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HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD

07-19-2009 , 05:58 PM
looks like we wont majority tonight, im pretty tired so will just address a couple of points for now

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

If you don't want my vote on you, explain your nonexistent tell.

Did you even have something in mind when you made that post or was it just a blank check read?
still not saying, for reasons that at this stage can only be described as bloody minded.

Originally Posted by kokiri
Not only do i think that Epi is a bad lynch today (although the bastard is watching what sounds like one a cracking day of cricket whereas it's pissing with rain by me, so that's one reason i guess) the wagon looks really shady to me.
yeah, the cricket was excellent, we got lucky in terms of picking a day where the match situation meant the more boring elements of test matches werent in attendance. my yank friend had scored tickets to a hospitality box with a great location, and he managed not to use phrases like "at bat" and "pitcher" which I'd feared would tilt me into throwing him off the balcony onto the outfield. He concluded that Flintoff was "awesome", refused to clap for various 50 and century landmarks because "that doesnt impress me", and yelled abuse at a couple of England fielders for some ******edly conceded overthrows. Couldnt really ask for more.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:00 PM
I really know nothing of Elliots game, but it does seem wrong he has had one post today. It seems he shouldn't be lynched until we hear from him again, but even if he does claim something it seems like he still might need to be lynched because of lack of space to work with. Zurvan seems like a bad vote, but Elliot, Epicurus, and Biggerboat seem like a coinflip to me. I'll try Biggerboat just to see what happens.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:08 PM
One more thing about Soah. After I'm dead don't give him a pass about my mislynch. I can't deny that BEGs posts relating to him look like w/v and (relevant to my next point) look pretty much like authentic BEG posts. But there is a reasonable chance that this was a set-up -- the last time BEG & soah were wolves together w/24 hour chat soah famously wrote BEGs posts for her so that she would look villagery and he may have figured that with so many old-timers in this game that doing so again would be detected. If so, then bussing her easily becomes a viable, and perhaps best, strategy. This is particularly so if BEG was a weak link in an otherwise strong woof team (see Vamos a la Player where he bussed Spaceman d1 leaving himself and Sun as the woof team).
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
I really know nothing of Elliots game, but it does seem wrong he has had one post today. It seems he shouldn't be lynched until we hear from him again, but even if he does claim something it seems like he still might need to be lynched because of lack of space to work with. Zurvan seems like a bad vote, but Elliot, Epicurus, and Biggerboat seem like a coinflip to me. I'll try Biggerboat just to see what happens.
I'm not claiming, I'm a vanilla villager. I haven't posted much because my wife was away all last week preparing for a trial that starts this week, and she was home for the past 36 hours and we were doing family stuff. Now she's headed back, and I have some free time while my son takes a nap. When he wakes up I'll be offline again until I put him to be at like ~8pm pacific, so that should leave plenty of time for soah to make more stupid cracks about me not posting.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:15 PM
hey thread.....

sorry, I am not intentionally ignoring you....i've got 2500 photos to view/shuffle through from yesterday's wedding.....(will post some in community thread for viewing pleasure)....and although this game is "limited posts" it sure isn't "limited words" considering instead of writing one liners, every post is like a mini-series of novels...

I haven't caught up yet (ashamed to admit) but biggerboat was a wolf yesterday, and is still a wolf today.

I'll try and fit some thread-analysis in between my photoshop breaks... it's soo much easier to read this stuff at work, when at least it "appears" that i could be doing actual
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
whatever zurvan did there, he would probably be more careful as a wolf

jg-- tone ldo


just going to take soah's word for it
lets move this day along please
I dislike every word of this post, but it is proably to late for a Dustin wagon. Tomorrow, is a good day for Dustin to die. In the meantime, please don't lynch who he wants you to lynch.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
lol Pyro. OK dude here I am interacting. How many games of mine have you seen? More to the point, how many have you seen with this kind of rule set?
I've had 6 long games. 5 with you. None together, as yet, where either of us was a wolf.

1. Lost Wolves - we were both villa. you died a couple days in.
2. JG's rookie game - I was wolf, you didn't play.
3. Star Wars - we were both neutrals-leaning/turning-villa. we both lived to the end.
4. Arrows of the Queen - we were both companions/masons/villa. "to the end" more or less
5. Princess Bride - we were both vanillagers. you were NKed first night.
6. This one.

All have been mishmashs w/ odd rulesets except for the rookie game I wolfed in, and even it had a few minor twists.

