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The Masters Mishmash Gamethread The Masters Mishmash Gamethread

04-30-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
vagos did

that is
Nuke euro then
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Vagos

yeah this is vagos' only mention of euro, euroa, or eurotrash
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Punker
This is where I'm at in my feelings at the moment.

Strong villa

Probable villa


Probable wolf

Strong wolf
Punker I'd like to hear more about your rand section. You really think that kaze and TN are on equal footing with missile here?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Was he around during the day usually? Because he's claimed AFK due to work reasons, and if that's not the case, then it's a point against him for sure

We know other wolves have played the AFK card so far this game
Based on what I know about him from previous games, being AFK due to work reasons seems very unlikely - he was playing poker for a living last I knew.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:32 AM
Every minute kling spends away from the thread is another shell in the shatgun
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Did anyone notice that telc just slanked off when the heat died down a bit? Because I did
i didnt slank. i went to re-read you, which takes a while when the person you are reading has more than 200 posts.

Originally Posted by TheNothing

telco has been underwhelming and I need to read his posts
Really looking forward to this re-read. You give lenc a villager for defending you, yet I have hard defended you from the outset and I am underwhelming.... So looking forward to the re-read of me
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:34 AM
Also duckburg went hard at vagos, arguably one of the strongest wolves, certainly the strongest to have flipped thus far, why is he so low?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Punker
Based on what I know about him from previous games, being AFK due to work reasons seems very unlikely - he was playing poker for a living last I knew.
this is relevant information

missle, might be worth commenting on whenever you get around to entering the thread

Originally Posted by Ashington
Every minute kling spends away from the thread is another shell in the shatgun
pretty much

he has not reacted well to being pushed, he claimed early when he could have posted himself out of it, and has generally not improved his posting like he did when spurred to as a villager in blackadder (by wolfme, oddly enough)
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Punker I'd like to hear more about your rand section. You really think that kaze and TN are on equal footing with missile here?
Rand means I really have no idea.

I still have suspicions about TN, but not strong enough to risk more womanrage by putting her in the wolf category.

missle I'm just completely confused by for reasons I've stated already. The fact that he's not taking shots or voting especially - I can understand as well as anyone the lack of participation (I'm way more involved in survivor than how much I post here), but it seems out of character for him to not participate in the key mechanical parts like voting and shooting.

Kaze I don't actually have a strong impression of (when there are multiple people in the game with similar user IDs like kaze/kruze, I frequently get them mixed up as to who is posting which).
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Also duckburg went hard at vagos, arguably one of the strongest wolves, certainly the strongest to have flipped thus far, why is he so low?
This is mostly a gut feeling. There's always one guy at the end of the game I go "whoa, never saw that one coming".
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Every minute kling spends away from the thread is another shell in the shatgun
Not fully on board with this (IRL/time zone possibilities), but fully on board with the "kling, your first post of the day must be..." post earlier.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I thought your thoughts were he was the only one you felt good about shooting with no regrets
and i would have no regrets. he's not playing.

also punker you can stick that "womanrage" bull**** up your ass

The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:43 AM
What is "title peeking" ?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:43 AM
Why is mets at the lack clair section? I forget.

Also need ash, 72o, TN, and lenCs claims to fame.

These people operate in the creamy, nougaty middle and it disturbs me.

Is Leo living off of being the first to claim he won a "vig", posting a lot, and not much else?

Thx in advance
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
and i would have no regrets. he's not playing.

also punker you can stick that "womanrage" bull**** up your ass

calm down there Martha Burke
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
Why is mets at the lack clair section? I forget.

Also need ash, 72o, TN, and lenCs claims to fame.

These people operate in the creamy, nougaty middle and it disturbs me.

Is Leo living off of being the first to claim he won a "vig", posting a lot, and not much else?

Thx in advance
there is an unclaimed shot on me and a dead wolf top5 poster vig

so unless i shot myself it's pretty likely i'm a villager

mets bussed mucks hard

the rest are firmly in the ???? category for most

i also went hard at zdye and was pretty much spewed clear by mucks
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
Why is mets at the lack clair section? I forget.

