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Inception - Dream of the Monocle Inception - Dream of the Monocle

08-27-2011 , 01:32 PM

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The participants in this dream are:

Aaronks son

This dream is scheduled to end at 8:30 SUNDAY (EOD)

It is time to dream (IT IS DAY).
08-27-2011 , 01:39 PM
bill FRIST!!!
08-27-2011 , 01:39 PM
Excited to still be alive...but my dreams have been uneventful...
08-27-2011 , 01:40 PM
I missed all of Day one due to the Bell Dream ending before I could even open ita nd missed most of Day 2 due to being forced into a dream within a dream while in Spinning Top.

Anyone who knows anything that villagers should know please let me know.

I thought KeanuReaver, YouKnowWho, and Gaderene were wolves based on what I had read of Day one of the Spinning Top dream. I am also concerned with CDL and Pyromaniac for meta reasons. That's pretty much all I got.
08-27-2011 , 01:43 PM
i am here and braced for Irene. better get my posting in before i lose power in 10 hours.
08-27-2011 , 01:43 PM
D1 Dream of Butterfly Pin:

lots of fluff and players I had never played with. I got a strong villa vibe from J.D. Toga and Thingy went after eachother (they are both dead, both villa). JD voted for Thingy, everyone else no lynched.

D2 Dream:

Didn't last long at all...but there were 3 votes on Shanks early and the dream was ended very early. He ended turning wolf.

I have not been in the main dream yet.
08-27-2011 , 01:44 PM
hey guys

first thing i thought when i was assigned to dream of the monocle was is it homer's totem

a couple of quick things but i have to hit the road before the hurricane

my participation could also take a hit if i lose power, etc..
08-27-2011 , 01:45 PM
mikey id like a quick update on what happened in butterfly after IANAWW and i were kicked

was everyone still cool with no lynch or did anyone try to get a wagon moving
08-27-2011 , 01:46 PM
Mikey, why didn't you vote shanks? What were your thoughts on CDL (or anyone else) based on what happened in that dream?

monikrazy, why do you think this is my totem?
08-27-2011 , 01:46 PM
also, toga shouldn't have gotten lynched yesterday and he should have saved someone from limbo with his power

most of the confusion was he didn't talk at all after coming into the main thread and it was late in the day and there was some confusion over the mechanics that brought everyone back
08-27-2011 , 01:47 PM
We may have cross posted...but...

Everyone was on No Lynch except JD was on Thingy.

I knew that Thingy/Toga was such v/v violence...
08-27-2011 , 01:47 PM
monocle - detective reference

i don't have any game reasons for thinking it is yours, just thought it was funny that i thought of that and you were in it
08-27-2011 , 01:47 PM
some lady tried to grab a loaf of bread out of my shopping cart at the grocery store today. she was not successful. true story.

Yesterday I was mostly busy and my dream was very, very dead. We lynched a villager who wasn't being very villagery, but wasn't really wolfy either. D1 I started in the dream of the dragon key ring, and we were probably all villagers. We then got merged into the spinning top thread. I think most of the people I was in the first dream with are dead. I know CDL was there with me, and I found him villagery. Officedog too, but I'm not sure if she's still around. We lynched Joshfan, the wolf angel, and I was one of the early votes on him and never wavered, so I'm pretty clear. I remember anarchist was pissing me off and I told him to cool it. Let's hope he did.
08-27-2011 , 01:47 PM
i really wish we knew whether peeker was wolf or not

if i stayed and he didnt post i would have tried to get him lynched
08-27-2011 , 01:48 PM
i'm pretty sure he was lynched for no posting...
08-27-2011 , 01:49 PM
yesterday in main dream OD claimed to have stolen dream drugs from anarchist

looks like there is a pretty good chance of a wolf being in this dream from a glance at the players list

i have to get going before the storm hits and road closes, if i still have power i will be back later tonight to do some work
08-27-2011 , 01:50 PM
yea.. i just don't know why i would have been kicked from that dream

there didn't seem to have been a good reason for it
08-27-2011 , 01:50 PM
08-27-2011 , 01:51 PM
OD = officedog
08-27-2011 , 01:51 PM
Do we know what goes on in the sub dream to totem dreams? Toga was pretty tight lipped on this...
08-27-2011 , 01:52 PM
waho and bsball main drivers of toga wagon in main thread

bsball dead villa

somewhat wolfy for wahoo but toga really dropped the ball.. not even bringing anyone out of limbo or being around so there may not be any great wagon analysis to do
08-27-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
also, toga shouldn't have gotten lynched yesterday and he should have saved someone from limbo with his power

most of the confusion was he didn't talk at all after coming into the main thread and it was late in the day and there was some confusion over the mechanics that brought everyone back
I have no idea when Toga entered the main dream because I was already knocked out, but Toga is a Dane and if it was late in the day it was likely he was asleep. He should have pulled me out of my dream within a dream.
08-27-2011 , 01:53 PM
yes.. it happened to me.. dream within a dream you are banished from the thread but protected from most harmful actions

you are basically in a bubble

for totem to dream within a dream and come out of it that first day was most unusual
08-27-2011 , 01:53 PM
The last time wahoo was a wolf and bsball was a villager wahoo just tagged along to his reads (see: Mishmash Mishmash). I'd definitely be suspicious of wahoo if what you say is true.
08-27-2011 , 01:53 PM
bsballs power was dream ending

i think he shut down the whole dream
