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Noah's Grievance Thread Noah's Grievance Thread

03-08-2013 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
I say again. I did not know timelady was peeked villager when I shat her.
well played then
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:13 PM
To the person who suggested I play different in pms:

I listened to your points and they are all valid/worth considering.

I just don't like what you said about x poster so I obviously don't like you.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:14 PM
Not gonna feed the trolls
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:20 PM
I have listened and learned from my recent mistakes. I blame irl and I will try to get back on track. I am obviously doing something wrong if it has recieved this much attention especially coming from a few that I never would have expected. I will try to keep the games fun for everybody and will calm down being a reckless villager (and woof gotta keep the two looking similar) I accept anything that comes my way due to my play. I hope to change some of your opinions of me in the future.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:40 PM
I'll take credit for Boo Radley leaving POG.

I'll also take credit for [He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named] boycotting POG.

You can thank me publicly or privately. Your choice. Just know that I caused both of the above for the good of the community.

You're all welcome.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:43 PM
Holdem 4 mod! imo
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:46 PM
I think Ash is dead on. We have to treat Kruze like a child and give him a spanking so he learns.

He only started not trolling when it was revealed that he is in fact lying about knowing whether or not TL was peeked aka when the pressure was on.

Spank his ass.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by John Wayne
vanillagers may be willing to sacrifice themselves, but only insofar as that allows the maximum number of villagers to be alive when the game is over. my post was a direct response to chips' analogy, but i was making the point that you need to also include motivation and didn't feel the need to write out a tldr with all that included.

what does this post, and the responses to it, accomplish? are you suggesting that, if you account for that, kruze's behavior can now be understood as earnestly helping his team win? of course not. let's try to stay on topic.
I am not saying anything about kruze here. If I had to, based on what I have read (which is just some stuff in this thread), I would say that you could not conclude that kruze was not earnestly trying to help his team.

What I am driving at is that people in general, and I think you are one, are falling into the trap of projecting your own utility / skill / etc onto others and judging them based on that projection.

For example: traz plays entirely differently than I do. If he, as a villager, is wrong about something I find incredibly clear (correctly) because I process information differently, that does not mean he isn't making an earnest effort. I could say that lynching spook was a bad play in the reunion game, and I think it was a mechanically very bad play, but that doesn't mean that every villager who voted for him was sabotaging the game. I mean in that case, it is very clearly a bad play, and all the good mechanical players agree on this, but good villagers putting forth honest effort advocated it.

You drawing conclusions because you see something as clearly bad is projection. This is a cognitive bias that is best avoided.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:51 PM
Serious question: is John Wayne Scott Howard / boo radley / most smooth / etc?
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:51 PM
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
Serious question: is John Wayne Scott Howard / boo radley / most smooth / etc?
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
Can we get an official bold ruling on me so I can go back to not reading this thread game threads.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:54 PM
For the record chill, in time traveler, if I played your role the way you did, I would not fight a sabotage claim . however you playing it that way is not sabotage, nor was you not knowing until late into mtg you could request specific colored mana at night despite it being posted by the mod literally at least once per day.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
I'll take your word for it, but this is not the answer I expected.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
A bad shot, in an ITA, in a mishmash, based on a peek by a living player?

If you're going to ban someone from WW over that, then you're basically saying the history up to that point is itself bannable, and this is just the trigger.
New grievance: people who haven't played in forever who come into this thread with uninformed opinions about how to run our games need to stfu and gtfo.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:57 PM
Reading mod posts has always been a leak in my game.

ftr I still have no clue how the coin mechanics worked in that TT game. Are you saying that I was sabotaging by playing it the way I did?
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:57 PM
scott howard is boo radley

john wayne is iversonian

very different peoples
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:01 PM
I think kruze should be put on a short leash with the requirement that he informs himself about what is going on in a game before making major decisions.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:01 PM
gimmicks are the worst
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:02 PM
Shut up Henrik we're still on the Kruze issue.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Reading mod posts has always been a leak in my game.

ftr I still have no clue how the coin mechanics worked in that TT game. Are you saying that I was sabotaging by playing it the way I did?
No, I am saying we play differently and you playing in a way I think is clearly bad or me playing in a way you think is clearly bad does not mean anything with regard to earnest effort. (I do think it was bad play, but I think it was because you honestly believed you dieing would be mechanically devastating to the village, as opposed to you thinking you dieing would just suck for you personally).
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
scott howard is boo radley

john wayne is iversonian

very different peoples
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
No, I am saying we play differently and you playing in a way I think is clearly bad or me playing in a way you think is clearly bad does not mean anything with regard to earnest effort. (I do think it was bad play, but I think it was because you honestly believed you dieing would be mechanically devastating to the village, as opposed to you thinking you dieing would just suck for you personally).
We'll take this to pms cause I dunno what you are talking about specifically.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
Just to address this real quick:

The last post is him responding directly to Zdye saying exec peeked TL villager.

Claiming ignorance on the TL peek is sort of lol given the above discussion that Kruze is directly involved in.
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah, see for everyone opposing this grievance, this is a problem. This is basically as solid of a case as anyone is ever going to be able to reasonably make to prove that a player was taking an adverse action with completely reckless disregard for whether it was actually harmful to his team.

I'm interested to hear from people who are hand-waving this complaint away as to how the above isn't incriminating.
Okay, I was opposing this grievance yesterday, but this is bad.

After he says "unless TL is the godfather" there's no way he didn't know she was peeked.

Maybe he should get warned and temporarily suspended (from 2w to one month) if he does something like this again.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
03-08-2013 , 05:15 PM
The "seer" wasn't dead yet. Thus there is no peek. Plus it's a mishmash so peeks aren't reliable.

I get what people are saying. Good luck writing a rule other than "don't suck".

I will shoot at for real peeked villagers when I think it's the right play. Sometimes I'll be wrong.

See HP3 where mechanics I didn't understand made Luckay "the clearest player in the game" and I killed him.
Noah's Grievance Thread Quote
