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Objectively judging the best ww players Objectively judging the best ww players

08-28-2014 , 09:06 PM
So ReddBoiler's thread prompted me to wonder whether we could try to measure the best ww players.

Obviously the checkmywwstats database has some results for wins/losses by role, but the sample size is pretty small for many players.

This is reminscent of the number of goals a football team scores a season being small. One suggested solution there is to count shots/shots-weighted-by-area-from=which-taken.

An analogue for ww might be 'correct'-lynches for the player's side - or even 'correct' votes for the player's side. Both of theses to be counted only whilst the player is alive, or, perhaps better, with a 50%/day decay rate after death. (Or maybe some decay rate depending on the day???)

I suppose turbos would be easiest to look at because the format repeats and there are fewer roles. But I know nothing about turbos.

I imagine at this point that there are somewhat decent stats on, eg, winning %s when the seer is lynched d1 versus when they aren't lynched d1 and so on. But that may be fantasy.

What sort of weightings would be appropriate? (Views welcome from turbo players, those who've played with the turbos-db or anyone else with an opinion. The aim would be to do/extend to longer games.)
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:41 PM
If I were a Stern Judge I would weigh the stats only 35%~ or so. More of the decision need to come through subjective analysis.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:43 PM
Long games only, greater than 15 games played in both wolf and village roles

Gentlemen, the GOAT:

Last edited by ZomgHax; 08-28-2014 at 09:45 PM. Reason: I'll be signing autographs all night.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:49 PM
I have contemplated the concept of some sort of Win Probability Added thing for vanilla games (similar to baseball stats), since we should in fact have a decently large sample of "win % given a game state of X villagers/Y wolves/Z seers".

It's kinda messy though.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:54 PM
In my humble - and probably wrong - opinion, a villager's most important stat is the ratio at which they're mis-lynched vs night killed.

Someone with lots of time on their hands should compile that for me.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I have contemplated the concept of some sort of Win Probability Added thing for vanilla games (similar to baseball stats), since we should in fact have a decently large sample of "win % given a game state of X villagers/Y wolves/Z seers".

It's kinda messy though.
Yes. I'ld be interested in that kind of thing too. My nebulous idea, though, was to try to evaluate players based on their impact on the game whilst they are alive (and/or and shortly after death), rather than the proxy (for people who are habitually half-way-ruled) of what happens at the end of the game.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:01 PM
Chips hasnt been lynched as a villager in nearly sixty turbos i think.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
In my humble - and probably wrong - opinion, a villager's most important stat is the ratio at which they're mis-lynched vs night killed.

Someone with lots of time on their hands should compile that for me.
Every game you've modded the wolves have won. So you can just go and sit in the corner with CDL for now.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:03 PM
Not true, village won my south park mash.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:07 PM
RankNameLynched as Villager %NK % NK/lynch
1Chips Ahoy0%68% undefined
2traz0%69% undefined
3JimHalpert3%43% 14.79
4rebonkulous4%57% 13.14
5metsandfinsfan10%55% 5.55
6Monkey Banana11%43% 4.01
7wdcbooks12%46% 3.76
8MDoranD14%50% 3.68
9derm11%37% 3.50
10Luckbox Inc16%55% 3.50
11Swiitch14%48% 3.33
12karnelchik15%45% 3.00
13well named16%46% 2.92
14atakdog16%42% 2.60
15vixticator19%49% 2.58
16captain binkles22%56% 2.57
17soah22%56% 2.55
18Zurvan19%48% 2.51
19Montecore13%33% 2.50
20OnThInIcE91117%42% 2.50
21Larry Legend15%35% 2.33
22CPHoya20%46% 2.33
23bsball880616%37% 2.33
24shortline9925%56% 2.25
25MrGatito17%38% 2.25
26LKJ24%52% 2.20
27aao22%46% 2.13
28XXsooted19%40% 2.11
29Andynan17%33% 1.99
30Sun Tzu20%38% 1.94
31VarianceMinefield21%41% 1.89
32Felix the Cat24%43% 1.80
33VoraciousReader24%43% 1.80
34FCBLComish28%50% 1.80
35Crossnerd18%32% 1.75
36HerbieGRD26%44% 1.71
37Aksdal29%48% 1.67
38dmk22%35% 1.63
39DonkDonkDonkDonk27%42% 1.57
40derwipok25%39% 1.57
41Nez47724%35% 1.50
42ScottHoward30%44% 1.50
43chuckleslovakian23%35% 1.50
44Nicholasp2728%41% 1.47
45younguns8716%21% 1.34
46Forsythio25%33% 1.33
47bhuber201018%24% 1.33
48fnord_too29%35% 1.20
49ShipItUp31%38% 1.20
50magic_gazz26%30% 1.16
51UAW71025%28% 1.16
52globetrotter32%35% 1.08
53Birdman1068737%40% 1.08
54hardcoreUFO30%30% 1.00
55ZomgHax26%26% 1.00
56McAvoy33%33% 1.00
57BitchiBee38%38% 1.00
58chrisrjdk32%32% 1.00
59LuckayLuck36%35% 0.95
60wahoopride32%27% 0.86
61Anarchist38%31% 0.81
62CalledDownLight25%20% 0.80
63gtpitch31%24% 0.78
64ElliotR44%32% 0.73
65Duckburg50%36% 0.73
66TimeLady33%24% 0.71
67kyro33%24% 0.71
68xxaceshigh77xx30%22% 0.71
69Toganim50%35% 0.70
70sixfour39%26% 0.67
71J.D.39%25% 0.64
72tappokone44%26% 0.60
73Telcontar33%19% 0.58
74Systolic46%27% 0.58
75HiFi40%20% 0.50
76Xkf32%16% 0.50
77PlzBeALevel42%17% 0.40
78Nofear383839%15% 0.40
79Titanrulez47%18% 0.38
80Perdition64%23% 0.36
81KruZe42%13% 0.30
82chrja63%17% 0.27
83clowntable71%14% 0.20

