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12-14-2008 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
Aries and ZT going after each other like this as w/w would be pretty damn hilarious

probably not likely

but hilarious.

That said, we have to go one of them today, right?
Not necessarily. Do you have any better ideas?

Who would you rather lynch between Aries and Zeturd?
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Yes, I misread. I think your actions before your vote are more damning than the vote itself, which should have been an obvious vote for you no matter what your role is.
Actually, thinking about it, I think I'm bussing the hell out of ollie from the earliest point possible if we'd both been wolves.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
I'm sorry you had to experience it again...

But OK, still entertaining the notion that you're villager, there's obviously a difference between D2, with a lot more live players and an unrevealed seer, and D4 with no seer and residing suspicion on me from the day before. Two different ballgames really. I think villager Aries would recognize that the dynamic of the thread was strongly suggesting that I'd be lynched.
shutup shutup shutup, I have spent much $ on therapy to convince myself that game never happened.....

If ollie hadn't made that post, I probably would have voted you.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
Aries and ZT going after each other like this as w/w would be pretty damn hilarious
The thought actually struck me, and yes, that'd be pretty legendary.

Originally Posted by AriesRam
No, I don't see that.

I will vote a "neutral-read" player over a "village-read" player every time. I don't see why this isn't obvious. I think I have been clear that for most of the game I have "village reads" and "not village reads".
Yeah, OK, but the problem is that there's nothing in your posts at the time to indicate that you're feeling strong enough about either player to justify that position. You're questioning Rake's soah vote. You're saying that FCBL is posting his usual low-content stuff. For the untrained observer, it seems like both players is a wash to you. Add to that, you knew that FCBL would be away for most of the day, and you're still feeling strong enough about the whole thing to not give him a chance to post more.

KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
Actually, thinking about it, I think I'm bussing the hell out of ollie from the earliest point possible if we'd both been wolves.
I am not you, so obv cant know for sure, but I dont think wolves who bus other wolves, in self-defense, get many village points. I think you would realize that as well.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
shutup shutup shutup, I have spent much $ on therapy to convince myself that game never happened.....

If ollie hadn't made that post, I probably would have voted you.
Lol. Is that a lolcat?
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
I am not you, so obv cant know for sure, but I dont think wolves who bus other wolves, in self-defense, get many village points. I think you would realize that as well.
I don't know. I've had it almost work before in that game were me and aard were the only remaining wolves and two seers had basically ****ed us up totally. But yeah, more "credit" for lynching a wolf if you've got no heat obviously. Was just saying what I think I'd probably do.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:47 AM
The thought actually struck me, and yes, that'd be pretty legendary.
Agree. Too bad its not happening.

Yeah, OK, but the problem is that there's nothing in your posts at the time to indicate that you're feeling strong enough about either player to justify that position. You're questioning Rake's soah vote. You're saying that FCBL is posting his usual low-content stuff. For the untrained observer, it seems like both players is a wash to you. Add to that, you knew that FCBL would be away for most of the day, and you're still feeling strong enough about the whole thing to not give him a chance to post more.
I question random votes in any situation, to any player, so you can't use that as evidence I thought rake was wolfy. I can kinda understand how you can see that, but i did post this about rake when I voted fcbl:

I am getting more of a "confused new villa who doesn't know how to act villagery" vibe from rake than a wolfy vibe. I also think it unlikely that new wolfrake would come out gunning for a villager so obviously.
Well that seems pretty obvious. And I can see how you would think that as a villager or post that as a wolf.

Btw, is this the crux of your case against me, that I voted fcbl d2?
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
Lol. Is that a lolcat?
No. What part says "I concede" to you? The joking refernce to getting pwned in chuck? Or the part that follows what I have been saying, that I had mentioned you were a good vote yesterday, its just that ollie was a better one?
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
I don't know. I've had it almost work before in that game were me and aard were the only remaining wolves and two seers had basically ****ed us up totally. But yeah, more "credit" for lynching a wolf if you've got no heat obviously. Was just saying what I think I'd probably do.
Yeah, don't think either of us will be convincing the other on this point.

I do agree, though, the seers played that game awesomely. God-like, really.

(please be referring to the game I am thinking about)
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:54 AM
If anyone else wants to chime in, it would be nice. I am off to bed soon.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Not necessarily. Do you have any better ideas?

Who would you rather lynch between Aries and Zeturd?
Aries in a landslide for the following reason -

ZT was a sub

VR was also a sub and is a dead vanillager

In the pirate game - 3 people didn't play, 2 were subbed for, 1 was killed - all vanillagers

preki (who ZT is subbing for) was one of these vanillagers in the pirate game

basically i think preki signed up for these and didn't want to bother being a vanillager

the excuse "well he dropped out of the other game too" doesn't fly with me because he's been active in another POG game recently ()

so yeah, I'd rather go with aries
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry

Aries in a landslide for the following reason -

ZT was a sub

VR was also a sub and is a dead vanillager

In the pirate game - 3 people didn't play, 2 were subbed for, 1 was killed - all vanillagers

preki (who ZT is subbing for) was one of these vanillagers in the pirate game

basically i think preki signed up for these and didn't want to bother being a vanillager

the excuse "well he dropped out of the other game too" doesn't fly with me because he's been active in another POG game recently ()

so yeah, I'd rather go with aries
Well, its your opinion, but to me this is a real copout reason. You have no idea how preki plays, and you are clearing zt based on how you think preki might play? Thats silly.