Also need ash, 72o, TN, and lenCs claims to fame.

These people operate in the creamy, nougaty middle and it disturbs me.

Is Leo living off of being the first to claim he won a "vig", posting a lot, and not much else?

Thx in advance
highly likely leo was shot at by mucks
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Really looking forward to this re-read. You give lenc a villager for defending you, yet I have hard defended you from the outset and I am underwhelming.... So looking forward to the re-read of me
meh, i believe i'm used to more of a thread presence from you & i accept that lenC hardly has one

Originally Posted by Effen
Why is mets at the lack clair section? I forget.

Also need ash, 72o, TN, and lenCs claims to fame.

These people operate in the creamy, nougaty middle and it disturbs me.

Is Leo living off of being the first to claim he won a "vig", posting a lot, and not much else?

Thx in advance
i have no claim to fame, aside from being fabulous. i am not creamy.

anyone who wants me to put leo in some "clear" section obv hasn't read that last game where he posted 30 seconds after start of day when the wolves planted a bomb that would kill the first poster. i cleared him for the rest of the game & he was also a wolf who wouldn't have died with the bomb.


he gets no trust from me
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:46 AM
Throw muti in there too - these are who we focus on, not sort from post count up, have no accountability, shoot the missles of the world
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Ok. Here is where im at right now. From my notes last night..

Clear villas(correct me if im wrong)

Vix-mason w/ dead villa suq
Hoya-claimed 2x lifer, already lost a life

Tier 1 villas

Effen-shot at ttt in practice, earned a wolf peek

Monte-ttt spewed him villa imo. He was behind vigging monte early on

TN-looks like same old tn villa to me. Led the thread in posts. Super emotional. She was wrong about HU but I felt like her posts towards him were genuine.

Insanity was here. Feels good I was reading him right for the 3rd straight game. RIP

Domer-repeated mindmelds and he seems to be trying to solve the game.

Tier 2 villas

Kaze- posting freely. Liked his interactions with TN/HU, tryimg to get them to stop tunneling each other. he was trying to lead the village yesterday and that goes in line with villa kaze.

Euro- He wolfed in anniversary iirc. This game feels different from that one. Strictly off tone, but I feel like he's been more active and actually tryimg to solve the game. Not in a fake way like in anniversary.

Kruze- opening string of posts look good to me. In line with his villa game.

Gad- gad is a pretty emo wolf and I haven't seen anything or read any of his posts that strike me as wolfy.

Ashington- another tone read


Tchaz- very limited amount of posts. His opening was awful, attacking the mod. Not trying to solve the game. Says he is going to play the game slow.

Mets- all he did yesterday was tunnel me, who was blatently afk all day.

Zdye- his shot in practice on ash felt like tmi. His tone has seemed way off.

Mffnike- wolfy pop ins. No content. > rand to be a wolf

Leo- him and mets I think are w/w. They both jumped onto my wagon early after I had layed slank cover and made one post. I feel like he's playing a similar type game as anniversary. Still need to read more from him bc I think he did flip flop on me throughout the day but I do think mets/leo could easily be w/w.

Kling- no content or game solviness. More worried about posting vote counts than finding wolves. He avoided questions/concerns that ppl had about him.

I have some more notes but this is a start.

Im phone posting and at work til 5. when I get off, ill be at a computer and be able to interact in real time. Much easier for me to discern roles when I can actually post.
here is mucks list from yesterday for your viewing pleasure
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Punker
calm down there Martha Burke
no you don't get to be all dismissive after you equate me defending myself to "womanrage"

seriously kiss my ass
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:48 AM
forgot mucks shot at you leo

he also cleared mets with that argument as he was getting outed imo

if anyone is asking why mets is clear again
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:48 AM
clear-ish i should have said
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:49 AM
Leos a fair amt better then

Iirc domer is in that top 5 list at the time, so he gets suspicion points at the very least. I think the others are dead or TTT?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
04-30-2014 , 11:50 AM
notables missing from the mucks list:


prlly more but those are the ones i noticed
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