Last edited by Aksdal; 08-28-2014 at 10:16 PM.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:11 PM
Ok or someone with 15 minutes on their hands.

Ty Aksdal

Pretty damn strong top 20.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:15 PM
if aksdal's list included me then yea pretty accurate
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Not true, village won my south park mash.
jk - but took it from here:

(One thing with the db is it doesn't seem to say by whom people were night/day killed.)
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
In my humble - and probably wrong - opinion, a villager's most important stat is the ratio at which they're mis-lynched vs night killed.

Someone with lots of time on their hands should compile that for me.
Objectively measuring players based on those statistics (specifically) is still a fairly worthless indication of their strength as a player (even if you look at it from a polar perspective (i.e. just the strength of their villager game)).

For example,

A 0% lynch rate - while good for a villager to have, doesnt mean he's actually a good villager.

It doesnt take into account 1) that they're wolf game is generally poor 2) their mis-lynch percentage doesnt represent the accuracy of their reads/doesnt mean they're a good player at all.

A terrible player can clear themselves every game/never get lynched, and have a very high NK% because the wolves are essentially forced to kill them.

There a literally tons of players like this.

So yeah, they can clear themselves every single game/never get lynched...but does that mean they're any good at the game? Not really...they probably just have a really bad wolf game.

This was ALL aimed towards Halpert...hopefully he sees this
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:19 PM
Take tappo for example...a decently high mis-lynch rate...and a relatively low NK%...both indicators of his above average wolf game showing through in his villager statistics (IN his case...this is not always the case for someone with those numbers).

His villager game is probably in the top 5% (and wolf in the top 1%).

Measuring player strength on objective variables alone is worthless without context.

Hence perception and subjective variables.

Last edited by bhuber2010; 08-28-2014 at 10:25 PM.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Chips hasnt been lynched as a villager in nearly sixty turbos i think.
i'm pretty sure this is way off

i remember him being mislynched quite a bit the last 20 or so games he played or at least >2 times iirc

he was rightfully rustled i think

count me as one of those who thinks stats are pretty worthless. i think most of us know who the good players are when we play with them. it's somewhat difficult to be a really quiet and "sneakily good" player in this game because a big part is getting other people to follow you so if you don't really do that then your amazing reads don't matter that much.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
i'm pretty sure this is way off

i remember him being mislynched quite a bit the last 20 or so games he played

he was rightfully rustled i think
He meant to say vanilla long games I think
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:22 PM
boobs makes good points - which is why my suggested measures are of who gets voted (or maybe lynched) as a proxy for the player's effect on the game (whilst they are alive). Eg if you're a good wolf more villagers are likely to get voted for and/or lynched while you are alive.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
He meant to say vanilla long games I think
oh yeah that would make more sense