How do you feel the ruleset here is affecting your play style?

How do you feel the playerbase is affecting your play style? ...I haven't played with most of this group before. or, if so, with minimal interaction.

we *do* have a large chunk of the Arrows companions here - you, me, JG, Epi, GT1T. everyone except sopo & luke. and we've got a chunk of the heralds, too - dustin, books, nez. that game almost doesn't count, though, since we couldn't interact in the thread.

Originally Posted by ElliotR
My view on you is not changed because you're voting for me, although I wish you would vote Zurvan.
Zurvan is in my dunno/could-be-lynchable column. There's some bias I'm trying to counter, though, b/c 1) he keeps calling me a wolf and 2) he was a major known wolf in Arrows, to us, for a long time.

Originally Posted by ElliotR
The last turbo I played I was a villager with mets/soah as wolves and mets made a post that was "sigh" on the first line and my name bolded the second line. I found the "sigh" much much more significant than the vote for me.
I'm not happy w/ you at the top of my wolf list, b/c if yr villa, yr a better player than me and yr lynch won't help the village.

Can you give a list of yr current reads, everyone?
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
This is a lie. You decided I was a wolf by the time of your very first post. That's what I type "lol soah" about. Sorry you took that so personally.
More lies from the lying liar who lies. Every time he defends himself he does so by lying and I have to use more posts to point out his lies. I did not even mention Elliot in my first post. Or second. Or third. Or fourth. When I finally mentioned him in my fifth post I had clearly not "decided he was a wolf".

Elliot, if you are a villager, you have only yourself to blame, not me, because your posting has continued to become more and more preposterous throughout the game.

How can you seriously read through the thread and decide that the most important thought you need to share with us is that in spite of me and beg sweeping a game with 24 hour wolf chat, we might enter this game and randomly decide to take the exact opposite approach, and instead of using our resources to act villagery and win the game, we would be better off just having beg act as wolfy as possible so that she can get lynched right away?

Why should anyone not believe you are simply in no-spew mode today by focusing your posts almost exclusively about yourself and me?

Originally Posted by G1982
This looks dodgy in light of BEG being lynched a wolf - it was as if he wanted to get credit for calling her wolfy without voting her.
I am baffled at how one could hope to pull off this feat while being one of the strongest pillars of her bandwagon. It is remarkable how you have managed to be both so incredibly villagery and wolfy in this game, and I am afraid I am going to have to spend a good deal more time reviewing you. Did you not even bother to read his other posts or even just check a vote count before deciding to vote for him? Or are you actually arguing that he needs to immediately cast a new vote every time he finds an additional suspect?
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:41 PM
i've not seen anything astounding since the last time i posted, so i've not got anything to add, and won't barring a vote if the thread is still live tomorrow morning and i think it's worth moving. still deciding whether to post something awesome with my 10k or something
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG

are you just making stuff up? it feels like you are
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 09:31 PM
<40 posts left, and no posts in the last 3 hours or so. Something is unnerving here. Someone should be pushing hard for someone right around now.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 09:45 PM
Allow me to kickstart this thread with a revelation:

G1982 is a wolf

I can't quite come up with enough to be entirely convinced, but there's stuff there, and him being a wolf seems to make sense.

I know I gave pretty good reasons for him to be a villager earlier. In regards to that, from looking at his previous games I've discovered that this point is invalid for him: "Also, he just straight up calls dkgo a wolf, and noob wolfs tend not to express such certainty about their targets". The rest of the things I said do remain points in his favor, but I now feel the points against him are enough to outweigh them.

The most damning thing is that after pyromaniac's first post, G1982 says: "On a seperate point Pyro is playing his villager game." This seemed like nonsense at the time. In his next post: "Pyro seems to be posting similar to Lost Wolves - he was a clear villager there and is one here."

I already had a strange hunch that in Lost Wolves, pyro was not making lengthy posts about post count strategy, which was basically the only thing he discussed in his first post here, but I decided anyway to go and look briefly at what he did post in that game. I fail to see what his posts have in common between here and there.

If the "Too Much Information" tell is to be applied in this game, this is the spot for it.


From the file of Things Not Said By Villagers: "Zurvan would be an interesting lynch to clear up the Bigger/Zurvan argument."

His subsequent "case" against Zurvan is a blatant railroading job.

