopride voted for ElliotR
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 08:19 PM
sorry guys for not being active today
my internet was cut off
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 08:33 PM
I don't know, but this doesn't seem dmks wolf game

I will vote Elliot if needed, but not crazy about it
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 09:19 PM
I was hoping Elliot would reply to my question in 612, but he hasn't and dmk's argument that Elliot was too certain, too fast, about the peeks looks good. More importantly, it doesn't look wolfy either — there's no overreaching that I can see.

October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
re Elliot's certainty about the peeks:

Soon after day began and bsball turned up dead, Elliot posted this:

I thin this is a reasonable conclusion and one that Elliot could draw quickly if he's a villager. (As I later pointed out it misses some subtleties, but it isn't a wolfy mistake imo.)

The more problematic one is this one, shortly thereafter:

It's not problematic because it's wrong — I don't think it is wrong. To the extent it's problematic it's because it was probably right. bsball didn't leave a clear d1 peek from what I've seen; he read Mac villager and got squirrelly when questioned about it,a and there don't see to have been any other possible peeks. But Elliot didn't cite any of that, he just stated his conclusion... which is what he's been doing all game that keeps giving me shivers.

Elliot: what did you base your conclusion that Mac was the n0 peek on, and why didn't you cite the relevant post, as you did with the apparent bitchi peek?
The "McA" is probably villa post. I was using the view where you pull up just one players posts so I didn't click through to mark it for multi-quote.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I was hoping Elliot would reply to my question in 612, but he hasn't and dmk's argument that Elliot was too certain, too fast, about the peeks looks good. More importantly, it doesn't look wolfy either — there's no overreaching that I can see.

you're giving me the heeby jeebies
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I was hoping Elliot would reply to my question in 612, but he hasn't and dmk's argument that Elliot was too certain, too fast, about the peeks looks good. More importantly, it doesn't look wolfy either — there's no overreaching that I can see.

You have got to be kidding.
October 8th Game Thread Quote
10-12-2009 , 09:29 PM
October 8th Game Thread Quote