pretty impossible not to get mislycnehd at some point in turbos
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
RankNameLynched as Villager %NK % NK/lynch
1Chips Ahoy0%68% undefined
2traz0%69% undefined
3JimHalpert3%43% 14.79
4rebonkulous4%57% 13.14
5metsandfinsfan10%55% 5.55
6Monkey Banana11%43% 4.01
7wdcbooks12%46% 3.76
8MDoranD14%50% 3.68
9derm11%37% 3.50
10Luckbox Inc16%55% 3.50
11Swiitch14%48% 3.33
12karnelchik15%45% 3.00
13well named16%46% 2.92
14atakdog16%42% 2.60
15vixticator19%49% 2.58
16captain binkles22%56% 2.57
17soah22%56% 2.55
18Zurvan19%48% 2.51
19Montecore13%33% 2.50
20OnThInIcE91117%42% 2.50
21Larry Legend15%35% 2.33
22CPHoya20%46% 2.33
23bsball880616%37% 2.33
24shortline9925%56% 2.25
25MrGatito17%38% 2.25
26LKJ24%52% 2.20
27aao22%46% 2.13
28XXsooted19%40% 2.11
29Andynan17%33% 1.99
30Sun Tzu20%38% 1.94
31VarianceMinefield21%41% 1.89
32Felix the Cat24%43% 1.80
33VoraciousReader24%43% 1.80
34FCBLComish28%50% 1.80
35Crossnerd18%32% 1.75
36HerbieGRD26%44% 1.71
37Aksdal29%48% 1.67
38dmk22%35% 1.63
39DonkDonkDonkDonk27%42% 1.57
40derwipok25%39% 1.57
41Nez47724%35% 1.50
42ScottHoward30%44% 1.50
43chuckleslovakian23%35% 1.50
44Nicholasp2728%41% 1.47
45younguns8716%21% 1.34
46Forsythio25%33% 1.33
47bhuber201018%24% 1.33
48fnord_too29%35% 1.20
49ShipItUp31%38% 1.20
50magic_gazz26%30% 1.16
51UAW71025%28% 1.16
52globetrotter32%35% 1.08
53Birdman1068737%40% 1.08
54hardcoreUFO30%30% 1.00
55ZomgHax26%26% 1.00
56McAvoy33%33% 1.00
57BitchiBee38%38% 1.00
58chrisrjdk32%32% 1.00
59LuckayLuck36%35% 0.95
60wahoopride32%27% 0.86
61Anarchist38%31% 0.81
62CalledDownLight25%20% 0.80
63gtpitch31%24% 0.78
64ElliotR44%32% 0.73
65Duckburg50%36% 0.73
66TimeLady33%24% 0.71
67kyro33%24% 0.71
68xxaceshigh77xx30%22% 0.71
69Toganim50%35% 0.70
70sixfour39%26% 0.67
71J.D.39%25% 0.64
72tappokone44%26% 0.60
73Telcontar33%19% 0.58
74Systolic46%27% 0.58
75HiFi40%20% 0.50
76Xkf32%16% 0.50
77PlzBeALevel42%17% 0.40
78Nofear383839%15% 0.40
79Titanrulez47%18% 0.38
80Perdition64%23% 0.36
81KruZe42%13% 0.30
82chrja63%17% 0.27
83clowntable71%14% 0.20
been lynched 0 out of 23 village games, and killed by the wolves in 16 out of the 23 (70%).

not counting the two times i was lynched in a neutral hunt, incidentally both times led by LKJ.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:26 PM
that's vanilla's only
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:28 PM
having a low lynched as villager % is analogous to having a high win % at showdown. not necessarily indicative of high skill. dost thou seest why?

Last edited by iversonian; 08-28-2014 at 10:34 PM. Reason: or maybe win % without showdown is a better comparison...
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:30 PM
Like boober pointed out, mislynch rate isn't even close to a definitive metric for villager ability, let alone overall ability.

A ww bot that correctly claimed wolf/seer/villager and then voted at random every day would rock the mislynch vs nk stats but would only be as skilled/useful as the average player.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:35 PM
I mean there's obviously exceptions. But you can't deny that players that are mis-lynched rarely and nk'd often are usually assets to the village.
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:36 PM
being easy to read doesn't say anything about your village game

it just makes you a bad wolf
Objectively judging the best ww players Quote