His vote hopping today reeks of desperation. "Oh, no one wants JG? Cool beans, I just decided that epi is wolfy anyway, I'll hop on that wagon. Hey, epi wagon died? No sweat, let me see if I like the case against Zurvan. Yeah, sounds good to me."


Also, an interesting quote from Lost Wolves, as a comparison to how he has posted in this game:

Originally Posted by G1982
Fair enough question. As some of the others who have played with me before know, I don't like listing all players and giving leans this early in the game, preferring to build up by analysing one player in depth at a time.
The lack of deep analysis is notably absent, in a game design which highly encourages that exact type of posting. His analysis of Zurvan apparently wasn't even deep enough to find out who he voted for. Instead of analysis, we get one-liners, clustered into what one might describe as "lists".


Random note: While my gut still tells me sixfour is a villager, he should be snap-voted over anyone else who seems like a villager if it comes down to it.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:01 PM
Soah, I noticed the same thing about G1982, I can't claim to have gone back and read his previous games, but I was thinking about what his clearly made up read on Pyro could mean. I discounted it as I am getting used to players making clearly ridiculous reads for metagame purposes (whatever that means exactly).

I could vote biggerboat, although OR's first post and her general low post count make me uneasy. I think I still prefer to vote Elliot and this Zurvan wagon is so fishy it almost has me wondering if this is some master plan to clear Zurvan by pretending to want to lynch him (I don't actually believe this FWIW).
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
I had a look over d1 and think BB comes off better than Zurvan in their private sparring match. In particular, this post by Zurvan:

This looks dodgy in light of BEG being lynched a wolf - it was as if he wanted to get credit for calling her wolfy without voting her. This post is wolfier than anything Bigger has done yet imo. I have either village leans or not come up on my radar for the other four on the list so I'm finding it difficult to see why this would have been Zurvan's wolf list at that point.




This is so ****ing bad.

I voted BEG yesterday. I didn't vote her with this post. That was post 171. Shortly after I posted that, Dustin voted her, and then Books came out in support of a BEG lynch. Then I voted her IN POST 175

Now, I realize that 4 posts is an awful long way to go down the page, and a lot of effort when you're deciding who to vote for with three very close wagons, but I do expect a minimum amount of effort from my fellow players. When I don't see that effort, and when somebody pulls a pile of **** straight out of their ass and splats it across the Internet, I have to assume that they just clutched the first thing they saw to get the lynch they wanted.

Now, to my paranoid mind, this has to be an attempt to save a wolf who's up for lynch by pushing a villager wagon. Clearly all the people on me aren't wolves, but there's definitely wolves hopping on hoping to get a mislynch today to save their buddy.

My new and improved wolf list:


Will be voting for whichever of them has the most votes so I don't die
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:13 PM
Ok, we really need to post. I feel like there is a standoff with people daring each other to post or face the risk of crossfire. Actually now that I think of it what would be cool would be to rand the crossfire based on distance from the median number of posts. So if the average post per day is 9, then 5 and 14 are randed equally.

In any case I feel like the closer we get to EOD the more movement we get towards some reasonable wagons. So let's go.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:33 PM
As far as I can tell, this is the updated vote count. I'm epically tilted over this, in a way not seen in a very long time. In fact, I'm this | | close to breaking out a good old fashioned beratement.

[ 3 ] biggerboat votes zurvan
[ 0 ] chuckleslovakian votes BiggerBoat
[ 0 ] dkgojackets votes elliotR
[ 1 ] DustinG votes ElliotR
[ 7 ] ElliotR votes Zurvan
[ 3 ] Epicurus votes honeybee
[ 0 ] G1982 votes Zurvan
[ 0 ] GetThere1Time votes biggerboat
[ 1 ] honeybee votes epicurus
[ 0 ] Jennifer Garner votes zurvan
[ 0 ] kokiri votes zurvan
[ 0 ] McAvoy votes zurvan
[ 1 ] metsandfinsfan votes sixfour
[ 0 ] m1ke votes
[ 0 ] nez477 votes elliotR
[ 0 ] Nicholasp27 votes epicurus
[ 0 ] OrangeRake votes Biggerboat
[ 0 ] Pyromaniac votes ElliotR
[ 1 ] sixfour votes metsandfinsfan
[ 0 ] soah votes elliotR
[ 0 ] Sun Tzu votes epicurus
[ 0 ] wdcbooks votes dustinG
[ 0 ] well named votes elliotR
[ 6 ] Zurvan votes elliotR
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:48 PM

zurv is villa, folks
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 10:57 PM

Ok Zurvan.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:01 PM
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
I've had 6 long games. 5 with you. None together, as yet, where either of us was a wolf.

