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08-22-2011 , 08:28 PM
i'd like to casually note that i felt like jim was seerhunting me for an fnord peek yesterday or last week or whenever the **** it was.
08-22-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
even so, why did he help get a wolf lynched yesterday? im basically lock 97% sure zayana is a wolf
You're seriously asking why Mets helped lynch a wolf when he put a late vote on Zayana, she didn't get lynched, and a wolf did get lynched?

I mean.. wat?

Even if she is a wolf it makes no sense what you are saying.
08-22-2011 , 08:29 PM
anarchist and mets really are two peas in a pod
08-22-2011 , 08:30 PM
Seriously, though.. my most reliable way to find wolves is looking at inconsistent thought processes. Things that wouldn't make sense as a villager for that role.

I just cannot comprehend Mets believing what he actually wrote as a villager. His vote has nothing to do with it. And his vote isn't even clearing in any way. And Zayana's role doesn't matter in that. Hard to clear anyone when its w/w wagons. And clearly if she is villager its not a good vote.
08-22-2011 , 08:31 PM
whatever im too ******ed to know what's going on. i just know zayana is a wolf too and she should die! (not irl )
08-22-2011 , 08:31 PM
anarchist's thoughts are inconsistent because his mind is tangled and mets thinks the world revolves around him so i wouldn't read too much into either.
08-22-2011 , 08:32 PM
ok im a seer i peeked mets villa ffs

just kidding donuts
08-22-2011 , 08:32 PM
Honestly as I posted yesterday I thought I'd never vote Mets.. but the way that played out it so not Mets.
08-22-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Honestly as I posted yesterday I thought I'd never vote Mets.. but the way that played out it so not Mets.
ok answer this:

if zayana is a villger, why didnt uaw make it back to the thread to vote her?
08-22-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
ok answer this:

if zayana is a villger, why didnt uaw make it back to the thread to vote her?
maybe he didn't want to spew her villa by voting her when he was there.

maybe he was away from his computer because not everybody is there 24/7 like you.
08-22-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
ok answer this:

if zayana is a villger, why didnt uaw make it back to the thread to vote her?
If Zayana is a wolf why didn't UAW make it back to the thread to vote her?

Who knows? It makes no sense as any role. So I assume he was unavailable.

Not like he'd sit there as a wolf and just watch himself go to flip, but as a villa would save himself.
08-22-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
If Zayana is a wolf why didn't UAW make it back to the thread to vote her?

Who knows? It makes no sense as any role. So I assume he was unavailable.

Not like he'd sit there as a wolf and just watch himself go to flip, but as a villa would save himself.
08-22-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Anarchist --

It's not about right and wrong. Wolves are right a lot, they have lots of info.

It is about the thought process. I do not believe for a second Mets believes what he's typing.

What's more likely --

Mets had something prepared in case Fnord was not seer to deflect


Mets truly believes someone nailed him as a seer but instead decided to eat who he said he would peek rather than the actual seer?

Come on, now.
I believe every single thing I wrote this game
08-22-2011 , 08:38 PM
Last sentence was constructed poorly. You know what I mean. Was clearly referring to Zayana's roles.
08-22-2011 , 08:38 PM
chim was that a slip there?
08-22-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I believe every single thing I wrote this game
Did you become insane since we played together last, then?

You honestly believe someone thinks you are seer.. but instead of eating you they go ahead and eat your supposed peek instead?

I mean.. you seriously believe that?
08-22-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
chim was that a slip there?
wat.. I was obviously showing the opposite hypothetical.

Point was Zayana's role shouldn't change his actions at all.
08-22-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Honestly as I posted yesterday I thought I'd never vote Mets.. but the way that played out it so not Mets.
Ill explain my thought process later
08-22-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
maybe he didn't want to spew her villa by voting her when he was there.

maybe he was away from his computer because not everybody is there 24/7 like you.
hey man they make these phones with internet, i was probably the last one to ever get one and yet even i figured out how to use it
08-22-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Did you become insane since we played together last, then?

You honestly believe someone thinks you are seer.. but instead of eating you they go ahead and eat your supposed peek instead?

I mean.. you seriously believe that?

Explain in an hour
08-22-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Ill explain my thought process later
I seriously can't believe you believe what you posted.

I mean... I honestly refuse to believe it.

What is the upside? Eventually if you are seer it would be clear. So in a few days they'd be equally screwed. And if you don't peek fnord its especially awful.

Show me a hypothetical wolf team that thinks that would be a good play.
08-22-2011 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Explain in an hour
I eagerly await.

I truly hope I understand where you are coming from because this whole thing seems so bad right now.
08-22-2011 , 08:47 PM
Anyways, Gat is still a wolf.
08-22-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I eagerly await.

I truly hope I understand where you are coming from because this whole thing seems so bad right now.
08-22-2011 , 08:48 PM
I really think Mets is a wolf too, though.