Besides, zt and I have spilled info all over the place this page. I would appreciate if you at least read it and made an informed decision. If you still want to vote me, I can respect it. (Just vote zt tomorrow).
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:05 AM
3 on aries (kkc, fcbl, 64)
1 on zt (aries)

5 to majority. And zt is almost certainly voting me. So please be aware that the next me vote is pretty much a majority vote.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:06 AM
I should be around for a little tomorrow morn (10 or 11 hours from now). And will likely be back for a hlf hour or so before nightfall.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
I question random votes in any situation, to any player, so you can't use that as evidence I thought rake was wolfy. I can kinda understand how you can see that, but i did post this about rake when I voted fcbl:
OK, this prompted me to go back to do some rereading. Looking back at your posts the whole thing is pretty obvious really:

Originally Posted by AriesRam
Yeah, pretty much. FCBL is the wolfiest player that has posted more than a handful of times. Its quite likely I am misreading a few players, but most everyone has been villagery this game. Epi has not been vilalgery, but I think fcbl is a better vote. Sun has been periodically weird, but with glimpses of villagery posting, plus he was likely the "peek" that got mike killed. It is unfortuneate that fcbl isn't going to be around for most of today, but that doesn't change the fact I think he is wolfy. And fcbl called me wolfy yesterday, for reasons unexplained (I had voted him, and was on him at eod, for the record.)
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Yeah, rake, that is bad.

IMO, you should never promise to deliver your vote to another person, or state you will follow someone elses vote. The most obvious reason is that you can't know (if you are villager) that the person you are following is a villager. You should make your own decisions, and be open to re-thinking your reads when new info is presented. Promising to vote epi tomorrow is really bad if epi suddenly turns on the villagery-ness.
Lol, and anyway, to answer more seriously, I think people are asking questions like you did to rake either when they trust them as villagers or when they don't and they want to get more information. If they're doing weird things that makes you question them that means you don't trust them. So again, I don't think you're voting FCBL that lightly there, and yeah, I know you voiced suspicions at him at various points, but you made a D2 post where you said you'd reread him and found his posts to be basically his usual low content stuff.

Btw, is this the crux of your case against me, that I voted fcbl d2?
Well, there's also the fact that FCBL voters were voting against epi. I know I'm one of those, but I also happen to know I'm a villager, so that leaves you and 64. I happen to think 64 is a villager. I happen to think it's likely that a wolf voted for FCBL in that spot. See where that leaves us?

And it's not just that. I think your day yesterday was pretty wolfy for reasons already explained, and I had you as wolfy early on D1 as well for various reasons. If you want to comment/refute, you can go back to look at my longer read post yesterday were I addressed some of my concerns.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:07 AM
unvote just because i know i'll be back tomorrow
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
No. What part says "I concede" to you? The joking refernce to getting pwned in chuck? Or the part that follows what I have been saying, that I had mentioned you were a good vote yesterday, its just that ollie was a better one?
I was just kidding around. I'm not 100% sold you're a wolf. I'm feeling pretty good about it, but I'm not closing the door. I've been burnt by stubbornness before. I'll admit it'll take some serious convincing to make me change my opinion though.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:10 AM
Its really bedtime.

zt - I will reread and address those tomorrow.

see you guys in the morning. (btw zt, itsnt it like 7am where you are now?)
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:11 AM

kkc, I think that's a pretty lame reason to vote someone. To assume that he'd only bother to play is just such a stretch. Wow.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Its really bedtime.

zt - I will reread and address those tomorrow.

see you guys in the morning. (btw zt, itsnt it like 7am where you are now?)
Lol, only 6 AM. Hey, it's the weekend. I think.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd

kkc, I think that's a pretty lame reason to vote someone. To assume that he'd only bother to play is just such a stretch. Wow.
"to play as a wolf"
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
I was just kidding around. I'm not 100% sold you're a wolf. I'm feeling pretty good about it, but I'm not closing the door. I've been burnt by stubbornness before. I'll admit it'll take some serious convincing to make me change my opinion though.
I know. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle.

I will feel awful silly if you are villager, but I have been laughably wrong before. I just dont see how you can;t be a wolf.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd

kkc, I think that's a pretty lame reason to vote someone. To assume that he'd only bother to play is just such a stretch. Wow.

nah, didnt think so.
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
12-14-2008 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd

kkc, I think that's a pretty lame reason to vote someone. To assume that he'd only bother to play is just such a stretch. Wow.
i'd bet that vanillagers are subbed for a disproportionate amount compared to power roles

just putting it out there

that's not the only reason i'd vote aries (he's gotten wolfier an wolfier after a villagery d1 and 1st half of d2)
KM's Holiday WW Party Quote