1. Lost Wolves - we were both villa. you died a couple days in.
What I remember from that game other than esse big killing me (dammit esse!) was not having a lot of good suspects, and thinking that howl ong was too cheesy to be a real tell. lol @ me.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
2. JG's rookie game - I was wolf, you didn't play.
3. Star Wars - we were both neutrals-leaning/turning-villa. we both lived to the end.
I no longer qualified for rookie games by the time of JG's game. SW I consider a decent example of my villa game sicne I played it villa, at least until the time you guys peeked me.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
4. Arrows of the Queen - we were both companions/masons/villa. "to the end" more or less
no posting, just good times in chat (until, did what norse did)

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
5. Princess Bride - we were both vanillagers. you were NKed first night.
Surely you can't tell anything from that.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
6. This one.
OK. So I was a little confused by what you said because I didn't think we had played often enough together for you to have a firm sense of my "villager game" -- since I wouldn't say that I have a firm sense of yours.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
How do you feel the ruleset here is affecting your play style?
I held back on posting on d1. Many more posts feel unnatural to me in this format.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
How do you feel the playerbase is affecting your play style? ...I haven't played with most of this group before. or, if so, with minimal interaction.
Meh, it's an old-timers game. That means that there's a lot of meta that I don't get and am at a disadvantage evaluating. It also means that some players are very complacent about their ability to read other players. so I could have an advantage in those situations. It also means that the first few days' lynches will be from a small subset of the player base.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
Zurvan is in my dunno/could-be-lynchable column. There's some bias I'm trying to counter, though, b/c 1) he keeps calling me a wolf and 2) he was a major known wolf in Arrows, to us, for a long time.
I unvoted him.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
I'm not happy w/ you at the top of my wolf list, b/c if yr villa, yr a better player than me and yr lynch won't help the village.
lol come on now. I'd call us about even.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
Can you give a list of yr current reads, everyone?
I'm going to do some rereading and will post some more. Here's a start:

soah - spazmonkey
dgko - woof suspect
Zurvan - neutral
Epi - neutral
Pyro - slight villa lean

OMG why am I voting Epi instead of my prime woof suspect? Simple: Epi is a possible wagon. dgko is not. And I'd prefer to survive.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:22 PM
epi looks the worst from this zurvan wagon

if we assume zurv is a villager, then

case 1: elliot is villa/epi is wolf - start zurvan wagon to overtake epi wagon and make today elliot vs zurvan, v/v wagons

case 2: elliot is wolf/epi is wolf - start zurvan wagon to create a villa wagon against the w/w wagon to attempt to make wagons v/w or at least shake things up so things don't become inevitably elliot/epi

case 3: elliot is wolf/epi is villa - would be more likely to jump on the epi wagon

so epi looks worse than elliot because wagon makes sense only if both are wolves or epi is wolf...the case where elliot is wolf and epi is villa the zurvan wagon isn't as likely
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:24 PM
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:26 PM
village better save me one post to break open the last two woofs after soah got the other two, that if they don't I will be pissed and will do things that are not exactly pro villa
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:28 PM
First up sixfour: read - lean villager.

Two points: first, we've agreed on a lot -- he was on dgko yesterday and he was on Zurvan today. And that's despite me taking heat supposedly for those votes.

second, my and sixfour's similar voting + soah's opposite reads of us pretty much proves my point that soah's case on me is fake
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
07-19-2009 , 11:37 PM
Notes since last post:

Pyro has to be a villager here. His "how is everyone interacting with me" post is ridiulously hard to make as a wolf.

I'm also skipping over every Epicurius post and when I try to read him I just stop because I have no clue what I'm doing. Permaneutral read.

Nich =villa lean based on tone but he's fooled me before and to only make a tone read on Nich is teh scary.

Still wary of Kokiri's tone. Lots of "tilted" and "I call BS" and whatever.

Elliot is STILL focusing on Soah. He's done nothing to make me change my mind.

Zurvan makes a good point about G1982. So does Soah. Should focus on him more tomorrow IMO. His case on Zurvan felt forced.

Mostly I just want to move on. So vote Elliot and vote often.
HUSH: Limited Posting GAME THREAD Quote
